chore: bump versions in root and suite package.json [skip actions]
chore: bump versions in root and suite package.json [skip actions]
renamed var
renamed var
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into fix/menu-import-layout
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into fix/menu-import-layout
added constant name to value
added constant name to value
chore: bump versions in root and suite package.json [skip actions]
chore: bump versions in root and suite package.json [skip actions]
chore: bump versions in root and suite package.json [skip actions]
chore: bump versions in root and suite package.json [skip actions]
put exclamation back
put exclamation back
add unit tests
add unit tests
Bumps typescript from 5.3.3 to 5.8.2.
Bumps typescript from 5.3.3 to 5.8.2.
Update es-lint to 8.27.0
Update es-lint to 8.27.0
Use ternary insted of if
Use ternary insted of if
chore: bump versions in root and suite package.json [skip actions]
chore: bump versions in root and suite package.json [skip actions]
Updates @typescript-eslint/rule-tester from 8.16.0 to 8.25.0
Updates @typescript-eslint/rule-tester from 8.16.0 to 8.25.0
Fix filter of topics not working in NodeEditor
Fix filter of topics not working in NodeEditor
let sonar key with capital letter
let sonar key with capital letter