For this course you need a working installation of Python along with some required packages. This is made easy by the Anaconda distribution, which provides a current Python version bundled together with many popular packages for Data Science. Anaconda also provides you with the conda package manager, which you can use to install additional Python packages.
To install Anaconda, follow this link to download the installer and use default settings for everything.
On a Windows computer you should now have an installed program named Anaconda Prompt. On Mac you can just use the regular Terminal window. Next, type the following commands in the Anaconda Prompt / Terminal:
conda activate base
jupyter notebook
Now, the Jupyter application should open in your webbrowser. Next, switch to some random folder on the Jupyter interface and then click on New
→Python 3
Now, a Jupyter Notebook with a single code cell should open. Click into the code cell and enter the following code which will test if your installation works as intended:
import seaborn as sns
print("Hello World")
sns.scatterplot(x=[1,2,3], y=[1,2,3])
Click on the ▶ Run
button. Your output should now look like this:
If it does, congratulations! You now have a working installation of Python with a lot of packages required for scientific computing. Now close the Anaconda Prompt / Terminal and your webbrowser to shutdown Jupyter. You can also delete the .ipynb_checkpoints
folder which Jupyter automatically built in the folder in which you just created this Python file.
If something went wrong in the installation and you cannot figure it out, feel free to message Leonhard or me on the course discord.