- PR #1389 Load faker I18n using custom backend chaining @pjohnmeyer
- PR #1384 Quick number method bugfix @vbrazo
- PR #1377 Fallback translation without available locales enforcement @deivid-rodriguez
- PR #1368 Don't force enforce_available_locales @deivid-rodriguez
- PR #1355 Fix global clear of unique values for Faker::UniqueGenerator @kolasss
- PR #1335 Fix Company.luhn_algorithm and add missing tests @01max
- PR #1334 Faker::Number.leading_zero_number should always start with 0 @vbrazo
- PR #1317 Change Faker::Lorem.multibyte logic @ShabelnikM
- PR #527 Fix time period test that could result in a flake test within 15 days @melonhead901
- PR #1310 Add alias for middle_name and remove locale @vbrazo
- PR #1403 Faker::SouthPark => Faker::Movies::SouthPark @vbrazo
- PR #1401 Faker::GratefulDead => Faker::Movies::GratefulDead @vbrazo
- PR #1362 Faker::Types minor cleanup @stephengroat
- PR #1347 Remove launchy dependency @vbrazo
- PR #1311 Target Ruby 2.3 @tagliala
- PR #372 Add test_password_could_achieve_max_length @oleksii-ti
- PR #803 Modify Faker::Educator, Fix #576 @ghbooth12
- PR #1380 Update year in License.txt @dnamsons
- PR #1364 Update readme for Faker::Code to fix typo @matt297
- PR #1360 added sushi and sorted by word @yizknn
- PR #1357 Fix South Africa documentation @bradleymarques
- PR #1354 Update docs for Lorem @softwaregravy
- PR #1353 Update documentation for Faker::Number @softwaregravy
- PR #1329 Update docs on behavior of price @softwaregravy
- PR #1400 Add Faker::Movies::Ghostbusters @eddorre
- PR #1399 Add Faker::Games::HeroesOfTheStorm @illsism
- PR #1396 Add Faker::Creature::Animal @molbrown
- PR #1382 Adding Faker::IDNumber.brazilian_citizen_number @bschettino
- PR #1062 Markdown exclude method @russellschmidt
- PR #1381 Add Faker::Games::HalfLife @jthomp
- PR #1374 Add Faker::Beer.brand @thalesap
- PR #1302 Add Faker::Alphanumeric @mtancoigne
- PR #1156 Add Faker::Json @the-wendell
- PR #1359 Add Faker::Tezos @Pierre-Michard
- PR #1366 Add Faker::Seinfeld.business @dsgraham
- PR #1358 Add cat breed for Japanese @yizknn
- PR #1365 Add Faker::Number.within @QuantumWaver
- PR #1336 Implements and tests South African business registration numbers @bradleymarques
- PR #1346 Add Faker::Relationship @QuantumWaver
- PR #1348 Add Faker::Finance.vat_number @vbrazo
- PR #1342 Added Faker::CryptoCoin scope @jacksonpires
- PR #1338 Add new translations to the en-ZA locale @bradleymarques
- PR #1341 Add Faker::Construction @benwyrosdick
- PR #1130 Faker::Vehicle API updates @lucasqueiroz
- PR #1324 Add Faker::SouthAfrica @bradleymarques
- PR #1319 Added Faker::DC Comics @JoelLindow
- PR #1320 Add Faker::Buffy @inveterateliterate
- PR #1148 Adding Industry Segments Class @cdesch
- PR #893 Add Faker::ChileRut @oxfist
- PR #1315 Add Faker::GratefulDead @wileybaba
- PR #1314 Add Faker::SouthPark @saurabhudaniya200
- PR #1313 Add Faker::Restaurant @dwhitlow
- PR #1307 Add "exclude" method to UniqueGenerator @mtancoigne
- PR #1115 Add Faker::Cosmere @JauntyJames
- PR #801 Add Faker::NHS - Support for the British National Health Service @substrakt-health
- PR #1402 Update heroes_of_the_storm.yml @eddorre
- PR #1398 Fix female_first_name and male_first_name @vbrazo
- PR #1395 Add middle_name to other locales @vbrazo
- PR #1394 Add name_with_middle - es locale and missing tests @vbrazo
- PR #1393 Add missing pt-BR methods and locale tests @vbrazo
- PR #1392 Add missing locales/methods for Faker::Name pt-BR @heitorado
- PR #1391 Add state abbr for Sergipe and Tocatins @VSPPedro
- PR #1390 Add more Dutch names @EhsanZ
- PR #1386 Add locale file for Arabic language and test it @EhsanZ
- PR #1385 Updated license plate by state for Brazil @edgardmessias
- PR #1373 📝 Correct some minor spelling errors @mermop
- PR #1372 Add space planet and galaxy for Japanese @yizknn
- PR #1370 Add missed comma @7up4
- PR #1352 Add Japanese Food Sushi for Japanese and English @yizknn
- PR #1343 Update cell phone format to be phonelib compatible for Vietnam locale @Looooong
- PR #1340 Fix typos and additions for Faker::Esport @Mayurifag
- PR #1332 Fix typo in buffy.big_bads @tragiclifestories
- PR #1327 fixed 2 quotes @MinimumViablePerson
- PR #1316 Add more dishes to the menu @bjacquet
v1.9.1 (2018-07-11)
- PR #1308 Add Faker::BojackHorseman @saurabhudaniya200
- PR #1292 Add Faker::Bank - account_number and routing_number @vbrazo
- PR #1300 Add Faker::GreekPhilosophers @15ngburton
- PR #1004 Add Faker::Ethereum @kaizenx
- PR #551 Add gender to name generator @Maicolben
- PR #1283 Add Faker::Military @jjasghar
- PR #1279 Add Faker::HarryPotter.spell @A9u
- PR #799 Faker::ElectricalComponents @bheim6
- PR #1050 Add Faker::Invoice to generate valid bank slip references @onnimonni
- PR #817 Faker::Lorem.multibyte for multibyte chars @frankywahl
- PR #877 Add Canada SIN generator in Faker::Code @gkunwar
- PR #1268 Add Faker::Nation.national_sport @gkunwar
- PR #1273 Add Faker::Device @vbrazo
- PR #1272 Add Faker::DrWho.actor @timcustard
- PR #1270 Add Faker::Name.middle_name @vbrazo
- PR #1266 Add Faker::Science.element_symbol @timcustard
- PR #1101 Add Faker::Company.czech_organisation_number @jindrichskupa
- PR #1265 Add Faker::WorldCup @snayrouz
- PR #1141 Add Faker::Coffee.intensifier @oyeanuj
- PR #1260 Add Faker::Auto features to Faker::Vehicle @mrstebo
- PR #1259 Add the ability to add separators to emails. @aamarill
- PR #1064 Add Faker::Markdown.sandwich @russellschmidt
- PR #1222 Add paragraph_by_chars functionality @jguthrie100
- PR #1107 Add tokens to Faker::Stripe @wecohere
- PR #1258 Remove simplecov-console and add coverage_report rake task @vbrazo
- PR #1247 Generate capital city of random Nation @gkunwar
- PR #1250 House appliances @rafaelcpalmeida
- PR #1239 Update Faker::Food to separate out Fruits and Veggies @susiirwin
- PR #1221 Updated the Readme file with the new logo @tobaloidee
- PR #1109 Added Princess Bride @jayphodges
- PR #987 Add Faker::Cannabis class @GhostGroup
- PR #1199 Add Faker::StrangerThings @Connerh92
- PR #1129 Added SingularSiegler quotes @splashinn
- PR #1235 Added Faker::Community @vbrazo
- PR #1144 Added polish_register_of_national_economy and polish_taxpayer_identification_number @rafalpetryka
- PR #1201 Adding Currency Symbol to Faker @SaimonL
- PR #1230 Add Faker::SwordArtOnline @lnchambers
- PR #792 Add Faker::FamousLastWords @susiirwin
- PR #1174 Dota API: Str Heroes, heroes quotes, Items, Teams, Players @felipesousafs
- PR #1220 Updates for Faker::Myst @SpyMaster356
- PR #1218 Add Faker::Myst @SpyMaster356
- PR #818 LoremFlickr support @mrstebo
- PR #1192 Space: Added space launch vehicule @gauth-ier
- PR #1211 Add bands, genres, and albums to Music @jmkoni
- PR #1215 Added Nato Phonetic Alphabet @timcustard
- PR #1209 Add Faker::Source @graciano
- PR #1147 Add Spanish citizen id and docs @PuZZleDucK
- PR #1189 Add Faker::Football @AlexGascon
- PR #1202 adds both inclusive and binary gender option @jmkoni
- PR #1193 Add Faker::MichaelScott API @snayrouz
- PR #1179 Random color with Placeholdit @nicolas-brousse
- PR #1190 Add Nation object, its specs and docs @gkunwar
- PR #1210 Add coveralls @vbrazo
- PR #924 Rubocop + fixes @stephengroat
- PR #900 Add Japanese lorem words to locale @vietqhoang
- PR #1297 Faker::WorldCup updates @JoaoHenriqueVale
- PR #616 add german commerce translations @weh
- PR #1281 Some competitions were in the coaches array @Eusebiotrigo
- PR #1103 Fix inconsistent capitalization in dishes, ingredients and spices, and some other small issues under 'food' @evrimfeyyaz
- PR #1262 Add fr_CH locale @elentras
- PR #1261 Add fr_CA locale @elentras
- PR #1275 Fix typo; RedWine should be two words @johnmuhl
- PR #1269 Update Faker::ProgrammingLanguage.name locales @vbrazo
- PR #1140 Add Estonian and Latvian locales @maciej-szlosarczyk
- PR #1249 Update list of name prefixes for sv locale. kamilbielawski
- PR #1228 Added Japanese color to yml @katao
- PR #1106 Adds turkish phone number formats @zasman
- PR #794 Adding country code + minor locale updates @vveliev
- PR #439 Remove Eichmann surname @jonahwh
- PR #1203 Finnish locale has 50 most common male, female, and last names @Glenf
- PR #1183 Correct the spelling of Gringotts @rhoen
- PR #1236 Updates dessert faker @susiirwin
- PR #1229 sv.yml: Typos @olleolleolle
- PR #1108 Update Faker::Dessert @natalietate
- PR #1122 Fix formatting for Brazilian phone and cell phone numbers @lucasqueiroz
- PR #1138 Update locales - Faker::Overwatch @tanner0101
- PR #1117 Added Ukrainian entries to yml @RomanIsko
- PR #1305 Fix YAML syntax - single quote escape (on vehicle.yml) @YumaInaura
- PR #1196 Fix PhoneNumber in es-MX @drewish
- PR #1133 Fix I18n 0.9.3 compatibility @tagliala
- PR #1292 Fix flexible keys crashing when current locale does not provide them @deivid-rodriguez
- PR #1274 Allow Faker::Address.zip_code to have leading zero @igor-starostenko
- PR #1241 Add missing tests reported by SimpleCov @aamarill
- PR #1240 Add some tests @aamarill
- PR #1238 pluralized file to match link name in the readme @Connerh92
- PR #1232 Fix file permissions @tagliala
- PR #1205 Show the type of field that violated a uniqueness constraint @AndrewRayCode
- PR #1227 Update RuboCop to 0.56.0 @tagliala
- PR #1225 Test against latest Ruby versions @tagliala
- PR #1134 Test against latest Ruby versions @tagliala
- PR #1223 Fix minitest warnings @vbrazo
- PR #1198 Rename methods on Faker::Types to avoid shadowing ruby standard methods @MarcPer
- PR #1142 Missing i18n jobs fix @PuZZleDucK
- PR #1213 Add missing tests after adding Coveralls @vbrazo
- PR #1212 Coveralls should ignore test folder @vbrazo
- PR #1181 Fix: Moved the Google Omniauth key id_info from root into extra @SirRawlins
- PR #1207 use default rake task @stephengroat
- PR #1136 Modify Faker::Internet.slug @philduffen
- PR #1170 First_name and last_name should use the parse method - :ru locale @vbrazo
- PR #1197 Fixes NL postcode @JonathanWThom
- PR #1172 Fix Fixnum reference warning @vbrazo
- PR #1173 Fix tests warning @vbrazo
- PR #1304 Fix Faker::Source ruby language examples @YumaInaura
- PR #1306 Rename Internet#user_name to #username @tylerhunt
- PR #1293 Update RuboCop to 0.57.2 @tagliala
- PR #1294 Simpler requiring of test helper @deivid-rodriguez
- PR #1288 rake console changes - description and contributing.md @MarcPer
- PR #719 Random words to add should be 0 @swapsCAPS
- PR #1121 Better docs for Faker::Food.description @jujulisan
- PR #1257 Fix method name in Faker::SingularSiegler @mrstebo
- PR #1256 Fixing documentation - Faker::Name to Faker::Zelda @mrstebo
- PR #1254 Added missing documentation. @mrstebo
- PR #1252 Add missing documentation - Faker::Address to Faker::Myst @vbrazo
- PR #1248 Remove duplications from company.md @vrinek
- PR #1146 Update company docs @PuZZleDucK
- PR #974 Specify version number each class was introduced @darylf
- PR #1128 Use ruby syntax highlighting in Omniauth doc @swrobel
- PR #1204 Update sample output of
@joshuapinter - PR #1135 Added documentation for dumb and dumber @cnharris10
- PR #1177 Update Faker::Number.between docs @SpyMaster356
- PR #1124 Fix ranges for Brazilian zip codes @lucasqueiroz
- New collaborator - Vitor Oliveira @vbrazo
- PR #1264 Prepare Faker::Name.job_titles and Faker::Name.title for deprecation
- Removing these methods as they are available in
- Removing these methods as they are available in
v1.8.7 (2017-12-22)
- Faker::Company.type
- Faker::Job.education_level and Faker::Job.employment_type
- More characters and quotes for Seinfeld
- Revert a change in 1.8.5 that caused Star Wars methods to return a single string rather than an array (#1093)
v1.8.6 (2017-12-21)
- Faker::App.semantic_version
- Faker::Types
- New methods in Faker::StarWars: call_squadron, call_sign, call_number
Other changes
- Changed i18n depedency from
~> 0.9.1
to>= 0.7
v1.8.5 (2017-12-06)
Closed issues:
- The latest version does not contain Faker::ProgarmmingLanguage, but the documentation said it does. #1083
- undefined method `initials' for Faker::Name:Class #1076
- Undefined method `dish' for Faker::Food:Class #1038
- Need Silicon Valley #1026
- Would it be possible to tie quotes to characters? #1011
- Generated phone numbers dont seem to be valid. #1010
- Faker::RickAndMorty not supported in 1.7.3 #988
- Weird crash with Faker 1.8.3 #982
- Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone not enforcing locale #499
- https url scheme #459
- New feature: Google video and image searching #306
- The array extension method :sample throw an argument error when the array is empty #94
- phone_number can generate invalid US numbers #24
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes a few typos in names and deletes a duplicate #1084 (katelovescode)
- Fix Faker::Dog and add tests #1082 (wtanna)
- Remove broken example from README #1081 (dentarg)
- Remove problematic char from German street roots #1080 (Kjir)
- Add Faker::VForVendetta #1073 (backpackerhh)
- Fixes typos, removes a duplicate #1072 (katelovescode)
- "Flint\s\sof the mountains" ==> "Flint\sof the mountains" #1071 (seanwedig)
- add ru_chars to Char #1070 (startaper)
- Updated documentation to match correct methods #1069 (LasseSviland)
- Add the @flexible_key value to the Vehicle Class #1067 (agustin)
- kpop #1066 (j0shuachen)
- Change git URL to use https instead git protocol #1065 (buncismamen)
- Add more quotes to the silicon valley yml file to provide more variety #1060 (danielwheeler1987)
- change korean postcode format #1058 (sunghyuk)
- Breaking bad #1056 (danilobarion1986)
- Star wars quotes #1054 (russellschmidt)
- Dune and Potential Solution to Issue 1011 #1051 (russellschmidt)
- add Malaysia's commercials and islamics bank #1045 (sanik90)
- organize and add star wars data #1043 (tjchecketts)
- Fix usage document #1040 (sashiyama)
- introduce Aqua Teen Hunger Force characters #1037 (ethagnawl)
- added 1 hero, 2 locations and 2 quotes #1016 (murog)
- Fix usage document. #1013 (n0h0)
- Add dumb and dumber class #1008 (cnharris10)
- Update Russian resources #1002 (edubenetskiy)
- Add more Seinfeld characters #1001 (gregeinfrank)
- Adds Faker::OnePiece #998 (Leohige)
- Stargate #997 (katymccloskey)
- Tells users how to handle uninitialized constant error #995 (jwpincus)
- Renamed word_of_warcraft to world_of_warcraft #994 (Ranhiru)
- Add default_country for Japan and Korea #990 (Mangoov)
- Fix typo in de.yml #986 (IngoAlbers)
- Add pt-BR translate #985 (marcosvpcortes)
- Fix for NL postal code #984 (petrosg)
- French traduction for Faker::Pokemon #983 (Dakurei)
- Added material to the Commerce docs. #903 (mrstebo)
- Added Spanish Organization Number #897 (cmunozgar)
v1.8.4 (2017-07-13)
Merged pull requests:
v1.8.3 (2017-07-12)
Closed issues:
- Can't pass zero (0) to the default rand method (Faker override) #976
- Add Faker::Address.mailing_address #841
Merged pull requests:
- Fix tests warnings #979 (gssbzn)
- [#976] Handles zero as max for rand #978 (gssbzn)
- Fix spelling of Wookiee #977 (miloprice)
- Faker: Umphreys mcgee #942 (Ryanspink1)
- Faker: Venture bros #940 (Ryanspink1)
- seinfeld faker #936 (cews7)
- elder scrolls faker #933 (CjMoore)
- Add greek_organization method to University Faker #932 (andrewdwooten)
- add Hogwarts and Ilvermorny houses to Harry Potter faker #925 (samanthamorco)
v1.8.2 (2017-07-11)
Closed issues:
- Cannot require 'faker' after update to 1.8.1 #975
- NoMethodError: super: no superclass method `between' for Faker::Time:Class #973
v1.8.1 (2017-07-10)
Closed issues:
- Faker::Internet.domain_word == "" #956
- Faker::Coffee #935
- Internet password method sometimes doesn't include special chars #927
- Faker HowIMet #917
- NoMethodError: super: no superclass method `backward' for Faker::Time:Class #915
- Faker 1.8 release #906
- Material missing in Faker::Commerce documentation #901
- Tests fail that have nothing to do with my changes. What should I do? #864
- uninitialized constant Faker::RuPaul #856
- Faker::Internet.domain_word returns empty string #843
- unitilialized constant Faker::Demographic #812
Merged pull requests:
- Fix Address.community documentation #972 (landongrindheim)
- edit superclass #971 (iz4blue)
- adding important data for hipster to en.yml #946 (dbwest)
- Locale: update zh-CN cell phone formats #934 (liluo)
- Fixing special chars addition in passwords. #926 (allam-matsubara)
- Update commerce documentation #907 (dv2)
v1.8.0 (2017-07-09)
Closed issues:
- Zelda Location #968
- Real passwords / passphrases #962
- Generating fake link [Feature Request] #955
- Clean-up Robin's "Holy Steam Valve" quote #948
- Faker::Time.between produces times out of range #894
- [Feature Request] Add User Agent strings #880
- Faker::Omniauth is not deterministic and breaking the build #876
- undefined method
name =' or undefined method
=' #871 - Faker::French Suggestion #869
- Documentation not correct for Faker::Color.hsl_color and hsla_color #866
- Faker::PhoneNumber.area_code and .exchange_code returning nil #861
- Faker::RickAndMorty not available in v1.7.3 from RubyGems #851
- Adding Faker to Create in controller, possible? #842
- Faker 1.7.3 uses Ruby 2 features #825
- Fillmurry = error #823
- Base#numerify generating phone numbers and other number fields with a weird format #741
- Markdown/HTML Support #630
- Update WIKI and clean README #588
- Can't overwrite locale elements using the .yml file #424
- Faker::Lorem.paragraph raises I18n::MissingTranslationData without manual locale override #278
- Generate unique values #251
Merged pull requests:
- Add Faker::Address.community #969 (landongrindheim)
- Added Faker::Food.dish #967 (aomega08)
- Add translations for Malaysia #965 (alienxp03)
- Adds some new dutch names to the locales #961 (stefanvermaas)
- French traduction for Faker::Pokemon #960 (Dakurei)
- Add characters to the RickAndMorty database #958 (roninCode)
- [Resolved] Internet domain word issue #957 (SagareGanesh)
- Pokemon#moves #954 (joel-g)
- Remove extraneous text from Robin quote #953 (jsteel)
- Added Simpsons. #950 (RaimundHuebel)
- add default task test for rake #923 (stephengroat)
- Use the latest Rubies on Travis CI #920 (hisas)
- Add meaningful error message when country code not found #916 (mrstebo)
- Add Faker::HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy #914 (pedroCervi)
- Add Funny Name #912 (jsonreeder)
- Fix pt-BR city suffix #896 (marcelo-leal)
- Adds League of Legends summoner spells, masteries and rank #892 (DonkeyFish456)
- fix typo in test file #890 (akintner)
- Hobbit characters, locations, & quotes #889 (ski-climb)
- Added Omniauth Github faker #888 (ahmed-taj)
- Add locations to Faker::Zelda #885 (thejonanshow)
- add all setup and files for star trek faker #884 (akintner)
- improve german cell phone numbers #882 (timoschilling)
- Add How I Met Your Mother #879 (jdconrad89)
- Add League of Legends #878 (Dpalazzari)
- Add Faker::Robin #868 (leanucci)
- Fixed hsla and hsla_color documentation. #867 (mrstebo)
- Add links to doc in README #865 (taleh007)
- Added bg locale #858 (ppopov1357)
- Add Faker::Overwatch #857 (tomdracz)
- Add Faker::HeyArnold #855 (MatthewDG)
- Fix India Postal Code format #853 (dv2)
- Fix typo in music.md #852 (martinbjeldbak)
- Fixed regex pattern in TestLocale::test_regex. #849 (karlwilbur)
- Faker::Compass #848 (karlwilbur)
- en.yml: demographic, demonym: add missing double quote before Fijian #847 (PascalSchumacher)
- Update Zelda with Breath of the Wild #846 (lauramosher)
- add RuPaul quotes #845 (raphaeleidus)
- Add example for Faker::Date.birthday #844 (janpieper)
- Adds Coffee #840 (nathanjh)
- WIP add dragon ball characters to faker #839 (Cdunagan05)
- Update README.md #836 (jbkimble)
- Truncate Twitter screen_name length #834 (abraham)
- Improve Faker::Twitter compatibility #831 (abraham)
- doc: Add Internet.name length optional arguments #830 (li-xinyang)
- Matz #829 (denys281)
- Add norwegian organization number #827 (leifcr)
- [Resolved] Fillmurray image Fixnum match issue #824 (SagareGanesh)
- Rick and morty #821 (JessCodes)
- Fix i18n file load issue #811 (jacknoble)
- Create a Dessert faker #791 (susiirwin)
v1.7.3 (2017-02-05)
Closed issues:
- Creates invalid UK postcodes #790
- remove first name Adolf #788
- Config for adding format restriction. #695
- How to avoid special characters in faker string field #615
- Add Demographic Data #585
- OmniAuth ready responses #507
- US Zip Codes Sometimes Returns Non-Actual Zip Codes #275
Merged pull requests:
- Harry Potter #820 (jaclynjessup)
- Update readme #819 (ktrant84)
- en.yml: Typo Golum -> Gollum #816 (jtibbertsma)
- Add Faker::Twitter #815 (abraham)
- Fixed Validity of UK postcodes #814 (darkstego)
- Fixed russian locale #813 (fobo66)
- Allow unique values to be cleared #810 (dslh)
- Friends info #808 (ktrant84)
- Update superhero.md #805 (vitaliy-fry)
- adds Zelda #800 (audy)
- Remove the word 'fap' #798 (probablycorey)
- en.yml: fix typo in demographic race #797 (PascalSchumacher)
- Adds Faker::Demographic #796 (baron816)
- Typofix: nfinite -> Infinite #795 (mgold)
- Update output for zip functions #787 (yovasx2)
- doc fix job.md #786 (ieldanr)
- Refactors code in some Faker basic classes #785 (tiagofsilva)
v1.7.2 (2017-01-03)
Closed issues:
- Faker::Avatar error: read server certificate B: certificate verify failed #763
- assert Faker::Internet.email.match(/.+@[^.].+.\w+/) fails randomly #737
- Incorrect HSL color format #728
- Can we add the #Hacktoberfest label for pull requests this month #717
- Faker::Boolean.boolean error #714
- Faker::Food not found #688
- Fix seed for random values #684
- README alphabetical order of Usage #660
- At which point do we break off functionality? #653
- Time zone abbreviation #631
- ruby 2.3.1 rails 5 #627
- Faker::Time::between doesn't respect requested period #526
Merged pull requests:
- IPv4: private and reserved #784 (randoum)
- Update bank method #783 (swapnilchincholkar)
- Refactors code in some base classes #782 (tiagofsilva)
- Refactors code in some base classes #781 (tiagofsilva)
- Refute blank #707 (SherSpock)
v1.7.1 (2016-12-25)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v1.7.0 (2016-12-24)
Closed issues:
- Alphanumeric password. #773
- Unique method is undefined #771
- Request: Human faces? #756
- Faker for images not working #738
- Fixed seed #724
- Company logo ,company buzzword, Date is not working rails 4 #718
- Image issue #704
- Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart #691
- Faker::Commerce.promotion_code Missing Translation #689
- Generating real email addresses #685
- Faker::GameOfThrones.character has too little items #658
- Pokemon class not working #645
- NameError: uninitialized constant Educator #572
- Causing memory error if Faker::Internet.email with integer argument #478
- undefined method `Number' for Faker:Module #153
Merged pull requests:
- Refactors code in Faker::Color #777 (tiagofsilva)
- Add Faker::TwinPeaks [fixed] #775 (pedantic-git)
- Added wookie_sentence method documentation to README #772 (toddnestor)
- Refactored finance.rb #770 (Newman101)
- ex-MX.yml: city_prefix and city_suffix: replace empty list with empty… #769 (PascalSchumacher)
- Correct HSL and HSLA color formatting #768 (mwgalloway)
- Adds wookie sentence generator #766 (toddnestor)
- Add Faker::Ancient #765 (phoenixweiss)
- Added Slovakian unit tests #764 (Newman101)
- added bank setup #762 (RasMachineMan)
- Added Russian unit tests #761 (Newman101)
- Add eSports data #760 (FanaHOVA)
- add lorempixel #759 (senid231)
- Added nb-NO locale unit tests #758 (Newman101)
- Added Japanese unit tests #757 (Newman101)
- Update educator.rb #755 (huyderman)
- Some Turkish Translations #1 #754 (BatuhanW)
- Add some german translations ... #753 (Kjarrigan)
- Add method for ensuring unique values #752 (jonmast)
- Delete unneeded line for Faker::Internet.password #751 (bakunyo)
- Add Mew to Pokemon::Name #750 (kenta-s)
- Update docs to make it clearer what args to Lorem.sentence and Lorem.paragraph do #749 (ulyssesrex)
- Add optional https urls #747 (kaiuhl)
- Creates tests for Address#zip_code #746 (tiagofsilva)
- Creates Address#full_address customizable by locale #745 (tiagofsilva)
- Improves readability of Hipster#resolve. #743 (tiagofsilva)
- Use Random::DEFAULT instead of Random.new.rand / SecureRandom #740 (smangelsdorf)
- Added Korean unit tests #739 (Newman101)
- it.yml: name.suffix: replace list with empty string, to make it consi… #736 (PascalSchumacher)
- fix german university name generation #734 (PascalSchumacher)
- fr.yml: remove 13 after lille #733 (PascalSchumacher)
- Add Normal (Gaussian) distribution to Faker::Number #731 (rabidaudio)
- added indonesian locale #730 (bprayudha)
- Added dragons to the Game of Throne universe. #729 (archbloom)
- Tweak es-MX locale data for addresses #727 (joiggama)
- Add Game of Thrones quotes #726 (rajivrnair)
- adds Faker::Artist.name #725 (forresty)
- Resolve warnings during tests #722 (andy-j)
- Add chords to music #721 (andy-j)
- Add major and minor keys to music #720 (andy-j)
- Fixed the inaccurate swedish organization number generator #715 (hex0cter)
- Fix typos in brazilian portuguese countries translations #713 (Yaakushi)
- Fix typo in 'Secondary' #712 (edtjones)
- Changed quotes in food.rb #710 (Newman101)
- Added type checks to PL unit test #709 (Newman101)
- Fix Faker::Educator "secondary" spelling #708 (gadtfly)
- adds meteorite to Faker::Space #702 (kfrz)
- fixed typo in secondary_school #701 (garyharan)
- Improve Address.postcode example to reflect actual output #700 (goulvench)
- Fixed invalid name in pl.yml #694 (Yobilat)
- Fixed failing build #683 (Newman101)
- added south african locales #682 (Letladi)
- Add Food link for readme #681 (martymclaugh)
- Add updated en-nz locale data #680 (geordidearns)
- Fixed typo in dutch translation #679 (nschmoller)
- Add pokemon #677 (bakunyo)
- Food #672 (martymclaugh)
- Added charcaters and houses data for game of thrones in en.yml #670 (vamsipavanmahesh)
- add Faker::Commerce.promotion_code #669 (jGRUBBS)
- Eliminate and prevent leading and trailing white space #665 (retroGiant89)
- Fix for memory overflow error Issue: #478 #664 (anuj-verma)
- Added unit tests to es-MX locale #661 (Newman101)
- Added default country test to en-AU locale #656 (Newman101)
- Fixed incorrect locale configuration #655 (Newman101)
- Add support for dutch university names #654 (nysthee)
- Added default country check to en-PAK unit tests #652 (Newman101)
- Added even method to Luhn algorithm #650 (Newman101)
- Add more names to pt-BR #649 (haggen)
- Add Nigerian locale to locales #647 (oluosiname)
- Refactor Luhn Checksum #619 (Newman101)
- Added en-SG unit tests #618 (Newman101)
- Improved de-AT unit tests #614 (Newman101)
- Changed quotes in color.rb #606 (Newman101)
v1.6.6 (2016-07-25)
Closed issues:
- Faker::Vehicle.vin gives undefined method `match' #638
- Faker::Date.backward(14) #632
- Shouldn't we capitalize the result of
? #623
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed Faker::Vehicle.vin Fixnum issue #638 #639 (amoludage)
- fix readme link for fakerpokemon #637 (shinwang1)
- Making pull request to add Pokemon names and locations to stumpy/faker #636 (shinwang1)
- Added shorthand for self-assignment on date.rb #635 (Newman101)
- Fixed a method call in date.rb #633 (Newman101)
- Add Game of Thrones faker #629 (duduribeiro)
- Add German translations for Commerce #626 (laurens)
- Solved Issue #623 #625 (Newman101)
- Removed Faker::ChuckNorris.name
- Removed support for Ruby 1.9.3
- Added Faker::ChuckNorris, Faker::Crypto, Faker::Educator, Faker::File, Faker::Music, Faker::Space, Faker::Vehicle, and Faker::Yoda
- Fixed bug with credit card types
- DST fixes in Faker::Time
- Added Faker::Name.name_with_middle
- Added Faker::Code.imei
- Added Faker::Code.asin
- Added Faker::Lorem.question and Faker::Lorem.questions
- Added Faker::Internet.private_ip_v4_address
- Added Faker::Company.australian_business_number
- Other miscellaneous fixes and locale updates
- Fix for UTF problem in Ruby 1.9.3
- Fix for Faker::StarWars.character
- Updated sv locale
- Fix for locale-switching (Russian email addresses)
- Added Faker::Beer, Faker::Boolean, Faker::Cat, Faker::StarWars, and Faker::Superhero
- Added Faker::Color.color_name
- Added Faker::Date.between_except
- Fixed Faker::Internet.ip_v4_cidr and Faker::Internet.ip_v6_cidr
- Added locales: ca, ca-CAT, da-DK, fi-FI, and pt
- Fix for locale issues in tests
- Lots of bug fixes -- most notably, a fix for email addresses and domains in non-en locales
- Updated locales: de, en-AU, en-NZ, en-SG, en-US, en-au-ocker, en, es, fr, he, it, ja, nb-NO, pl, pt-BR, sk, and zh-CN
- Updated classes: Address, Avatar, Book, Code, Commerce, Company, Hipster, IDNumber, Internet, Number, Placeholdit, Shakespeare, and Time
- Added logos
- Added Slack Emoji
- Updated image generators
- Updated Dutch Locale
- Added support for generating RGB values, HSL colors, alpha channel, and HSLA colors
- Added locale for Uganda
- Added basic Ukrainian support
- Added university name generator
- Updated documentation
- Updated a variety of locales
- Various fixes
- Updated Russian locale
- Added EIN generator
- Fixed Swedish locale
- Added birthday to Faker::Date
- Added Faker::App
- Added Swedish locale
- README update
- Bugfix and cleanup
- Many enhancements and bugfixes
- Many enhancements and few bugfixes
- Many major and minor enhancements :)
- 1 minor change:
- Fixed Ruby 1.8 compatibility
- 1 minor change:
- Removed ja locale because of parse errors
- 1 major change:
- Removed deprecated methods from Address: earth_country, us_state, us_state_abbr, uk_postcode, uk_county
- Many minor changes (please see github pull requests for credits)
- Added many localizations
- Added range and array support for Lorem
- 1 minor enhancement
- Added safe_email method to get someaddress@example.com [Kazimierz Kiełkowicz]
- 1 bug fix:
- Use the locale fallback properly when parsing string formats
- 2 major enhancements
- Moved all formats to locale files
- Stopped interfering with I18n's global settings for fallbacks
- 3 minor bug fixes:
- Ruby 1.9.2 fixes [eMxyzptlk]
- UTF8 fixes [maxmiliano]
- Updated IPv4 generator to return valid addresses [Sylvain Desbureaux]
- Many minor enhancements:
- Added bork locale for bork-ified lorem [johnbentcope]
- Added IPv6 address generator [jc00ke]
- Removed deprecation warnings for Array#rand [chrismarshall]
- Added German translation and I18n improvments [Matthias Kühnert]
- Added Dutch translation [moretea]
- Added Lat/Long generator [Andy Callaghan]
- Added buzzword-laden title generator [supercleanse]
- Added optional extended wordlist for lorem [chriskottom]
- Updated German translation [Jan Schwenzien]
- Locale improvements [suweller]
- Added limit to lorem generator [darrenterhune]
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation [maxmiliano]
- Added Australian translation [madeindata]
- Added Canadian translation [igbanam]
- Added Norwegian translation [kytrinyx]
- Lots of translation-related cleanup [kytrinyx]
- 1 minor bug fix:
- Fixed YAML [Aaron Patterson]
- 3 minor enhancements:
- Added default rake task to run all tests [Aaron Patterson]
- Removed shuffle method [Aaron Patterson]
- Use psych if present [Aaron Patterson]
- 1 minor bug fix:
- Stopped getting in the way of Rails' late locale loading
- 1 minor enhancement:
- Added a faker namespace for translations
- 1 bug fix:
- Stopped stomping on I18n load path
- 1 bug fix:
- Stopped setting I18n default locale
- 1 major enhancement:
- Added method_missing to Address to add methods based on data in locale files
- 1 minor enhancement:
- Added Swiss locale [Lukas Westermann]
- 1 major enhancement:
- Moved strings and some formats to locale files
- 1 minor enhancement:
- Added city to Address
- 3 major enhancements:
- Added Lorem to generate fake Latin
- Added secondary_address to Address, and made inclusion of secondary address in street_address optional (false by default).
- Added UK address methods [Caius Durling]
- 1 major enhancement:
- Dropped facets to avoid conflict with ActiveSupport
- 2 minor enhancements:
- Changed the output of user_name to randomly separate with a . or _
- Added a few tests
- 1 major enhancement:
- Initial release
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator