issues Search Results · repo:lofar-astron/factor language:Python
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227 results
(61 ms)227 results
inlofar-astron/factor (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi,
I m having trouble with a rather non-descriptive error thrown during the pre_average step by python_plugin which I have
copied below. It only occurs during some facets. My dataset is multi-epoch (3 ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 12, 2020
- #231
Hi, i am running factor that fails with the following logs:
DEBUG - factor:facet_patch_224 - Calibrator is 0.00310144973491 deg across DEBUG - factor:facet_patch_224 - Target
timewidth for selfcal is ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 25, 2020
- #230
I was running factor, and I got. I did the initial subtract pipeline, and used a recent version of prefactor to do that
IOError: Column angle 62.22443559 deg ] is not currently allowed.
- 4
- Opened on Aug 19, 2019
- #229
Hi all, I m trying to run FACTOR on PREFACTORed data from P23Hetdex20. This data is from the observation used for LOFAR
SCHOOL 2018 (ObsID 232875) but I only use the first 20 subbands. So, after running ...
- Opened on Aug 8, 2019
- #228
I m running factor on some test data from the lofar archive. However it is crashing on some facets when the pre_average
step is performed. Factor-status facet_patch_807.out.log The data coming out of pre-factor ...
- 2
- Opened on Apr 5, 2019
- #227
Dear David,
Could you please let me know if there is a new Factor version compatible with Prefactor V3 outputs?
Thanks, Mamta
- 1
- Opened on Feb 15, 2019
- #226
Trying some further out sources (with international station) the pipeline crashes at convert_merged_selfcal_parmdbs with
the following error:
2018-10-24 21:09:22 ERROR ...
- 5
- Opened on Oct 29, 2018
- #225
There s a comma missing between -f and --fits_mask in the argument parsing section: ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 5, 2018
- #224
Not really a Factor issue I think, but now I get a crash at the convert_merged_selfcal_parmdbs step. I ve investigated a
bit and when trying to run the script outside the pipeline I found out that the ...
- 13
- Opened on Sep 18, 2018
- #223
Factor crashes for me at the merge_amp_parmdbs2 (right after solve_ampphase22) step with merge_parmdbs_in_time failed.
Looking in the logs, there is the following error:
Table /net/para11/data2/sweijen/LOFAR_VLBI/4C43.15_factor/tmp/facet_patch_374_5c7a0e/L427100_SB120_129_uv.dppp.ndppp_prep_target.dysco_chunk11_127A48492t_0g.merge_amp_parmdbs2 ...
- 4
- Opened on Sep 13, 2018
- #222

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