Triro is a mesh ray tracing library implemented with NVIDIA OptiX. It has compatible interface with trimesh.ray and provides other convenient functions.
You may need to enable unicode UTF-8 global support in Windows for some character set problems.
You need an OptiX SDK (>=7.7) installed to get to use Triro. If you are running Windows you also need an MSVC installation. First
# if you are running in Windows set the system variable
export OptiX_INSTALL_DIR=<Your Optix SDK installation directory>
pip install git+
git clone
cd trimesh-ray-optix
pip install .
import torch
import trimesh
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from triro.ray.ray_optix import RayMeshIntersector
# creating mesh and intersector
mesh = trimesh.creation.icosphere()
intersector = RayMeshIntersector(mesh=mesh)
# generating rays
y, x = torch.meshgrid([torch.linspace(1, -1, 800),
torch.linspace(-1, 1, 800)], indexing='ij')
z = -torch.ones_like(x)
ray_directions = torch.stack([x, y, z], dim=-1).cuda()
ray_origins = torch.Tensor([0, 0, 3]).cuda().broadcast_to(ray_directions.shape)
# OptiX, Launch!
hit, front, ray_idx, tri_idx, location, uv = intersector.intersects_closest(
ray_origins, ray_directions, stream_compaction=True
# drawing result
locs = torch.zeros((800, 800, 3)).cuda()
locs[hit] = location
The above code generates the following result:
- Installation on Windows
- Supporting Tensor strides
Scene closest-hit ray tracing tested under Ubuntu 22.04, i5-13490F and RTX 3090 (
GPU time: 8.362 s / 100000 iters
Trimesh & PyEmbree CPU time: 18.175 s / 100 iters
speedup: 2173x
The Trimesh document is here.
For detailed document see the wiki. All related functions are in the class RayMeshIntersector
so just check this page.