## changelog
- Remove `finite` (Use built-in Number.isFinite)
#### 1.2.0
- Add support for searching strings using `includes`
- Use native `Object.assign` when available
#### 1.1.2
- Add `includes` as alias to `contains`
#### 1.1.1
- Improve perf around chaining methods
#### 1.1.0
- add `and` and `or` functions
#### 1.0.0
- Convert to nodejs 4.x es6 support
#### 0.12.0
- Add `predicate.matches`
#### 0.11.0
- Add alias `predicate.nan`
- Add alias `predicate.regex` and `predicate.regexp`
- Add alias `predicate.le`
- Add alias `predicate.ge`
#### 0.10.2
- Changed from is.js to predicate.js
#### 0.10.0
- Added `is.primitive` ([@tgriesser](https://twitter.com/tgriesser))
- Update docs with `is.empty` ([@BlaineBublitz](https://twitter.com/BlaineBublitz))
- `is.empty` now throws for invalid types
#### 0.9.0
- Added `is.is` based off polyfill from MDN
- Added alias for `is.object` and `is.arr`
- `is.num(NaN)` now returns false
#### 0.8.2
- Correctly test for NaN in `is.contains`
#### 0.8.1
- Fix currying issue with `is.not`
#### 0.8.0
- Added `is.curry` which is used internally
- Added autocurrying for all functions that are arity 2
- `is.complement` can now return a function instead of just `booleans`
- `is.truthy` and `is.falsey` now respect js falsey values (eg 0, '', etc)
#### 0.7.3
- Refactored file structure
#### 0.7.2
- Update docs
#### 0.7.1
- Converted module to node style package
- build process uses browserify standalone
- Tests now in JS instead of CS (run much faster!)
- Internal changes around chaining
- Dropped gulp
#### 0.7.0
- Added `even`, `odd`
- Exposed `mod`
- Even more improved docs!
#### 0.6.0
- Removed `cmp`
- Added `is.empty`
- Alias `is.invert` as `is.complement`
- Expose `is.partial` from internals
- Improved docs
#### 0.5.0
- Added `is.zero`
- Fix `is.object` and `is.error`
- `is.ternary` now supports partial application
- `is.gt`, `is.gtEq`, `is.lt`, `is.ltEq` aliases added
#### 0.4.0
- Support for lazy chain evaluation
#### 0.3.0
- Expose `is.invert
- Added `is.contains
- Added `is.has
- Remove bower support
#### 0.2.0
- Added `is.pos`
- Added `is.neg`
- Added `is.ternary`
- Added `is.not`, which inverses all boolean returning predicate methods
#### 0.1.1
- Added is.bool/boolean method
#### 0.1.0
- Release