#!/usr/bin/env bash # by Lee Baird (@discoverscripts) # Special thanks to: # Jay Townsend (@jay_townsend1) - everything, conversion from Backtrack to Kali # Jason Ashton (@ninewires) - Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) compatibility, bug crusher, and bash ninja # # Thanks to: # Ben Wood (@DilithiumCore) - regex master # Dave Klug - planning, testing, and bug reports # Jason Arnold (@jasonarnold) - original concept and planning, co-author of crack-wifi # John Kim - Python guru, bug smasher, and parsers # Eric Milam (@Brav0Hax) - total re-write using functions # Hector Portillo - report framework v3 # Ian Norden (@iancnorden) - report framework v2 # Martin Bos (@cantcomputer) - IDS evasion techniques # Matt Banick - original development # Numerous people on freenode IRC - #bash and #sed (e36freak) # Rob Dixon (@304geek) - report framework concept # Robert Clowser (@dyslexicjedi)- all things # Saviour Emmanuel - Nmap parser # Securicon, LLC. - for sponsoring development of parsers # Steve Copland - report framework v1 # Arthur Kay (@arthurakay) - Python scripts # Brett Fitzpatrick (@brettfitz) - SQL query # Robleh Esa (@RoblehEsa) - SQL queries # OPSEC: change your default nmap user agent located on line 160 at /usr/share/nmap/nselib/http.lua ############################################################################################################################### f_terminate(){ SAVE_DIR=$HOME/data/cancelled-$(date +%H:%M:%S) mkdir -p "$SAVE_DIR" echo echo "[!] Terminating." echo echo -e "${YELLOW}Saving data to $SAVE_DIR.${NC}" cd "$DISCOVER"/ mv "$NAME" "$SAVE_DIR" 2>/dev/null mv tmp* "$SAVE_DIR" 2>/dev/null echo echo "[*] Saving complete." echo exit 1 } # Catch process termination trap f_terminate SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM ############################################################################################################################### # Global variables CWD=$(pwd) DISCOVER=$(locate discover.sh | head -n1 | sed 's:/[^/]*$::') MYIP=$(ip addr | grep 'global' | grep -Eiv '(:|docker)' | cut -d '/' -f1 | awk '{print $2}') RUNDATE=$(date +%B' '%d,' '%Y) SIP='sort -n -u -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4' LARGE='===============================================================================================================================' MEDIUM='==================================================================' SMALL='========================================' BLUE='\033[1;34m' RED='\033[1;31m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' NC='\033[0m' ############################################################################################################################### # Export variables if needed export CWD DISCOVER MYIP RUNDATE SIP export LARGE MEDIUM SMALL export BLUE RED YELLOW NC ############################################################################################################################### f_banner(){ echo echo -e "${YELLOW} _____ ___ _____ _____ _____ _ _ _____ _____ | \ | |____ | | | \ / |____ |____/ |_____/ _|_ _____| |_____ |_____| \/ |_____ | \_ By Lee Baird${NC}" echo echo } export -f f_banner ############################################################################################################################### f_error(){ echo echo -e "${RED}$SMALL${NC}" echo echo -e "${RED}[!] Invalid choice or entry.${NC}" echo echo -e "${RED}$SMALL${NC}" echo exit 1 } export -f f_error ############################################################################################################################### f_location(){ echo echo -n "Enter the location of your file: " read -r LOCATION # Check for no answer if [ -z "$LOCATION" ]; then f_error fi # Check for wrong answer if [ ! -f "$LOCATION" ]; then f_error fi } export -f f_location ############################################################################################################################### f_runlocally(){ if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then echo echo -e "${RED}$MEDIUM${NC}" echo echo -e "${RED}[!] This option must be ran locally.${NC}" echo echo -e "${RED}$MEDIUM${NC}" echo exit 1 fi } export -f f_runlocally ############################################################################################################################### f_scanname(){ f_typeofscan echo -e "${YELLOW}[*] Warning: no spaces allowed${NC}" echo echo -n "Name of scan: " read -r NAME # Validate scan name: only allow alphanumeric, dashes, and underscores if ! [[ "$NAME" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ ]]; then f_error fi mkdir -p "$NAME" export NAME } ############################################################################################################################### f_typeofscan(){ echo -e "${BLUE}Type of scan: ${NC}" echo echo "1. External" echo "2. Internal" echo "3. Previous menu" echo echo -n "Choice: " read -r CHOICE case "$CHOICE" in 1) echo echo -e "${YELLOW}[*] Setting the max probe round trip to 1.5s.${NC}" MAXRTT=1500ms echo echo "$MEDIUM" echo ;; 2) echo echo -e "${YELLOW}[*] Setting the max probe round trip to 500ms.${NC}" MAXRTT=500ms echo echo "$MEDIUM" echo ;; 3) f_main ;; *) f_error ;; esac } ############################################################################################################################### f_cidr(){ clear f_banner f_scanname echo echo "Usage:" echo echo -n "CIDR: " read -r CIDR # Check for no answer if [ -z "$CIDR" ]; then rm -rf "$NAME" f_error fi # Check for a valid CIDR if [[ ! "$CIDR" =~ ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\/[0-9]+$ ]]; then f_error fi echo "$CIDR" > tmp-list LOCATION=tmp-list echo echo -n "Do you have an exclusion list? (y/N) " read -r EXCLUDE if [ "$EXCLUDE" == "y" ]; then echo -n "Enter the path to the file: " read -r EXCLUDEFILE if [ -z "$EXCLUDEFILE" ]; then f_error fi if [ ! -f "$EXCLUDEFILE" ]; then f_error fi else touch tmp EXCLUDEFILE=tmp fi START=$(date +%r\ %Z) export START f_scan f_ports "$DISCOVER"/nse.sh f_run-metasploit "$DISCOVER"/report.sh && exit } ############################################################################################################################### f_list(){ clear f_banner f_scanname f_location touch tmp EXCLUDEFILE=tmp START=$(date +%r\ %Z) export START f_scan f_ports "$DISCOVER"/nse.sh f_run-metasploit "$DISCOVER"/report.sh && exit } ############################################################################################################################### f_single(){ clear f_banner f_scanname echo echo -n "IP, range or URL: " read -r TARGET # Check for no answer if [ -z "$TARGET" ]; then rm -rf "$NAME" f_error fi echo "$TARGET" > tmp-target LOCATION=tmp-target touch tmp EXCLUDEFILE=tmp START=$(date +%r\ %Z) export START f_scan f_ports "$DISCOVER"/nse.sh f_run-metasploit "$DISCOVER"/report.sh && exit } ############################################################################################################################### f_scan(){ CUSTOM='1-1040,1050,1080,1099,1158,1344,1352,1414,1433,1521,1720,1723,1883,1911,1962,2049,2202,2375,2628,2947,3000,3031,3050,3260,3306,3310,3389,3500,3632,4369,4786,5000,5019,5040,5060,5432,5560,5631,5632,5666,5672,5850,5900,5920,5984,5985,6000,6001,6002,6003,6004,6005,6379,6666,7210,7634,7777,8000,8009,8080,8081,8091,8140,8222,8332,8333,8400,8443,8834,9000,9084,9100,9160,9600,9999,10000,10443,10809,11211,12000,12345,13364,19150,20256,27017,28784,30718,35871,37777,46824,49152,50000,50030,50060,50070,50075,50090,60010,60030' FULL='1-65535' UDP='53,67,123,137,161,407,500,523,623,1434,1604,1900,2302,2362,3478,3671,4800,5353,5683,6481,17185,31337,44818,47808' echo echo -n "Perform full TCP port scan? (y/N) " read -r SCAN if [ "$SCAN" == "y" ]; then TCP=$FULL else TCP=$CUSTOM fi echo echo -n "Perform version detection? (y/N) " read -r VDETECTION if [ "$VDETECTION" == "y" ]; then S='sTV' U='sUV' else S='sT' U='sU' fi echo echo -n "Set scan delay. (0-5, enter for normal) " read -r DELAY # Check for no answer if [ -z "$DELAY" ]; then DELAY='0' fi if [ "$DELAY" -lt 0 ] || [ "$DELAY" -gt 5 ]; then f_error fi export DELAY echo echo -n "Run matching Metasploit auxiliaries? (y/N) " read -r MSF echo echo "$MEDIUM" echo sudo nmap --randomize-hosts -iL "$LOCATION" --excludefile "$EXCLUDEFILE" --privileged -n -PE -PS21-23,25,53,80,110-111,135,139,143,443,445,993,995,1723,3306,3389,5900,8080 -PU53,67-69,123,135,137-139,161-162,445,500,514,520,631,1434,1900,4500,49152 -"$S" -"$U" -p T:"$TCP",U:"$UDP" -O --osscan-guess --max-os-tries 1 --max-retries 2 --min-rtt-timeout 100ms --max-rtt-timeout "$MAXRTT" --initial-rtt-timeout 500ms --defeat-rst-ratelimit --min-rate 450 --max-rate 15000 --open --stats-every 30s --scan-delay "$DELAY" -oA "$NAME"/nmap if grep -q '(0 hosts up)' "$NAME"/nmap.nmap; then rm -rf "$NAME" tmp* echo echo "$MEDIUM" echo echo "[*] Scan complete." echo echo -e "${YELLOW}[*] No live hosts were found.${NC}" echo exit fi # Clean up grep -Eiv '(0000:|0010:|0020:|0030:|0040:|0050:|0060:|0070:|0080:|0090:|00a0:|00b0:|00c0:|00d0:|1 hop|closed|guesses|guessing|filtered|fingerprint|general purpose|initiated|latency|network distance|no exact os|no os matches|os cpe|please report|rttvar|scanned in|unreachable|warning)' "$NAME"/nmap.nmap | sed 's/Nmap scan report for //g' | sed '/^OS:/d' > "$NAME"/nmap.txt grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' "$NAME"/nmap.nmap | $SIP > "$NAME"/hosts.txt hosts=$(wc -l "$NAME"/hosts.txt | cut -d ' ' -f1) # BUG: I don't think this is needed grep 'open' "$NAME"/nmap.txt | grep -v 'WARNING' | awk '{print $1}' | sort -un > "$NAME"/ports.txt grep 'tcp' "$NAME"/ports.txt | cut -d '/' -f1 > "$NAME"/ports-tcp.txt grep 'udp' "$NAME"/ports.txt | cut -d '/' -f1 > "$NAME"/ports-udp.txt grep 'open' "$NAME"/nmap.txt | grep -v 'really open' | awk '{for (i=4;i<=NF;i++) {printf "%s%s",sep, $i;sep=" "}; printf "\n"}' | sed 's/^ //' | sort -u | sed '/^$/d' > "$NAME"/banners.txt while read -r i; do grep " $i/open/tcp//appserv-http/\| $i/open/tcp//http/\| $i/open/tcp//http-alt/\| $i/open/tcp//http-proxy/\| $i/open/tcp//snet-sensor-mgmt/\| $i/open/tcp//sun-answerbook/\| $i/open/tcp//vnc-http/\| $i/open/tcp//wbem-http/\| $i/open/tcp//wsman/" "$NAME"/nmap.gnmap | sed -e 's/Host: //g' -e 's/ (.*//g' -e 's.^.http://.g' -e "s/$/:$i/g" | $SIP >> tmp grep " $i/open/tcp//compaq-https/\| $i/open/tcp//https/\| $i/open/tcp//https-alt/\| $i/open/tcp//ssl|giop/\| $i/open/tcp//ssl|http/\| $i/open/tcp//tungsten-https/\| $i/open/tcp//ssl|unknown/\| $i/open/tcp//wsmans/" "$NAME"/nmap.gnmap | sed -e 's/Host: //g' -e 's/ (.*//g' -e 's.^.https://.g' -e "s/$/:$i/g" | $SIP >> tmp2 done < "$NAME"/ports-tcp.txt sed 's/http:\/\///g' tmp > "$NAME"/http.txt sed 's/https:\/\///g' tmp2 > "$NAME"/https.txt # Remove all empty files find "$NAME"/ -type f -empty -exec rm {} + } ############################################################################################################################### f_ports(){ echo echo "$MEDIUM" echo echo -e "${BLUE}Locating high value ports.${NC}" echo " TCP" TCP_PORTS="13 19 21 22 23 25 37 69 70 79 80 102 110 111 119 135 139 143 389 433 443 445 465 502 512 513 514 523 524 548 554 563 587 623 631 636 771 831 873 902 993 995 998 1050 1080 1099 1158 1344 1352 1414 1433 1521 1720 1723 1883 1911 1962 2049 2202 2375 2628 2947 3000 3031 3050 3260 3306 3310 3389 3500 3632 4369 4786 5000 5019 5040 5060 5432 5560 5631 5632 5666 5672 5850 5900 5920 5984 5985 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6379 6666 7210 7634 7777 8000 8009 8080 8081 8091 8140 8222 8332 8333 8400 8443 8834 9000 9084 9100 9160 9600 9999 10000 10443 10809 11211 12000 12345 13364 19150 20256 27017 28784 30718 35871 37777 46824 49152 50000 50030 50060 50070 50075 50090 60010 60030" for i in $TCP_PORTS; do cat "$NAME"/nmap.gnmap | grep "\<$i/open/tcp\>" | cut -d ' ' -f2 | $SIP > "$NAME"/"$i".txt done if [ -f "$NAME"/523.txt ]; then mv "$NAME"/523.txt "$NAME"/523-tcp.txt fi if [ -f "$NAME"/5060.txt ]; then mv "$NAME"/5060.txt "$NAME"/5060-tcp.txt fi echo " UDP" UDP_PORTS="53 67 123 137 161 407 500 523 623 1434 1604 1900 2302 2362 3478 3671 4800 5353 5683 6481 17185 31337 44818 47808" for i in $UDP_PORTS; do cat "$NAME"/nmap.gnmap | grep "\<$i/open/udp\>" | cut -d ' ' -f2 | $SIP > "$NAME"/"$i".txt done if [ -f "$NAME"/523.txt ]; then mv "$NAME"/523.txt "$NAME"/523-udp.txt fi # Combine Apache HBase ports and sort cat "$NAME"/60010.txt "$NAME"/60030.txt > tmp $SIP tmp > "$NAME"/apache-hbase.txt # Combine Bitcoin ports and sort cat "$NAME"/8332.txt "$NAME"/8333.txt > tmp $SIP tmp > "$NAME"/bitcoin.txt # Combine DB2 ports and sort cat "$NAME"/523-tcp.txt "$NAME"/523-udp.txt > tmp $SIP tmp > "$NAME"/db2.txt # Combine Hadoop ports and sort cat "$NAME"/50030.txt "$NAME"/50060.txt "$NAME"/50070.txt "$NAME"/50075.txt "$NAME"/50090.txt > tmp $SIP tmp > "$NAME"/hadoop.txt # Combine NNTP ports and sort cat "$NAME"/119.txt "$NAME"/433.txt "$NAME"/563.txt > tmp $SIP tmp > "$NAME"/nntp.txt # Combine SMTP ports and sort cat "$NAME"/25.txt "$NAME"/465.txt "$NAME"/587.txt > tmp $SIP tmp > "$NAME"/smtp.txt # Combine X11 ports and sort cat "$NAME"/6000.txt "$NAME"/6001.txt "$NAME"/6002.txt "$NAME"/6003.txt "$NAME"/6004.txt "$NAME"/6005.txt > tmp $SIP tmp > "$NAME"/x11.txt # Remove all empty files find "$NAME"/ -type f -empty -exec rm {} + } ############################################################################################################################### f_cleanup(){ grep -Eiv 'starting nmap|host is up|sf|:$|service detection performed|https' tmp | sed '/^Nmap scan report/{n;d}' | sed 's/Nmap scan report for/Host:/g' > tmp4 } export -f f_cleanup ############################################################################################################################### f_run-metasploit(){ if [ "$MSF" == "y" ]; then "$DISCOVER"/msf-aux.sh fi } ############################################################################################################################### f_enumerate(){ clear f_banner f_typeofscan echo -n "Enter the location of your previous scan: " read -r LOCATION # Check for no answer if [ -z "$LOCATION" ]; then f_error fi # Check for wrong answer if [ ! -d "$LOCATION" ]; then f_error fi NAME=$LOCATION echo echo -n "Set scan delay. (0-5, enter for normal) " read -r DELAY # Check for no answer if [ -z "$DELAY" ]; then DELAY='0' fi if [ "$DELAY" -lt 0 ] || [ "$DELAY" -gt 5 ]; then f_error fi export DELAY "$DISCOVER"/nse.sh echo echo "$MEDIUM" f_run-metasploit echo echo "$MEDIUM" echo echo "[*] Scan complete." echo echo -e "The supporting data folder is located at ${YELLOW}$NAME${NC}" echo exit } ############################################################################################################################### f_main(){ clear f_banner if [ ! -d "$HOME"/data ]; then mkdir -p "$HOME"/data fi echo -e "${BLUE}RECON${NC}" echo "1. Domain" echo "2. Person" echo echo -e "${BLUE}SCANNING${NC}" echo "3. Generate target list" echo "4. CIDR" echo "5. List" echo "6. IP, range, or URL" echo "7. Rerun Nmap scripts and MSF aux" echo echo -e "${BLUE}WEB${NC}" echo "8. Insecure direct object reference" echo "9. Open multiple tabs in Firefox" echo "10. Nikto" echo "11. SSL" echo echo -e "${BLUE}MISC${NC}" echo "12. Parse XML" echo "13. Generate a malicious payload" echo "14. Start a Metasploit listener" echo "15. Update" echo "16. Exit" echo echo -n "Choice: " read -r CHOICE case "$CHOICE" in 1) "$DISCOVER"/domain.sh ;; 2) "$DISCOVER"/person.sh && exit ;; 3) "$DISCOVER"/generateTargets.sh && exit ;; 4) f_cidr ;; 5) f_list ;; 6) f_single ;; 7) f_enumerate ;; 8) "$DISCOVER"/directObjectRef.sh && exit ;; 9) "$DISCOVER"/multiTabs.sh && exit ;; 10) "$DISCOVER"/nikto.sh && exit ;; 11) "$DISCOVER"/ssl.sh && exit ;; 12) "$DISCOVER"/parse.sh && exit ;; 13) "$DISCOVER"/payload.sh && exit ;; 14) "$DISCOVER"/listener.sh && exit ;; 15) sudo "$DISCOVER"/update.sh && exit ;; 16) exit ;; 99) sudo "$DISCOVER"/newModules.sh && exit ;; *) echo; echo -e "${RED}[!] Invalid choice or entry, try again.${NC}"; echo; sleep 2; f_main ;; esac } export -f f_main # Run the script f_main