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Logdy - terminal logs in web browser

Webpage | Demo | Docs | Download | Blog |

Latest version: 0.16.0 (6 March 2024) - Read announcement

Logdy is a lightweight, single-binary log viewer that works just like grep, awk, sed, or jq. Simply add it to your PATH—no installation, deployment, or compilation required. It runs entirely locally, ensuring security and privacy. Read more.

Key features

  • Zero-dependency single binary
  • Embedded Web UI
  • Real-time log viewing and filtering
  • Secure local operation
  • Multiple input modes (files, stdin, sockets, REST API)
  • Custom parsers and columns with TypeScript support (code editor with types support)
  • Go library integration

Standalone use

# Use with any shell command
$ tail -f file.log | logdy
WebUI started, visit http://localhost:8080

# Read log files
$ logdy follow app-out.log --full-read
WebUI started, visit http://localhost:8080

More use modes in the docs.

Use as a Go library

package main

import ""

func main(){
  logdyLogger := logdy.InitializeLogdy(logdy.Config{
    ServerIp:       "",
    ServerPort:     "8080",
  }, nil)

  // app code...

  logdyLogger.LogString("This is a message")
  logdyLogger.Log(logdy.Fields{"msg": "supports structured logs too", "url": "some url here"})

Check docs or example app.

Demo of the UI



Visit for more info and detailed documentation.

Project status: New features added actively.

Logdy is in active development, with new features being added regularly. Feedback is welcome from early adopters. Feel free to post Issues, Pull Requests and contribute in the Discussions. Stay tuned for updates, visit Logdy Blog.

Install using script

The command below will download the latest release and add the executable to your system's PATH. You can also use it to update Logdy.

curl | sh

Install with Homebrew (MacOS)

On MacOS you can use homebrew to install Logdy.

brew install logdy

Download precompiled binary

Navigate to releases Github page and download the latest release for your architecture.

mv logdy_linux_amd64 logdy;
chmod +x logdy;

Additionally, you can add the binary to your PATH for easier access.

Quick start

Whatever the below command will produce to the output, will be forwarded to a Web UI.

node index.js | logdy

The following should appear

INFO[2024-02...] WebUI started, visit http://localhost:8080    port=8080

Open the URL Address and start building parsers, columns and filters.

There are multiple other ways you can run Logdy, check the docs.

Install Go library

go get -u

Read more about how to use Logdy embedded into your Go app.


For product documentation navigate to the official docs.

CLI Usage

  logdy [command] [flags]
  logdy [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  demo        Starts a demo mode, random logs will be produced, the [number] defines a number of messages produced per second
  follow      Follows lines added to files. Example `logdy follow foo.log /var/log/bar.log`
  forward     Forwards the STDIN to a specified port, example `tail -f file.log | logdy forward 8123`
  help        Help about any command
  socket      Sets up a port to listen on for incoming log messages. Example `logdy socket 8233`. You can setup multiple ports `logdy socket 8123 8124 8125`
  stdin       Listens to STDOUT/STDERR of a provided command. Example `logdy stdin "npm run dev"`
  utils       A set of utility commands that help working with large files

      --api-key string                API key (send as a header Authorization)
      --append-to-file string         Path to a file where message logs will be appended, the file will be created if it doesn't exist
      --append-to-file-raw            When 'append-to-file' is set, raw lines without metadata will be saved to a file
      --bulk-window int               A time window during which log messages are gathered and send in a bulk to a client. Decreasing this window will improve the 'real-time' feeling of messages presented on the screen but could decrease UI performance (default 100)
      --config string                 Path to a file where a config (json) for the UI is located
      --disable-ansi-code-stripping   Use this flag to disable Logdy from stripping ANSI sequence codes
  -t, --fallthrough                   Will fallthrough all of the stdin received to the terminal as is (will display incoming messages)
  -h, --help                          help for logdy
      --max-message-count int         Max number of messages that will be stored in a buffer for further retrieval. On buffer overflow, oldest messages will be removed. (default 100000)
  -n, --no-analytics                  Opt-out from sending anonymous analytical data that helps improve Logdy
  -u, --no-updates                    Opt-out from checking updates on program startup
  -p, --port string                   Port on which the Web UI will be served (default "8080")
      --ui-ip string                  Bind Web UI server to a specific IP address (default "")
      --ui-pass string                Password that will be used to authenticate in the UI
  -v, --verbose                       Verbose logs
      --version                       version for logdy

It is possible to also provide some of the options as ENV variables, read more in the docs


For development, we recommend running demo mode

go run . demo 1

The above command will start Logdy in demo mode with 1 log message produced per second. You can read more about demo mode.

If you would like to develop with UI, check readme for logdy-ui for instructions how to run both together during development.


This repository uses static asset embedding during compilation. This way, the UI is served from a single binary. Before you build make sure you copy a compiled UI (follow the instructions about building) in http/assets directory. The UI is already commited to this repository, so you don't have to do anymore actions.

Look at http/embed.go for more details on how UI is embedded into the binary.

For a local architecture build:

go build


For a cross architecture build use gox. This will generate multiple binaries (in bin/ dir) for specific architectures, don't forget to update main.Version tag.

gox \
    -ldflags "-X 'main.Version=x.x.x'" \
    -output="bin/{{.Dir}}_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}" \
    -osarch="linux/amd64 windows/386 windows/amd64 darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 linux/arm64"

Once it's ready, publish the binaries in a new Github release. Again, don't forget to update the version.

ghr vx.x.x bin/