diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index a482ac2..1068065 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ jobs:
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-        nodejs: [10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
+        # Node 10.x not supported by tsm & bundt
+        nodejs: [12, 14, 16, 18]
     - uses: actions/checkout@v2
     - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
@@ -34,9 +35,16 @@ jobs:
         npm install
         npm install -g nyc
+    - name: Type Check
+      run: npm run types
     - name: Test w/ Coverage
       run: nyc --include=src npm test
+    - name: Compile
+      if: matrix.nodejs >= 18
+      run: npm run build
     - name: Report
       if: matrix.nodejs >= 18
       run: |
diff --git a/index.d.ts b/index.d.ts
index 8fb9ec4..269dfb0 100644
--- a/index.d.ts
+++ b/index.d.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,100 @@
 export type Options = {
+	/**
+	 * When true, adds the "browser" conditions.
+	 * Otherwise the "node" condition is enabled.
+	 * @default false
+	 */
 	browser?: boolean;
+	/**
+	 * Any custom conditions to match.
+	 * @note Array order does not matter. Priority is determined by the key-order of conditions defined within a package's imports/exports mapping.
+	 * @default []
+	 */
 	conditions?: readonly string[];
+	/**
+	 * When true, adds the "require" condition.
+	 * Otherwise the "import" condition is enabled.
+	 * @default false
+	 */
 	require?: boolean;
-	unsafe?: false;
-} | {
-	conditions?: readonly string[];
-	unsafe?: true;
+	/**
+	 * Prevents "require", "import", "browser", and/or "node" conditions from being added automatically.
+	 * When enabled, only `options.conditions` are added alongside the "default" condition.
+	 * @important Enabling this deviates from Node.js default behavior.
+	 * @default false
+	 */
+	unsafe?: boolean;
-export function resolve<T=any>(pkg: T, entry: string, options?: Options): string | void;
-export type BrowserFiles = Record<string, string | false>;
+export function resolve<T=Package>(pkg: T, entry?: string, options?: Options): Imports.Output | Exports.Output | void;
+export function imports<T=Package>(pkg: T, entry?: string, options?: Options): Imports.Output | void;
+export function exports<T=Package>(pkg: T, target: string, options?: Options): Exports.Output | void;
-export function legacy<T=any>(pkg: T, options: { browser: true, fields?: readonly string[] }): BrowserFiles | string | void;
-export function legacy<T=any>(pkg: T, options: { browser: string, fields?: readonly string[] }): string | false | void;
-export function legacy<T=any>(pkg: T, options: { browser: false, fields?: readonly string[] }): string | void;
-export function legacy<T=any>(pkg: T, options?: {
+export function legacy<T=Package>(pkg: T, options: { browser: true, fields?: readonly string[] }): Browser | void;
+export function legacy<T=Package>(pkg: T, options: { browser: string, fields?: readonly string[] }): string | false | void;
+export function legacy<T=Package>(pkg: T, options: { browser: false, fields?: readonly string[] }): string | void;
+export function legacy<T=Package>(pkg: T, options?: {
 	browser?: boolean | string;
 	fields?: readonly string[];
-}): BrowserFiles | string | false | void;
+}): Browser | string;
+// ---
+ * A resolve condition
+ * @example "node", "default", "production"
+ */
+export type Condition = string;
+/** An internal file path */
+export type Path = `./${string}`;
+export type Imports = {
+	[entry: Imports.Entry]: Imports.Value;
+export namespace Imports {
+	export type Entry = `#${string}`;
+	type External = string;
+	/** strings are dependency names OR internal paths */
+	export type Value = External | Path | null | {
+		[c: Condition]: Value;
+	} | Value[];
+	export type Output = Array<External|Path>;
+export type Exports = Path | {
+	[path: Exports.Entry]: Exports.Value;
+	[cond: Condition]: Exports.Value;
+export namespace Exports {
+	/** Allows "." and "./{name}" */
+	export type Entry = `.${string}`;
+	/** strings must be internal paths */
+	export type Value = Path | null | {
+		[c: Condition]: Value;
+	} | Value[];
+	export type Output = Path[];
+export type Package = {
+	name: string;
+	version?: string;
+	module?: string;
+	main?: string;
+	imports?: Imports;
+	exports?: Exports;
+	browser?: Browser;
+	[key: string]: any;
+export type Browser = string[] | string | {
+	[file: Path | string]: string | false;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 45b2011..8fdacf9 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-  "version": "1.1.1",
+  "version": "2.0.0-next.0",
   "name": "resolve.exports",
   "repository": "lukeed/resolve.exports",
-  "description": "A tiny (813b), correct, general-purpose, and configurable \"exports\" resolver without file-system reliance",
+  "description": "A tiny (952b), correct, general-purpose, and configurable \"exports\" and \"imports\" resolver without file-system reliance",
   "module": "dist/index.mjs",
   "main": "dist/index.js",
   "types": "index.d.ts",
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
     "node": ">=10"
   "scripts": {
-    "build": "bundt",
-    "test": "uvu -r esm test"
+    "build": "bundt -m",
+    "types": "tsc --noEmit",
+    "test": "uvu -r tsm test"
   "files": [
@@ -41,8 +42,9 @@
   "devDependencies": {
-    "bundt": "1.1.2",
-    "esm": "3.2.25",
-    "uvu": "0.5.1"
+    "bundt": "next",
+    "tsm": "2.3.0",
+    "typescript": "4.9.4",
+    "uvu": "0.5.4"
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 715c8b6..c00b33b 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -1,29 +1,15 @@
 # resolve.exports [![CI](https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/actions) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/lukeed/resolve.exports/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=4P7d4Omw2h)](https://codecov.io/gh/lukeed/resolve.exports)
-> A tiny (813b), correct, general-purpose, and configurable `"exports"` resolver without file-system reliance
+> A tiny (952b), correct, general-purpose, and configurable `"exports"` and `"imports"` resolver without file-system reliance
 Hopefully, this module may serve as a reference point (and/or be used directly) so that the varying tools and bundlers within the ecosystem can share a common approach with one another **as well as** with the native Node.js implementation.
-With the push for ESM, we must be _very_ careful and avoid fragmentation. If we, as a community, begin propagating different _dialects_ of `"exports"` resolution, then we're headed for deep trouble. It will make supporting (and using) `"exports"` nearly impossible, which may force its abandonment and along with it, its benefits.
+With the push for ESM, we must be _very_ careful and avoid fragmentation. If we, as a community, begin propagating different _dialects_ of the resolution algorithm, then we're headed for deep trouble. It will make supporting (and using) `"exports"` nearly impossible, which may force its abandonment and along with it, its benefits.
 Let's have nice things.
-- [x] exports string
-- [x] exports object (single entry)
-- [x] exports object (multi entry)
-- [x] nested / recursive conditions
-- [x] exports arrayable
-- [x] directory mapping (`./foobar/` => `/foobar/`)
-- [x] directory mapping (`./foobar/*` => `./other/*.js`)
-- [x] directory mapping w/ conditions
-- [x] directory mapping w/ nested conditions
-- [x] legacy fields (`main` vs `module` vs ...)
-- [x] legacy "browser" files object
 ## Install
@@ -35,12 +21,22 @@ $ npm install resolve.exports
 > Please see [`/test/`](/test) for examples.
-import { resolve, legacy } from 'resolve.exports';
+import * as resolve from 'resolve.exports';
-const contents = {
+// package.json contents
+const pkg = {
   "name": "foobar",
   "module": "dist/module.mjs",
   "main": "dist/require.js",
+  "imports": {
+    "#hash": {
+      "import": {
+        "browser": "./hash/web.mjs",
+        "node": "./hash/node.mjs",
+      },
+      "default": "./hash/detect.js"
+    }
+  },
   "exports": {
     ".": {
       "import": "./dist/module.mjs",
@@ -57,64 +53,158 @@ const contents = {
-// Assumes `.` as default entry
-// Assumes `import` as default condition
-resolve(contents); //=> "./dist/module.mjs"
+// ---
+// Exports
+// ---
-// entry: nullish === "foobar" === "."
-resolve(contents, 'foobar'); //=> "./dist/module.mjs"
-resolve(contents, '.'); //=> "./dist/module.mjs"
+// entry: "foobar" === "." === default
+// conditions: ["default", "import", "node"]
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.');
+resolve.exports(pkg, 'foobar');
+//=> ["./dist/module.mjs"]
 // entry: "foobar/lite" === "./lite"
-resolve(contents, 'foobar/lite'); //=> "./lite/module.mjs"
-resolve(contents, './lite'); //=> "./lite/module.mjs"
+// conditions: ["default", "import", "node"]
+resolve.exports(pkg, 'foobar/lite');
+resolve.exports(pkg, './lite');
+//=> ["./lite/module.mjs"]
-// Assume `require` usage
-resolve(contents, 'foobar', { require: true }); //=> "./dist/require.js"
-resolve(contents, './lite', { require: true }); //=> "./lite/require.js"
+// Enable `require` condition
+// conditions: ["default", "require", "node"]
+resolve.exports(pkg, 'foobar', { require: true }); //=> ["./dist/require.js"]
+resolve.exports(pkg, './lite', { require: true }); //=> ["./lite/require.js"]
-// Throws "Missing <entry> export in <name> package" Error
-resolve(contents, 'foobar/hello');
-resolve(contents, './hello/world');
+// Throws "Missing <entry> specifier in <name> package" Error
+resolve.exports(pkg, 'foobar/hello');
+resolve.exports(pkg, './hello/world');
 // Add custom condition(s)
-resolve(contents, 'foobar/lite', {
+// conditions: ["default", "worker", "import", "node"]
+resolve.exports(pkg, 'foobar/lite', {
   conditions: ['worker']
-}); // => "./lite/worker.node.js"
+}); //=> ["./lite/worker.node.js"]
 // Toggle "browser" condition
-resolve(contents, 'foobar/lite', {
+// conditions: ["default", "worker", "import", "browser"]
+resolve.exports(pkg, 'foobar/lite', {
   conditions: ['worker'],
   browser: true
-}); // => "./lite/worker.browser.js"
+}); //=> ["./lite/worker.browser.js"]
+// Disable non-"default" condition activate
+// NOTE: breaks from Node.js default behavior
+// conditions: ["default", "custom"]
+resolve.exports(pkg, 'foobar/lite', {
+  conditions: ['custom'],
+  unsafe: true,
+//=> Error: No known conditions for "./lite" specifier in "foobar" package
+// ---
+// Imports
+// ---
+// conditions: ["default", "import", "node"]
+resolve.imports(pkg, '#hash');
+resolve.imports(pkg, 'foobar/#hash');
+//=> ["./hash/node.mjs"]
+// conditions: ["default", "import", "browser"]
+resolve.imports(pkg, '#hash', { browser: true });
+resolve.imports(pkg, 'foobar/#hash');
+//=> ["./hash/web.mjs"]
+// conditions: ["default"]
+resolve.imports(pkg, '#hash', { unsafe: true });
+resolve.imports(pkg, 'foobar/#hash');
+//=> ["./hash/detect.mjs"]
+resolve.imports(pkg, '#hello/world');
+resolve.imports(pkg, 'foobar/#hello/world');
+//=> Error: Missing "#hello/world" specifier in "foobar" package
 // ---
 // Legacy
 // ---
 // prefer "module" > "main" (default)
-legacy(contents); //=> "dist/module.mjs"
+resolve.legacy(pkg); //=> "dist/module.mjs"
 // customize fields order
-legacy(contents, {
+resolve.legacy(pkg, {
   fields: ['main', 'module']
 }); //=> "dist/require.js"
 ## API
+The [`resolve()`](#resolvepkg-entry-options), [`exports()`](#exportspkg-entry-options), and [`imports()`](#importspkg-target-options) functions share similar API signatures:
+export function resolve(pkg: Package, entry?: string, options?: Options): string[] | undefined;
+export function exports(pkg: Package, entry?: string, options?: Options): string[] | undefined;
+export function imports(pkg: Package, target: string, options?: Options): string[] | undefined;
+//                                         ^ not optional!
+All three:
+* accept a `package.json` file's contents as a JSON object
+* accept a target/entry identifier
+* may accept an [Options](#options) object
+* return `string[]`, `string`, or `undefined`
+The only difference is that `imports()` must accept a target identifier as there can be no inferred default.
+See below for further API descriptions.
+> **Note:** There is also a [Legacy Resolver API](#legacy-resolver)
 ### resolve(pkg, entry?, options?)
-Returns: `string` or `undefined`
+Returns: `string[]` or `undefined`
+A convenience helper which automatically reroutes to [`exports()`](#exportspkg-entry-options) or [`imports()`](#importspkg-target-options) depending on the `entry` value.
+When unspecified, `entry` defaults to the `"."` identifier, which means that `exports()` will be invoked.
+import * as r from 'resolve.exports';
+let pkg = {
+  name: 'foobar',
+  // ...
+//~> r.exports(pkg, '.');
+r.resolve(pkg, 'foobar');
+//~> r.exports(pkg, '.');
+r.resolve(pkg, 'foobar/subpath');
+//~> r.exports(pkg, './subpath');
+r.resolve(pkg, '#hash/md5');
+//~> r.imports(pkg, '#hash/md5');
+r.resolve(pkg, 'foobar/#hash/md5');
+//~> r.imports(pkg, '#hash/md5');
+### exports(pkg, entry?, options?)
+Returns: `string[]` or `undefined`
 Traverse the `"exports"` within the contents of a `package.json` file. <br>
 If the contents _does not_ contain an `"exports"` map, then `undefined` will be returned.
-Successful resolutions will always result in a string value. This will be the value of the resolved mapping itself – which means that the output is a relative file path.
+Successful resolutions will always result in a `string` or `string[]` value. This will be the value of the resolved mapping itself – which means that the output is a relative file path.
 This function may throw an Error if:
 * the requested `entry` cannot be resolved (aka, not defined in the `"exports"` map)
-* an `entry` _was_ resolved but no known conditions were found (see [`options.conditions`](#optionsconditions))
+* an `entry` _is_ defined but no known conditions were matched (see [`options.conditions`](#optionsconditions))
 #### pkg
 Type: `object` <br>
@@ -149,61 +239,105 @@ Assume we have a module named "foobar" and whose `pkg` contains `"name": "foobar
 | `'lite'` | `'./lite'` | value was not relative & did not have `pkg.name` prefix |
+### imports(pkg, target, options?)
+Returns: `string[]` or `undefined`
+Traverse the `"imports"` within the contents of a `package.json` file. <br>
+If the contents _does not_ contain an `"imports"` map, then `undefined` will be returned.
+Successful resolutions will always result in a `string` or `string[]` value. This will be the value of the resolved mapping itself – which means that the output is a relative file path.
+This function may throw an Error if:
+* the requested `target` cannot be resolved (aka, not defined in the `"imports"` map)
+* an `target` _is_ defined but no known conditions were matched (see [`options.conditions`](#optionsconditions))
+#### pkg
+Type: `object` <br>
+Required: `true`
+The `package.json` contents.
+#### target
+Type: `string` <br>
+Required: `true`
+The target import identifier; for example, `#hash` or `#hash/md5`.
+Import specifiers _must_ begin with the `#` character, as required by the resolution specification. However, if `target` begins with the package name (determined by the `pkg.name` value), then `resolve.exports` will trim it from the `target` identifier. For example, `"foobar/#hash/md5"` will be treated as `"#hash/md5"` for the `"foobar"` package.
+## Options
+The [`resolve()`](#resolvepkg-entry-options), [`imports()`](#importspkg-target-options), and [`exports()`](#exportspkg-entry-options) functions share these options. All properties are optional and you are not required to pass an `options` argument.
+Collectively, the `options` are used to assemble a list of [conditions](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v18.x/api/packages.html#conditional-exports) that should be activated while resolving your target(s).
+> **Note:** Although the Node.js documentation primarily showcases conditions alongside `"exports"` usage, they also apply to `"imports"` maps too. _([example](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v18.x/api/packages.html#subpath-imports))_
 #### options.require
 Type: `boolean` <br>
 Default: `false`
-When truthy, the `"require"` field is added to the list of allowed/known conditions.
-When falsey, the `"import"` field is added to the list of allowed/known conditions instead.
+When truthy, the `"require"` field is added to the list of allowed/known conditions. <br>
+Otherwise the `"import"` field is added instead.
 #### options.browser
 Type: `boolean` <br>
 Default: `false`
-When truthy, the `"browser"` field is added to the list of allowed/known conditions.
+When truthy, the `"browser"` field is added to the list of allowed/known conditions. <br>
+Otherwise the `"node"` field is added instead.
 #### options.conditions
 Type: `string[]` <br>
 Default: `[]`
-Provide a list of additional/custom conditions that should be accepted when seen.
+A list of additional/custom conditions that should be accepted when seen.
 > **Important:** The order specified within `options.conditions` does not matter. <br>The matching order/priority is **always** determined by the `"exports"` map's key order.
 For example, you may choose to accept a `"production"` condition in certain environments. Given the following `pkg` content:
-const contents = {
-  // ...
+const pkg = {
+  // package.json ...
   "exports": {
-    "worker": "./index.worker.js",
-    "require": "./index.require.js",
-    "production": "./index.prod.js",
-    "import": "./index.import.mjs",
+    "worker": "./$worker.js",
+    "require": "./$require.js",
+    "production": "./$production.js",
+    "import": "./$import.mjs",
-resolve(contents, '.');
-//=> "./index.import.mjs"
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.');
+// Conditions: ["default", "import", "node"]
+//=> ["./$import.mjs"]
-resolve(contents, '.', {
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.', {
   conditions: ['production']
-}); //=> "./index.prod.js"
+// Conditions: ["default", "production", "import", "node"]
+//=> ["./$production.js"]
-resolve(contents, '.', {
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.', {
   conditions: ['production'],
   require: true,
-}); //=> "./index.require.js"
+// Conditions: ["default", "production", "require", "node"]
+//=> ["./$require.js"]
-resolve(contents, '.', {
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.', {
   conditions: ['production', 'worker'],
   require: true,
-}); //=> "./index.worker.js"
+// Conditions: ["default", "production", "worker", "require", "node"]
+//=> ["./$worker.js"]
-resolve(contents, '.', {
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.', {
   conditions: ['production', 'worker']
-}); //=> "./index.worker.js"
+// Conditions: ["default", "production", "worker", "import", "node"]
+//=> ["./$worker.js"]
 #### options.unsafe
@@ -215,38 +349,39 @@ Default: `false`
 When enabled, this option will ignore **all other options** except [`options.conditions`](#optionsconditions). This is because, when enabled, `options.unsafe` **does not** assume or provide any default conditions except the `"default"` condition.
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.');
 //=> Conditions: ["default", "import", "node"]
-resolve(contents, { unsafe: true });
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.', { unsafe: true });
 //=> Conditions: ["default"]
-resolve(contents, { unsafe: true, require: true, browser: true });
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.', { unsafe: true, require: true, browser: true });
 //=> Conditions: ["default"]
 In other words, this means that trying to use `options.require` or `options.browser` alongside `options.unsafe` will have no effect. In order to enable these conditions, you must provide them manually into the `options.conditions` list:
-resolve(contents, {
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.', {
   unsafe: true,
   conditions: ["require"]
 //=> Conditions: ["default", "require"]
-resolve(contents, {
+resolve.exports(pkg, '.', {
   unsafe: true,
   conditions: ["browser", "require", "custom123"]
 //=> Conditions: ["default", "browser", "require", "custom123"]
+## Legacy Resolver
+Also included is a "legacy" method for resolving non-`"exports"` package fields. This may be used as a fallback method when for when no `"exports"` mapping is defined. In other words, it's completely optional (and tree-shakeable).
 ### legacy(pkg, options?)
 Returns: `string` or `undefined`
-Also included is a "legacy" method for resolving non-`"exports"` package fields. This may be used as a fallback method when for when no `"exports"` mapping is defined. In other words, it's completely optional (and tree-shakeable).
 You may customize the field priority via [`options.fields`](#optionsfields).
 When a field is found, its value is returned _as written_. <br>
@@ -278,36 +413,39 @@ A list of fields to accept. The order of the array determines the priority/impor
 By default, the `legacy()` method will accept any `"module"` and/or "main" fields if they are defined. However, if both fields are defined, then "module" will be returned.
-const contents = {
+import { legacy } from 'resolve.exports';
+// package.json
+const pkg = {
   "name": "...",
   "worker": "worker.js",
   "module": "module.mjs",
   "browser": "browser.js",
   "main": "main.js",
 // fields = [module, main]
 //=> "module.mjs"
-legacy(contents, { browser: true });
+legacy(pkg, { browser: true });
 // fields = [browser, module, main]
 //=> "browser.mjs"
-legacy(contents, {
+legacy(pkg, {
   fields: ['missing', 'worker', 'module', 'main']
 // fields = [missing, worker, module, main]
 //=> "worker.js"
-legacy(contents, {
+legacy(pkg, {
   fields: ['missing', 'worker', 'module', 'main'],
   browser: true,
 // fields = [browser, missing, worker, module, main]
 //=> "browser.js"
-legacy(contents, {
+legacy(pkg, {
   fields: ['module', 'browser', 'main'],
   browser: true,
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b27095d..0000000
--- a/src/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- * @param {object} exports
- * @param {Set<string>} keys
- */
-function loop(exports, keys) {
-	if (typeof exports === 'string') {
-		return exports;
-	}
-	if (exports) {
-		let idx, tmp;
-		if (Array.isArray(exports)) {
-			for (idx=0; idx < exports.length; idx++) {
-				if (tmp = loop(exports[idx], keys)) return tmp;
-			}
-		} else {
-			for (idx in exports) {
-				if (keys.has(idx)) {
-					return loop(exports[idx], keys);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
- * @param {string} name The package name
- * @param {string} entry The target entry, eg "."
- * @param {number} [condition] Unmatched condition?
- */
-function bail(name, entry, condition) {
-	throw new Error(
-		condition
-		? `No known conditions for "${entry}" entry in "${name}" package`
-		: `Missing "${entry}" export in "${name}" package`
-	);
- * @param {string} name the package name
- * @param {string} entry the target path/import
- */
-function toName(name, entry) {
-	return entry === name ? '.'
-		: entry[0] === '.' ? entry
-		: entry.replace(new RegExp('^' + name + '\/'), './');
- * @param {object} pkg package.json contents
- * @param {string} [entry] entry name or import path
- * @param {object} [options]
- * @param {boolean} [options.browser]
- * @param {boolean} [options.require]
- * @param {string[]} [options.conditions]
- * @param {boolean} [options.unsafe]
- */
-export function resolve(pkg, entry='.', options={}) {
-	let { name, exports } = pkg;
-	if (exports) {
-		let { browser, require, unsafe, conditions=[] } = options;
-		let target = toName(name, entry);
-		if (target !== '.' && !target.startsWith('./')) {
-			target = './' + target; // ".ini" => "./.ini"
-		}
-		if (typeof exports === 'string') {
-			return target === '.' ? exports : bail(name, target);
-		}
-		let allows = new Set(['default', ...conditions]);
-		unsafe || allows.add(require ? 'require' : 'import');
-		unsafe || allows.add(browser ? 'browser' : 'node');
-		let key, m, k, kv, tmp, isSingle=false;
-		for (key in exports) {
-			isSingle = key[0] !== '.';
-			break;
-		}
-		if (isSingle) {
-			return target === '.'
-				? loop(exports, allows) || bail(name, target, 1)
-				: bail(name, target);
-		}
-		if (tmp = exports[target]) {
-			return loop(tmp, allows) || bail(name, target, 1);
-		}
-		if (target !== '.') {
-			for (key in exports) {
-				if (k && key.length < k.length) {
-					// do not allow "./" to match if already matched "./foo*" key
-				} else if (key[key.length - 1] === '/' && target.startsWith(key)) {
-					kv = target.substring(key.length);
-					k = key;
-				} else {
-					tmp = key.indexOf('*', 2);
-					if (!!~tmp) {
-						m = RegExp(
-							'^\.\/' + key.substring(2, tmp) + '(.*)' + key.substring(1+tmp)
-						).exec(target);
-						if (m && m[1]) {
-							kv = m[1];
-							k = key;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (k && kv) {
-				// must have value
-				tmp = loop(exports[k], allows);
-				if (!tmp) return bail(name, target);
-				return tmp.includes('*')
-					? tmp.replace(/[*]/g, kv)
-					: tmp + kv;
-			}
-		}
-		return bail(name, target);
-	}
- * @param {object} pkg
- * @param {object} [options]
- * @param {string|boolean} [options.browser]
- * @param {string[]} [options.fields]
- */
-export function legacy(pkg, options={}) {
-	let i=0, value,
-		browser = options.browser,
-		fields = options.fields || ['module', 'main'];
-	if (browser && !fields.includes('browser')) {
-		fields.unshift('browser');
-	}
-	for (; i < fields.length; i++) {
-		if (value = pkg[fields[i]]) {
-			if (typeof value == 'string') {
-				//
-			} else if (typeof value == 'object' && fields[i] == 'browser') {
-				if (typeof browser == 'string') {
-					value = value[browser=toName(pkg.name, browser)];
-					if (value == null) return browser;
-				}
-			} else {
-				continue;
-			}
-			return typeof value == 'string'
-				? ('./' + value.replace(/^\.?\//, ''))
-				: value;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec7440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import { toEntry, walk } from './utils';
+import type * as t from 'resolve.exports';
+export { legacy } from './legacy';
+export function exports(pkg: t.Package, input?: string, options?: t.Options): string[] | void {
+	let map = pkg.exports,
+		k: string;
+	if (map) {
+		if (typeof map === 'string') {
+			map = { '.': map };
+		} else for (k in map) {
+			// convert {conditions} to "."={condtions}
+			if (k[0] !== '.') map = { '.': map };
+			break;
+		}
+		return walk(pkg.name, map, input||'.', options);
+	}
+export function imports(pkg: t.Package, input: string, options?: t.Options): string[] | void {
+	if (pkg.imports) return walk(pkg.name, pkg.imports, input, options);
+export function resolve(pkg: t.Package, input?: string, options?: t.Options): string[] | void {
+	// let entry = input && input !== '.'
+	// 	? toEntry(pkg.name, input)
+	// 	: '.';
+	input = toEntry(pkg.name, input || '.');
+	return input[0] === '#'
+		? imports(pkg, input, options)
+		: exports(pkg, input, options);
diff --git a/src/legacy.ts b/src/legacy.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b19328e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/legacy.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import * as $ from './utils';
+import type * as t from 'resolve.exports';
+type LegacyOptions = {
+	fields?: string[];
+	browser?: string | boolean;
+type BrowserObject = {
+	[file: string]: string | undefined;
+export function legacy(pkg: t.Package, options: LegacyOptions = {}): t.Path | t.Browser | void {
+	let i=0,
+		value: string | t.Browser | undefined,
+		browser = options.browser,
+		fields = options.fields || ['module', 'main'],
+		isSTRING = typeof browser == 'string';
+	if (browser && !fields.includes('browser')) {
+		fields.unshift('browser');
+		// "module-a" -> "module-a"
+		// "./path/file.js" -> "./path/file.js"
+		// "foobar/path/file.js" -> "./path/file.js"
+		if (isSTRING) browser = $.toEntry(pkg.name, browser as string, true);
+	}
+	for (; i < fields.length; i++) {
+		if (value = pkg[fields[i]]) {
+			if (typeof value == 'string') {
+				//
+			} else if (typeof value == 'object' && fields[i] == 'browser') {
+				if (isSTRING) {
+					value = (value as BrowserObject)[browser as string];
+					if (value == null) return browser as string;
+				}
+			} else {
+				continue;
+			}
+			return typeof value == 'string'
+				? ('./' + value.replace(/^\.?\//, '')) as t.Path
+				: value;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36897dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import type * as t from 'resolve.exports';
+export type Entry = t.Exports.Entry | t.Imports.Entry;
+export type Value = t.Exports.Value | t.Imports.Value;
+export type Mapping = Record<Entry, Value>;
+export function throws(name: string, entry: Entry, condition?: number): never {
+	throw new Error(
+		condition
+		? `No known conditions for "${entry}" specifier in "${name}" package`
+		: `Missing "${entry}" specifier in "${name}" package`
+	);
+export function conditions(options: t.Options): Set<t.Condition> {
+	let out = new Set([ 'default', ...options.conditions || [] ]);
+	options.unsafe || out.add(options.require ? 'require' : 'import');
+	options.unsafe || out.add(options.browser ? 'browser' : 'node');
+	return out;
+export function walk(name: string, mapping: Mapping, input: string, options?: t.Options): string[] {
+	let entry = toEntry(name, input);
+	let c = conditions(options || {});
+	let m: Value|void = mapping[entry];
+	let v: string[]|void, replace: string|void;
+	if (m === void 0) {
+		// loop for longest key match
+		let match: RegExpExecArray|null;
+		let longest: Entry|undefined;
+		let tmp: string|number;
+		let key: Entry;
+		for (key in mapping) {
+			if (longest && key.length < longest.length) {
+				// do not allow "./" to match if already matched "./foo*" key
+			} else if (key[key.length - 1] === '/' && entry.startsWith(key)) {
+				replace = entry.substring(key.length);
+				longest = key;
+			} else if (key.length > 1) {
+				tmp = key.indexOf('*', 2);
+				if (!!~tmp) {
+					match = RegExp(
+						'^' + key.substring(0, tmp) + '(.*)' + key.substring(1+tmp)
+					).exec(entry);
+					if (match && match[1]) {
+						replace = match[1];
+						longest = key;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		m = mapping[longest!];
+	}
+	if (!m) {
+		// missing export
+		throws(name, entry);
+	}
+	v = loop(m, c);
+	// unknown condition(s)
+	if (!v) throws(name, entry, 1);
+	if (replace) injects(v, replace);
+	return v;
+/** @note: mutates! */
+export function injects(items: string[], value: string): void {
+	let i=0, len=items.length, rgx=/[*]/g, tmp: string;
+	for (; i < len; i++) {
+		items[i] = rgx.test(tmp = items[i])
+			? tmp.replace(rgx, value)
+			: (tmp+value);
+	}
+ * @param name package name
+ * @param ident entry identifier
+ * @param externals allow non-path (external) result
+ * @see https://esbench.com/bench/59fa3e6799634800a0349382
+ */
+export function toEntry(name: string, ident: string, externals?: false): Entry;
+export function toEntry(name: string, ident: string, externals: true): Entry | string;
+export function toEntry(name: string, ident: string, externals?: boolean): Entry | string {
+	if (name === ident || ident === '.') return '.';
+	let root = name+'/', len = root.length;
+	let bool = ident.slice(0, len) === root;
+	let output = bool ? ident.slice(len) : ident;
+	if (output[0] === '#') return output as t.Imports.Entry;
+	return (bool || !externals)
+		? (output.slice(0,2) === './' ? output : './' + output) as t.Path
+		: output as string | t.Exports.Entry;
+export function loop(m: Value, keys: Set<t.Condition>, result?: Set<string>): string[] | void {
+	if (m) {
+		if (typeof m === 'string') {
+			if (result) result.add(m);
+			return [m];
+		}
+		let
+			idx: number | string,
+			arr: Set<string>;
+		if (Array.isArray(m)) {
+			arr = result || new Set;
+			for (idx=0; idx < m.length; idx++) {
+				loop(m[idx], keys, arr);
+			}
+			// return if initialized set
+			if (!result && arr.size) {
+				return [...arr];
+			}
+		} else for (idx in m) {
+			if (keys.has(idx)) {
+				return loop(m[idx], keys, result);
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/test/index.ts b/test/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f7f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1442 @@
+import * as uvu from 'uvu';
+import * as assert from 'uvu/assert';
+import * as lib from '../src/index';
+import type * as t from 'resolve.exports';
+type Package = t.Package;
+type Entry = t.Exports.Entry | t.Imports.Entry;
+type Options = t.Options;
+function pass(pkg: Package, expects: string|string[], entry?: string, options?: Options) {
+	let out = lib.resolve(pkg, entry, options);
+	if (typeof expects === 'string') {
+		assert.ok(Array.isArray(out));
+		assert.is(out[0], expects);
+		assert.is(out.length, 1);
+	} else {
+		// Array | null | undefined
+		assert.equal(out, expects);
+	}
+function fail(pkg: Package, target: Entry, entry?: string, options?: Options) {
+	try {
+		lib.resolve(pkg, entry, options);
+		assert.unreachable();
+	} catch (err) {
+		assert.instance(err, Error);
+		assert.is((err as Error).message, `Missing "${target}" specifier in "${pkg.name}" package`);
+	}
+function describe(
+	name: string,
+	cb: (it: uvu.Test) => void
+) {
+	let t = uvu.suite(name);
+	cb(t);
+	t.run();
+// ---
+describe('$.resolve', it => {
+	it('should be a function', () => {
+		assert.type(lib.resolve, 'function');
+	});
+	it('should return nothing if no maps', () => {
+		let output = lib.resolve({
+			"name": "foobar"
+		});
+		assert.is(output, undefined);
+	});
+	it('should default to `$.exports` handler', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": "./hello.mjs"
+		};
+		let output = lib.resolve(pkg);
+		assert.equal(output, ['./hello.mjs']);
+		output = lib.resolve(pkg, '.');
+		assert.equal(output, ['./hello.mjs']);
+		try {
+			lib.resolve(pkg, './other');
+			assert.unreachable();
+		} catch (err) {
+			assert.instance(err, Error);
+			assert.is((err as Error).message, `Missing "./other" specifier in "foobar" package`);
+		}
+	});
+	it('should run `$.imports` if given #ident', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#foo": "./foo.mjs"
+			}
+		};
+		let output = lib.resolve(pkg, '#foo');
+		assert.equal(output, ['./foo.mjs']);
+		output = lib.resolve(pkg, 'foobar/#foo');
+		assert.equal(output, ['./foo.mjs']);
+		try {
+			lib.resolve(pkg, '#bar');
+			assert.unreachable();
+		} catch (err) {
+			assert.instance(err, Error);
+			assert.is((err as Error).message, `Missing "#bar" specifier in "foobar" package`);
+		}
+	});
+	it('should run `$.export` if given "external" identifier', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				".": "./foo.mjs"
+			}
+		};
+		try {
+			lib.resolve(pkg, 'external');
+			assert.unreachable();
+		} catch (err) {
+			assert.instance(err, Error);
+			// IMPORTANT: treats "external" as "./external"
+			assert.is((err as Error).message, `Missing "./external" specifier in "foobar" package`);
+		}
+	});
+	it('should run `$.export` if given "external/subpath" identifier', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				".": "./foo.mjs"
+			}
+		};
+		try {
+			lib.resolve(pkg, 'external/subpath');
+			assert.unreachable();
+		} catch (err) {
+			assert.instance(err, Error);
+			// IMPORTANT: treats "external/subpath" as "./external/subpath"
+			assert.is((err as Error).message, `Missing "./external/subpath" specifier in "foobar" package`);
+		}
+	});
+describe('$.imports', it => {
+	it('should be a function', () => {
+		assert.type(lib.imports, 'function');
+	});
+	it('should return nothing if no "imports" map', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar"
+		};
+		let output = lib.imports(pkg, '#any');
+		assert.is(output, undefined);
+	});
+	it('imports["#foo"] = string', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#foo": "./$import",
+				"#bar": "module-a",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$import', '#foo');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', 'foobar/#foo');
+		pass(pkg, 'module-a', '#bar');
+		pass(pkg, 'module-a', 'foobar/#bar');
+		fail(pkg, '#other', 'foobar/#other');
+	});
+	it('imports["#foo"] = object', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#foo": {
+					"import": "./$import",
+					"require": "./$require",
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$import', '#foo');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', 'foobar/#foo');
+		fail(pkg, '#other', 'foobar/#other');
+	});
+	it('nested conditions :: subpath', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#lite": {
+					"node": {
+						"import": "./$node.import",
+						"require": "./$node.require"
+					},
+					"browser": {
+						"import": "./$browser.import",
+						"require": "./$browser.require"
+					},
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$node.import', 'foobar/#lite');
+		pass(pkg, './$node.require', 'foobar/#lite', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$browser.import', 'foobar/#lite', { browser: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$browser.require', 'foobar/#lite', { browser: true, require: true });
+	});
+	it('nested conditions :: subpath :: inverse', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#lite": {
+					"import": {
+						"browser": "./$browser.import",
+						"node": "./$node.import",
+					},
+					"require": {
+						"browser": "./$browser.require",
+						"node": "./$node.require",
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$node.import', 'foobar/#lite');
+		pass(pkg, './$node.require', 'foobar/#lite', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$browser.import', 'foobar/#lite', { browser: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$browser.require', 'foobar/#lite', { browser: true, require: true });
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
+	it('imports["#key/*"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#key/*": "./cheese/*.mjs"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.mjs', 'foobar/#key/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello/world.mjs', '#key/hello/world');
+		// evaluate as defined, not wrong
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.js.mjs', '#key/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.js.mjs', 'foobar/#key/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello/world.js.mjs', '#key/hello/world.js');
+	});
+	it('imports["#key/dir*"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#key/dir*": "./cheese/*.mjs"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/test.mjs', '#key/dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/test.mjs', 'foobar/#key/dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/test/wheel.mjs', '#key/dirtest/wheel');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/test/wheel.mjs', 'foobar/#key/dirtest/wheel');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/9
+	it('imports["#key/dir*"] :: repeat "*" value', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#key/dir*": "./*sub/dir*/file.js"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', '#key/dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'foobar/#key/dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', '#key/dirtest/inner');
+		pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'foobar/#key/dirtest/inner');
+	});
+	/**
+	 * @deprecated Documentation-only deprecation in Node 14.13
+	 * @deprecated Runtime deprecation in Node 16.0
+	 * @removed Removed in Node 18.0
+	 * @see https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v16.x/api/packages.html#subpath-folder-mappings
+	 */
+	it('imports["#features/"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#features/": "./features/"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './features/', '#features/');
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/#features/');
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello.js');
+		fail(pkg, '#features', '#features');
+		fail(pkg, '#features', 'foobar/#features');
+	});
+	it('imports["#features/"] :: conditions', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#features/": {
+					"browser": {
+						"import": "./browser.import/",
+						"require": "./browser.require/",
+					},
+					"import": "./import/",
+					"require": "./require/",
+				},
+			}
+		};
+		// import
+		pass(pkg, './import/', '#features/');
+		pass(pkg, './import/', 'foobar/#features/');
+		pass(pkg, './import/hello.js', '#features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './import/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello.js');
+		// require
+		pass(pkg, './require/', '#features/', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './require/', 'foobar/#features/', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', '#features/hello.js', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello.js', { require: true });
+		// require + browser
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/', '#features/', { browser: true, require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/', 'foobar/#features/', { browser: true, require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', '#features/hello.js', { browser: true, require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello.js', { browser: true, require: true });
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
+	it('imports["#features/*"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#features/*": "./features/*.js",
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, '#features', '#features');
+		fail(pkg, '#features', 'foobar/#features');
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', '#features/');
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', 'foobar/#features/');
+		pass(pkg, './features/a.js', 'foobar/#features/a');
+		pass(pkg, './features/ab.js', 'foobar/#features/ab');
+		pass(pkg, './features/abc.js', 'foobar/#features/abc');
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/#features/foo/bar');
+		// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js.js', 'foobar/#features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/#features/foo/bar.js');
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
+	it('exports["#fooba*"] :: with "#foo*" key', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#fooba*": "./features/*.js",
+				"#foo*": "./"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './features/r.js', '#foobar');
+		pass(pkg, './features/r.js', 'foobar/#foobar');
+		pass(pkg, './features/r/hello.js', 'foobar/#foobar/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './features/r/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/#foobar/foo/bar');
+		// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
+		pass(pkg, './features/r/hello.js.js', 'foobar/#foobar/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './features/r/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/#foobar/foo/bar.js');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/7
+	it('imports["#fooba*"] :: with "#foo*" key first', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#foo*": "./",
+				"#fooba*": "./features/*.js"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './features/r.js', '#foobar');
+		pass(pkg, './features/r.js', 'foobar/#foobar');
+		pass(pkg, './features/r/hello.js', 'foobar/#foobar/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './features/r/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/#foobar/foo/bar');
+		// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
+		pass(pkg, './features/r/hello.js.js', 'foobar/#foobar/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './features/r/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/#foobar/foo/bar.js');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/16
+	it('imports["#features/*"] :: with `null` internals', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#features/*": "./src/features/*.js",
+				"#features/internal/*": null
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', '#features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', '#features/foo/bar');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/#features/foo/bar');
+		// Currently throwing `Missing "%s" specifier in "$s" package`
+		fail(pkg, '#features/internal/hello', '#features/internal/hello');
+		fail(pkg, '#features/internal/foo/bar', '#features/internal/foo/bar');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/16
+	it('imports["#features/*"] :: with `null` internals first', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#features/internal/*": null,
+				"#features/*": "./src/features/*.js",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', '#features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', '#features/foo/bar');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/#features/foo/bar');
+		// Currently throwing `Missing "%s" specifier in "$s" package`
+		fail(pkg, '#features/internal/hello', '#features/internal/hello');
+		fail(pkg, '#features/internal/foo/bar', '#features/internal/foo/bar');
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v18.x/api/packages.html#package-entry-points
+	it('imports["#features/*"] :: with "#features/*.js" key', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#features/*": "./features/*.js",
+				"#features/*.js": "./features/*.js",
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, '#features', '#features');
+		fail(pkg, '#features', 'foobar/#features');
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', '#features/');
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', 'foobar/#features/');
+		pass(pkg, './features/a.js', 'foobar/#features/a');
+		pass(pkg, './features/ab.js', 'foobar/#features/ab');
+		pass(pkg, './features/abc.js', 'foobar/#features/abc');
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/#features/foo/bar');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/#features/foo/bar.js');
+	});
+	it('imports["#features/*"] :: conditions', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#features/*": {
+					"browser": {
+						"import": "./browser.import/*.mjs",
+						"require": "./browser.require/*.js",
+					},
+					"import": "./import/*.mjs",
+					"require": "./require/*.js",
+				},
+			}
+		};
+		// import
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', '#features/'); // no file
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', 'foobar/#features/'); // no file
+		pass(pkg, './import/hello.mjs', '#features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './import/hello.mjs', 'foobar/#features/hello');
+		// require
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', '#features/', { require: true }); // no file
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', 'foobar/#features/', { require: true }); // no file
+		pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', '#features/hello', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello', { require: true });
+		// require + browser
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', '#features/', { browser: true, require: true }); // no file
+		fail(pkg, '#features/', 'foobar/#features/', { browser: true, require: true }); // no file
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', '#features/hello', { browser: true, require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', 'foobar/#features/hello', { browser: true, require: true });
+	});
+	it('should handle mixed path/conditions', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"imports": {
+				"#foo": [
+					{
+						"require": "./$foo.require"
+					},
+					"./$foo.string"
+				]
+			}
+		};
+		// TODO? if len==1 then single?
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.string'], '#foo');
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.string'], 'foobar/#foo');
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.require', './$foo.string'], '#foo', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.require', './$foo.string'], 'foobar/#foo', { require: true });
+	});
+describe('$.exports', it => {
+	it('should be a function', () => {
+		assert.type(lib.exports, 'function');
+	});
+	it('should return nothing if no "exports" map', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar"
+		};
+		let output = lib.exports(pkg, '#any');
+		assert.is(output, undefined);
+	});
+	it('should default to "." target input', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				".": "./hello.mjs"
+			}
+		};
+		let output = lib.exports(pkg);
+		assert.equal(output, ['./hello.mjs']);
+		output = lib.exports(pkg, '.');
+		assert.equal(output, ['./hello.mjs']);
+		output = lib.exports(pkg, 'foobar');
+		assert.equal(output, ['./hello.mjs']);
+	});
+	it('exports=string', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": "./$string",
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$string');
+		pass(pkg, './$string', '.');
+		pass(pkg, './$string', 'foobar');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
+		fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
+	});
+	it('exports = { self }', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"import": "./$import",
+				"require": "./$require",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$import');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', '.');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', 'foobar');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
+		fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
+	});
+	it('exports["."] = string', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				".": "./$self",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$self');
+		pass(pkg, './$self', '.');
+		pass(pkg, './$self', 'foobar');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
+		fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
+	});
+	it('exports["."] = object', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				".": {
+					"import": "./$import",
+					"require": "./$require",
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$import');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', '.');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', 'foobar');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
+		fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
+	});
+	it('exports["./foo"] = string', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./foo": "./$import",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$import', './foo');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', 'foobar/foo');
+		fail(pkg, '.');
+		fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
+	});
+	it('exports["./foo"] = object', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./foo": {
+					"import": "./$import",
+					"require": "./$require",
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$import', './foo');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', 'foobar/foo');
+		fail(pkg, '.');
+		fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_nested_conditions
+	it('nested conditions', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"node": {
+					"import": "./$node.import",
+					"require": "./$node.require"
+				},
+				"default": "./$default",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$node.import');
+		pass(pkg, './$node.import', 'foobar');
+		// browser => no "node" key
+		pass(pkg, './$default', '.', { browser: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$default', 'foobar', { browser: true });
+		fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
+		fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
+	});
+	it('nested conditions :: subpath', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./lite": {
+					"node": {
+						"import": "./$node.import",
+						"require": "./$node.require"
+					},
+					"browser": {
+						"import": "./$browser.import",
+						"require": "./$browser.require"
+					},
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$node.import', 'foobar/lite');
+		pass(pkg, './$node.require', 'foobar/lite', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$browser.import', 'foobar/lite', { browser: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$browser.require', 'foobar/lite', { browser: true, require: true });
+	});
+	it('nested conditions :: subpath :: inverse', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./lite": {
+					"import": {
+						"browser": "./$browser.import",
+						"node": "./$node.import",
+					},
+					"require": {
+						"browser": "./$browser.require",
+						"node": "./$node.require",
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$node.import', 'foobar/lite');
+		pass(pkg, './$node.require', 'foobar/lite', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$browser.import', 'foobar/lite', { browser: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$browser.require', 'foobar/lite', { browser: true, require: true });
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
+	it('exports["./"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				".": {
+					"require": "./$require",
+					"import": "./$import"
+				},
+				"./package.json": "./package.json",
+				"./": "./"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$import');
+		pass(pkg, './$import', 'foobar');
+		pass(pkg, './$require', 'foobar', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
+		// "loose" / everything exposed
+		pass(pkg, './hello.js', 'hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './hello.js', 'foobar/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './hello/world.js', './hello/world.js');
+	});
+	it('exports["./"] :: w/o "." key', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./package.json": "./package.json",
+				"./": "./"
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, '.', ".");
+		fail(pkg, '.', "foobar");
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
+		// "loose" / everything exposed
+		pass(pkg, './hello.js', 'hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './hello.js', 'foobar/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './hello/world.js', './hello/world.js');
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
+	it('exports["./*"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./*": "./cheese/*.mjs"
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, '.', ".");
+		fail(pkg, '.', "foobar");
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.mjs', 'hello');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.mjs', 'foobar/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello/world.mjs', './hello/world');
+		// evaluate as defined, not wrong
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.js.mjs', 'hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.js.mjs', 'foobar/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/hello/world.js.mjs', './hello/world.js');
+	});
+	it('exports["./dir*"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./dir*": "./cheese/*.mjs"
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, '.', ".");
+		fail(pkg, '.', "foobar");
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/test.mjs', 'dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/test.mjs', 'foobar/dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/test/wheel.mjs', 'dirtest/wheel');
+		pass(pkg, './cheese/test/wheel.mjs', 'foobar/dirtest/wheel');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/9
+	it('exports["./dir*"] :: repeat "*" value', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./dir*": "./*sub/dir*/file.js"
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, '.', ".");
+		fail(pkg, '.', "foobar");
+		pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'foobar/dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'dirtest/inner');
+		pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'foobar/dirtest/inner');
+	});
+	it('exports["./dir*"] :: share "name" start', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "director",
+			"exports": {
+				"./dir*": "./*sub/dir*/file.js"
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, '.', ".");
+		fail(pkg, '.', "director");
+		pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'director/dirtest');
+		pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'dirtest/inner');
+		pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'director/dirtest/inner');
+	});
+	/**
+	 * @deprecated Documentation-only deprecation in Node 14.13
+	 * @deprecated Runtime deprecation in Node 16.0
+	 * @removed Removed in Node 18.0
+	 * @see https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v16.x/api/packages.html#subpath-folder-mappings
+	 */
+	it('exports["./features/"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/": "./features/"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'features/');
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/');
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
+		fail(pkg, './features', 'features');
+		fail(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
+	it('exports["./features/"] :: with "./" key', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/": "./features/",
+				"./package.json": "./package.json",
+				"./": "./"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './features', 'features'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'features/'); // via "./features/"
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/'); // via "./features/"
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
+		// Does NOT hit "./" (match Node)
+		fail(pkg, '.', '.');
+		fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
+	});
+	it('exports["./features/"] :: conditions', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/": {
+					"browser": {
+						"import": "./browser.import/",
+						"require": "./browser.require/",
+					},
+					"import": "./import/",
+					"require": "./require/",
+				},
+			}
+		};
+		// import
+		pass(pkg, './import/', 'features/');
+		pass(pkg, './import/', 'foobar/features/');
+		pass(pkg, './import/hello.js', './features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './import/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
+		// require
+		pass(pkg, './require/', 'features/', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './require/', 'foobar/features/', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', './features/hello.js', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js', { require: true });
+		// require + browser
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/', 'features/', { browser: true, require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/', 'foobar/features/', { browser: true, require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', './features/hello.js', { browser: true, require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js', { browser: true, require: true });
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
+	it('exports["./features/*"]', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/*": "./features/*.js",
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, './features', 'features');
+		fail(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features');
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/');
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/');
+		pass(pkg, './features/a.js', 'foobar/features/a');
+		pass(pkg, './features/ab.js', 'foobar/features/ab');
+		pass(pkg, './features/abc.js', 'foobar/features/abc');
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
+		// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar.js');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
+	it('exports["./features/*"] :: with "./" key', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/*": "./features/*.js",
+				"./": "./"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './features', 'features'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'features/'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
+		// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar.js');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
+		// Does NOT hit "./" (match Node)
+		fail(pkg, '.', '.');
+		fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/7
+	it('exports["./features/*"] :: with "./" key first', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./": "./",
+				"./features/*": "./features/*.js"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './features', 'features'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'features/'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/'); // via "./"
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
+		// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar.js');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
+		pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
+		// Does NOT hit "./" (match Node)
+		fail(pkg, '.', '.');
+		fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/16
+	it('exports["./features/*"] :: with `null` internals', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/*": "./src/features/*.js",
+				"./features/internal/*": null
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'features/foo/bar');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
+		// Currently throwing `Missing "%s" specifier in "$s" package`
+		fail(pkg, './features/internal/hello', 'features/internal/hello');
+		fail(pkg, './features/internal/foo/bar', 'features/internal/foo/bar');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/16
+	it('exports["./features/*"] :: with `null` internals first', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/internal/*": null,
+				"./features/*": "./src/features/*.js",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'features/foo/bar');
+		pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
+		// Currently throwing `Missing "%s" specifier in "$s" package`
+		fail(pkg, './features/internal/hello', 'features/internal/hello');
+		fail(pkg, './features/internal/foo/bar', 'features/internal/foo/bar');
+	});
+	// https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v18.x/api/packages.html#package-entry-points
+	it('exports["./features/*"] :: with "./features/*.js" key', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/*": "./features/*.js",
+				"./features/*.js": "./features/*.js",
+			}
+		};
+		fail(pkg, './features', 'features');
+		fail(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features');
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/');
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/');
+		pass(pkg, './features/a.js', 'foobar/features/a');
+		pass(pkg, './features/ab.js', 'foobar/features/ab');
+		pass(pkg, './features/abc.js', 'foobar/features/abc');
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
+		pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar.js');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
+		fail(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
+	});
+	it('exports["./features/*"] :: conditions', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				"./features/*": {
+					"browser": {
+						"import": "./browser.import/*.mjs",
+						"require": "./browser.require/*.js",
+					},
+					"import": "./import/*.mjs",
+					"require": "./require/*.js",
+				},
+			}
+		};
+		// import
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/'); // no file
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/'); // no file
+		pass(pkg, './import/hello.mjs', './features/hello');
+		pass(pkg, './import/hello.mjs', 'foobar/features/hello');
+		// require
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/', { require: true }); // no file
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/', { require: true }); // no file
+		pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', './features/hello', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello', { require: true });
+		// require + browser
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/', { browser: true, require: true }); // no file
+		fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/', { browser: true, require: true }); // no file
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', './features/hello', { browser: true, require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello', { browser: true, require: true });
+	});
+	it('should handle mixed path/conditions', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"exports": {
+				".": [
+					{
+						"import": "./$root.import",
+					},
+					"./$root.string"
+				],
+				"./foo": [
+					{
+						"require": "./$foo.require"
+					},
+					"./$foo.string"
+				]
+			}
+		}
+		pass(pkg, ['./$root.import', './$root.string']);
+		pass(pkg, ['./$root.import', './$root.string'], 'foobar');
+		// TODO? if len==1 then single?
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.string'], 'foo');
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.string'], 'foobar/foo');
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.string'], './foo');
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.require', './$foo.string'], 'foo', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.require', './$foo.string'], 'foobar/foo', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, ['./$foo.require', './$foo.string'], './foo', { require: true });
+	});
+	it('should handle file with leading dot', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"version": "2.41.0",
+			"name": "aws-cdk-lib",
+			"exports": {
+				".": "./index.js",
+				"./package.json": "./package.json",
+				"./.jsii": "./.jsii",
+				"./.warnings.jsii.js": "./.warnings.jsii.js",
+				"./alexa-ask": "./alexa-ask/index.js"
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, "./.warnings.jsii.js", ".warnings.jsii.js");
+	});
+describe('options.requires', it => {
+	let pkg: Package = {
+		"name": "r",
+		"exports": {
+			"require": "./$require",
+			"import": "./$import",
+		}
+	};
+	it('should ignore "require" keys by default', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$import');
+	});
+	it('should use "require" key when defined first', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$require', '.', { require: true });
+	});
+	it('should ignore "import" key when enabled', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "r",
+			"exports": {
+				"import": "./$import",
+				"require": "./$require",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$require', '.', { require: true });
+		pass(pkg, './$import', '.');
+	});
+	it('should match "default" if "require" is after', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "r",
+			"exports": {
+				"default": "./$default",
+				"require": "./$require",
+			}
+		};
+		pass(pkg, './$default', '.', { require: true });
+	});
+describe('options.browser', it => {
+	let pkg: Package = {
+		"name": "b",
+		"exports": {
+			"browser": "./$browser",
+			"node": "./$node",
+		}
+	};
+	it('should ignore "browser" keys by default', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$node');
+	});
+	it('should use "browser" key when defined first', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$browser', '.', { browser: true });
+	});
+	it('should ignore "node" key when enabled', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "b",
+			"exports": {
+				"node": "./$node",
+				"import": "./$import",
+				"browser": "./$browser",
+			}
+		};
+		// import defined before browser
+		pass(pkg, './$import', '.', { browser: true });
+	});
+describe('options.conditions', it => {
+	const pkg: Package = {
+		"name": "c",
+		"exports": {
+			"production": "./$prod",
+			"development": "./$dev",
+			"default": "./$default",
+		}
+	};
+	it('should ignore unknown conditions by default', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$default');
+	});
+	it('should recognize custom field(s) when specified', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$dev', '.', {
+			conditions: ['development']
+		});
+		pass(pkg, './$prod', '.', {
+			conditions: ['development', 'production']
+		});
+	});
+	it('should throw an error if no known conditions', () => {
+		let ctx: Package = {
+			"name": "hello",
+			"exports": {
+				// @ts-ignore
+				...pkg.exports
+			},
+		};
+		// @ts-ignore
+		delete ctx.exports.default;
+		try {
+			lib.resolve(ctx);
+			assert.unreachable();
+		} catch (err) {
+			assert.instance(err, Error);
+			assert.is((err as Error).message, `No known conditions for "." specifier in "hello" package`);
+		}
+	});
+describe('options.unsafe', it => {
+	let pkg: Package = {
+		"name": "unsafe",
+		"exports": {
+			".": {
+				"production": "./$prod",
+				"development": "./$dev",
+				"default": "./$default",
+			},
+			"./spec/type": {
+				"import": "./$import",
+				"require": "./$require",
+				"default": "./$default"
+			},
+			"./spec/env": {
+				"worker": {
+					"default": "./$worker"
+				},
+				"browser": "./$browser",
+				"node": "./$node",
+				"default": "./$default"
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	it('should ignore unknown conditions by default', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$default', '.', {
+			unsafe: true,
+		});
+	});
+	it('should ignore "import" and "require" conditions by default', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$default', './spec/type', {
+			unsafe: true,
+		});
+		pass(pkg, './$default', './spec/type', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			require: true,
+		});
+	});
+	it('should ignore "node" and "browser" conditions by default', () => {
+		pass(pkg, './$default', './spec/type', {
+			unsafe: true,
+		});
+		pass(pkg, './$default', './spec/type', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			browser: true,
+		});
+	});
+	it('should respect/accept any custom condition(s) when specified', () => {
+		// root, dev only
+		pass(pkg, './$dev', '.', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			conditions: ['development']
+		});
+		// root, defined order
+		pass(pkg, './$prod', '.', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			conditions: ['development', 'production']
+		});
+		// import vs require, defined order
+		pass(pkg, './$require', './spec/type', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			conditions: ['require']
+		});
+		// import vs require, defined order
+		pass(pkg, './$import', './spec/type', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			conditions: ['import', 'require']
+		});
+		// import vs require, defined order
+		pass(pkg, './$node', './spec/env', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			conditions: ['node']
+		});
+		// import vs require, defined order
+		pass(pkg, './$browser', './spec/env', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			conditions: ['browser', 'node']
+		});
+		// import vs require, defined order
+		pass(pkg, './$worker', './spec/env', {
+			unsafe: true,
+			conditions: ['browser', 'node', 'worker']
+		});
+	});
diff --git a/test/legacy.js b/test/legacy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 224c539..0000000
--- a/test/legacy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-import { suite } from 'uvu';
-import * as assert from 'uvu/assert';
-import * as $exports from '../src';
-const legacy = suite('$.legacy');
-legacy('should be a function', () => {
-	assert.type($exports.legacy, 'function');
-legacy('should prefer "module" > "main" entry', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"module": "build/module.js",
-		"main": "build/main.js",
-	};
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg);
-	assert.is(output, './build/module.js');
-legacy('should read "main" field', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"main": "build/main.js",
-	};
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg);
-	assert.is(output, './build/main.js');
-legacy('should return nothing when no fields', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar"
-	};
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg);
-	assert.is(output, undefined);
-legacy('should ignore boolean-type field values', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"module": true,
-		"main": "main.js"
-	};
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg);
-	assert.is(output, './main.js');
-// ---
-const fields = suite('options.fields', {
-	"name": "foobar",
-	"module": "build/module.js",
-	"browser": "build/browser.js",
-	"custom": "build/custom.js",
-	"main": "build/main.js",
-fields('should customize field search order', pkg => {
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg);
-	assert.is(output, './build/module.js', 'default: module');
-	output = $exports.legacy(pkg, { fields: ['main'] });
-	assert.is(output, './build/main.js', 'custom: main only');
-	output = $exports.legacy(pkg, { fields: ['custom', 'main', 'module'] });
-	assert.is(output, './build/custom.js', 'custom: custom > main > module');
-fields('should return first *resolved* field', pkg => {
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg, {
-		fields: ['howdy', 'partner', 'hello', 'world', 'main']
-	});
-	assert.is(output, './build/main.js');
-// ---
-const browser = suite('options.browser', {
-	"name": "foobar",
-	"module": "build/module.js",
-	"browser": "build/browser.js",
-	"unpkg": "build/unpkg.js",
-	"main": "build/main.js",
-browser('should prioritize "browser" field when defined', pkg => {
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg);
-	assert.is(output, './build/module.js');
-	output = $exports.legacy(pkg, { browser: true });
-	assert.is(output, './build/browser.js');
-browser('should respect existing "browser" order in custom fields', pkg => {
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg, {
-		fields: ['main', 'browser'],
-		browser: true,
-	});
-	assert.is(output, './build/main.js');
-// https://github.com/defunctzombie/package-browser-field-spec
-browser('should resolve object format', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"browser": {
-			"module-a": "./shims/module-a.js",
-			"./server/only.js": "./shims/client-only.js"
-		}
-	};
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, { browser: 'module-a' }),
-		'./shims/module-a.js'
-	);
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, { browser: './server/only.js' }),
-		'./shims/client-only.js'
-	);
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, { browser: 'foobar/server/only.js' }),
-		'./shims/client-only.js'
-	);
-browser('should allow object format to "ignore" modules/files :: string', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"browser": {
-			"module-a": false,
-			"./foo.js": false,
-		}
-	};
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, { browser: 'module-a' }),
-		false
-	);
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, { browser: './foo.js' }),
-		false
-	);
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, { browser: 'foobar/foo.js' }),
-		false
-	);
-browser('should return the `browser` string (entry) if no custom mapping :: string', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"browser": {
-			//
-		}
-	};
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, {
-			browser: './hello.js'
-		}),
-		'./hello.js'
-	);
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, {
-			browser: 'foobar/hello.js'
-		}),
-		'./hello.js'
-	);
-browser('should return the full "browser" object :: true', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"browser": {
-			"./other.js": "./world.js"
-		}
-	};
-	let output = $exports.legacy(pkg, {
-		browser: true
-	});
-	assert.equal(output, pkg.browser);
-browser('still ensures string output is made relative', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"browser": {
-			"./foo.js": 'bar.js',
-		}
-	};
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, {
-			browser: './foo.js'
-		}),
-		'./bar.js'
-	);
-	assert.is(
-		$exports.legacy(pkg, {
-			browser: 'foobar/foo.js'
-		}),
-		'./bar.js'
-	);
diff --git a/test/legacy.ts b/test/legacy.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d923abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/legacy.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+import * as uvu from 'uvu';
+import * as assert from 'uvu/assert';
+import { legacy } from '../src/legacy';
+import type { Package } from 'resolve.exports';
+function describe(
+	name: string,
+	cb: (it: uvu.Test) => void
+) {
+	let t = uvu.suite(name);
+	cb(t);
+	t.run();
+describe('lib.legacy', it => {
+	it('should be a function', () => {
+		assert.type(legacy, 'function');
+	});
+	it('should prefer "module" > "main" entry', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"module": "build/module.js",
+			"main": "build/main.js",
+		};
+		let output = legacy(pkg);
+		assert.is(output, './build/module.js');
+	});
+	it('should read "main" field', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"main": "build/main.js",
+		};
+		let output = legacy(pkg);
+		assert.is(output, './build/main.js');
+	});
+	it('should return nothing when no fields', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar"
+		};
+		let output = legacy(pkg);
+		assert.is(output, undefined);
+	});
+	it('should ignore boolean-type field values', () => {
+		let pkg = {
+			"module": true,
+			"main": "main.js"
+		};
+		let output = legacy(pkg as any);
+		assert.is(output, './main.js');
+	});
+describe('options.fields', it => {
+	let pkg: Package = {
+		"name": "foobar",
+		"module": "build/module.js",
+		"browser": "build/browser.js",
+		"custom": "build/custom.js",
+		"main": "build/main.js",
+	};
+	it('should customize field search order', () => {
+		let output = legacy(pkg);
+		assert.is(output, './build/module.js', 'default: module');
+		output = legacy(pkg, { fields: ['main'] });
+		assert.is(output, './build/main.js', 'custom: main only');
+		output = legacy(pkg, { fields: ['custom', 'main', 'module'] });
+		assert.is(output, './build/custom.js', 'custom: custom > main > module');
+	});
+	it('should return first *resolved* field', () => {
+		let output = legacy(pkg, {
+			fields: ['howdy', 'partner', 'hello', 'world', 'main']
+		});
+		assert.is(output, './build/main.js');
+	});
+describe('options.browser', it => {
+	let pkg: Package = {
+		"name": "foobar",
+		"module": "build/module.js",
+		"browser": "build/browser.js",
+		"unpkg": "build/unpkg.js",
+		"main": "build/main.js",
+	};
+	it('should prioritize "browser" field when defined', () => {
+		let output = legacy(pkg);
+		assert.is(output, './build/module.js');
+		output = legacy(pkg, { browser: true });
+		assert.is(output, './build/browser.js');
+	});
+	it('should respect existing "browser" order in custom fields', () => {
+		let output = legacy(pkg, {
+			fields: ['main', 'browser'],
+			browser: true,
+		});
+		assert.is(output, './build/main.js');
+	});
+	// https://github.com/defunctzombie/package-browser-field-spec
+	it('should resolve object format', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"browser": {
+				"module-a": "./shims/module-a.js",
+				"./server/only.js": "./shims/client-only.js"
+			}
+		};
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, { browser: 'module-a' }),
+			'./shims/module-a.js'
+		);
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, { browser: './server/only.js' }),
+			'./shims/client-only.js'
+		);
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, { browser: 'foobar/server/only.js' }),
+			'./shims/client-only.js'
+		);
+	});
+	it('should allow object format to "ignore" modules/files :: string', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"browser": {
+				"module-a": false,
+				"./foo.js": false,
+			}
+		};
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, { browser: 'module-a' }),
+			false
+		);
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, { browser: './foo.js' }),
+			false
+		);
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, { browser: 'foobar/foo.js' }),
+			false
+		);
+	});
+	it('should return the `browser` string (entry) if no custom mapping :: string', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"browser": {
+				//
+			}
+		};
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, {
+				browser: './hello.js'
+			}),
+			'./hello.js'
+		);
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, {
+				browser: 'foobar/hello.js'
+			}),
+			'./hello.js'
+		);
+	});
+	it('should return the full "browser" object :: true', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"browser": {
+				"./other.js": "./world.js"
+			}
+		};
+		let output = legacy(pkg, {
+			browser: true
+		});
+		assert.equal(output, pkg.browser);
+	});
+	it('still ensures string output is made relative', () => {
+		let pkg: Package = {
+			"name": "foobar",
+			"browser": {
+				"./foo.js": "bar.js",
+			}
+		} as any;
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, {
+				browser: './foo.js'
+			}),
+			'./bar.js'
+		);
+		assert.is(
+			legacy(pkg, {
+				browser: 'foobar/foo.js'
+			}),
+			'./bar.js'
+		);
+	});
diff --git a/test/resolve.js b/test/resolve.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cb2963..0000000
--- a/test/resolve.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,894 +0,0 @@
-import { suite } from 'uvu';
-import * as assert from 'uvu/assert';
-import * as $exports from '../src';
-function pass(pkg, expects, ...args) {
-	let out = $exports.resolve(pkg, ...args);
-	assert.is(out, expects);
-function fail(pkg, target, ...args) {
-	try {
-		$exports.resolve(pkg, ...args);
-		assert.unreachable();
-	} catch (err) {
-		assert.instance(err, Error);
-		assert.is(err.message, `Missing "${target}" export in "${pkg.name}" package`);
-	}
-// ---
-const resolve = suite('$.resolve');
-resolve('should be a function', () => {
-	assert.type($exports.resolve, 'function');
-resolve('exports=string', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": "$string",
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$string');
-	pass(pkg, '$string', '.');
-	pass(pkg, '$string', 'foobar');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
-	fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
-resolve('exports = { self }', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"import": "$import",
-			"require": "$require",
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$import');
-	pass(pkg, '$import', '.');
-	pass(pkg, '$import', 'foobar');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
-	fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
-resolve('exports["."] = string', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			".": "$self",
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$self');
-	pass(pkg, '$self', '.');
-	pass(pkg, '$self', 'foobar');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
-	fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
-resolve('exports["."] = object', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			".": {
-				"import": "$import",
-				"require": "$require",
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$import');
-	pass(pkg, '$import', '.');
-	pass(pkg, '$import', 'foobar');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
-	fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
-resolve('exports["./foo"] = string', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./foo": "$import",
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$import', './foo');
-	pass(pkg, '$import', 'foobar/foo');
-	fail(pkg, '.');
-	fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
-resolve('exports["./foo"] = object', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./foo": {
-				"import": "$import",
-				"require": "$require",
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$import', './foo');
-	pass(pkg, '$import', 'foobar/foo');
-	fail(pkg, '.');
-	fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
-// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_nested_conditions
-resolve('nested conditions', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"node": {
-				"import": "$node.import",
-				"require": "$node.require"
-			},
-			"default": "$default",
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$node.import');
-	pass(pkg, '$node.import', 'foobar');
-	// browser => no "node" key
-	pass(pkg, '$default', '.', { browser: true });
-	pass(pkg, '$default', 'foobar', { browser: true });
-	fail(pkg, './hello', './hello');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'foobar/other');
-	fail(pkg, './other', 'other');
-resolve('nested conditions :: subpath', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./lite": {
-				"node": {
-					"import": "$node.import",
-					"require": "$node.require"
-				},
-				"browser": {
-					"import": "$browser.import",
-					"require": "$browser.require"
-				},
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$node.import', 'foobar/lite');
-	pass(pkg, '$node.require', 'foobar/lite', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, '$browser.import', 'foobar/lite', { browser: true });
-	pass(pkg, '$browser.require', 'foobar/lite', { browser: true, require: true });
-resolve('nested conditions :: subpath :: inverse', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./lite": {
-				"import": {
-					"browser": "$browser.import",
-					"node": "$node.import",
-				},
-				"require": {
-					"browser": "$browser.require",
-					"node": "$node.require",
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$node.import', 'foobar/lite');
-	pass(pkg, '$node.require', 'foobar/lite', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, '$browser.import', 'foobar/lite', { browser: true });
-	pass(pkg, '$browser.require', 'foobar/lite', { browser: true, require: true });
-// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
-resolve('exports["./"]', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			".": {
-				"require": "$require",
-				"import": "$import"
-			},
-			"./package.json": "./package.json",
-			"./": "./"
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$import');
-	pass(pkg, '$import', 'foobar');
-	pass(pkg, '$require', 'foobar', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
-	// "loose" / everything exposed
-	pass(pkg, './hello.js', 'hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './hello.js', 'foobar/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './hello/world.js', './hello/world.js');
-resolve('exports["./"] :: w/o "." key', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./package.json": "./package.json",
-			"./": "./"
-		}
-	};
-	fail(pkg, '.', ".");
-	fail(pkg, '.', "foobar");
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
-	// "loose" / everything exposed
-	pass(pkg, './hello.js', 'hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './hello.js', 'foobar/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './hello/world.js', './hello/world.js');
-// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
-resolve('exports["./*"]', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./*": "./cheese/*.mjs"
-		}
-	};
-	fail(pkg, '.', ".");
-	fail(pkg, '.', "foobar");
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.mjs', 'hello');
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.mjs', 'foobar/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/hello/world.mjs', './hello/world');
-	// evaluate as defined, not wrong
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.js.mjs', 'hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/hello.js.mjs', 'foobar/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/hello/world.js.mjs', './hello/world.js');
-resolve('exports["./dir*"]', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./dir*": "./cheese/*.mjs"
-		}
-	};
-	fail(pkg, '.', ".");
-	fail(pkg, '.', "foobar");
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/test.mjs', 'dirtest');
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/test.mjs', 'foobar/dirtest');
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/test/wheel.mjs', 'dirtest/wheel');
-	pass(pkg, './cheese/test/wheel.mjs', 'foobar/dirtest/wheel');
-// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/9
-resolve('exports["./dir*"] :: repeat "*" value', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./dir*": "./*sub/dir*/file.js"
-		}
-	};
-	fail(pkg, '.', ".");
-	fail(pkg, '.', "foobar");
-	pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'dirtest');
-	pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'foobar/dirtest');
-	pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'dirtest/inner');
-	pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'foobar/dirtest/inner');
-resolve('exports["./dir*"] :: share "name" start', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "director",
-		"exports": {
-			"./dir*": "./*sub/dir*/file.js"
-		}
-	};
-	fail(pkg, '.', ".");
-	fail(pkg, '.', "director");
-	pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'dirtest');
-	pass(pkg, './testsub/dirtest/file.js', 'director/dirtest');
-	pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'dirtest/inner');
-	pass(pkg, './test/innersub/dirtest/inner/file.js', 'director/dirtest/inner');
- * @deprecated Documentation-only deprecation in Node 14.13
- * @deprecated Runtime deprecation in Node 16.0
- * @removed Removed in Node 18.0
- * @see https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v16.x/api/packages.html#subpath-folder-mappings
- */
-resolve('exports["./features/"]', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/": "./features/"
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, './features/', 'features/');
-	pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/');
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
-	fail(pkg, './features', 'features');
-	fail(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
-// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
-resolve('exports["./features/"] :: with "./" key', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/": "./features/",
-			"./package.json": "./package.json",
-			"./": "./"
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, './features', 'features'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features/', 'features/'); // via "./features/"
-	pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/'); // via "./features/"
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
-	// Does NOT hit "./" (match Node)
-	fail(pkg, '.', '.');
-	fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
-resolve('exports["./features/"] :: conditions', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/": {
-				"browser": {
-					"import": "./browser.import/",
-					"require": "./browser.require/",
-				},
-				"import": "./import/",
-				"require": "./require/",
-			},
-		}
-	};
-	// import
-	pass(pkg, './import/', 'features/');
-	pass(pkg, './import/', 'foobar/features/');
-	pass(pkg, './import/hello.js', './features/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './import/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
-	// require
-	pass(pkg, './require/', 'features/', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './require/', 'foobar/features/', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', './features/hello.js', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js', { require: true });
-	// require + browser
-	pass(pkg, './browser.require/', 'features/', { browser: true, require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './browser.require/', 'foobar/features/', { browser: true, require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', './features/hello.js', { browser: true, require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js', { browser: true, require: true });
-// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
-resolve('exports["./features/*"]', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/*": "./features/*.js",
-		}
-	};
-	fail(pkg, './features', 'features');
-	fail(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features');
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/');
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/');
-	pass(pkg, './features/a.js', 'foobar/features/a');
-	pass(pkg, './features/ab.js', 'foobar/features/ab');
-	pass(pkg, './features/abc.js', 'foobar/features/abc');
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
-	// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar.js');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
-// https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packages_subpath_folder_mappings
-resolve('exports["./features/*"] :: with "./" key', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/*": "./features/*.js",
-			"./": "./"
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, './features', 'features'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features/', 'features/'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
-	// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar.js');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
-	// Does NOT hit "./" (match Node)
-	fail(pkg, '.', '.');
-	fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
-// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/7
-resolve('exports["./features/*"] :: with "./" key first', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./": "./",
-			"./features/*": "./features/*.js"
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, './features', 'features'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features/', 'features/'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/'); // via "./"
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
-	// Valid: Pattern trailers allow any exact substrings to be matched
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar.js');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
-	pass(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
-	// Does NOT hit "./" (match Node)
-	fail(pkg, '.', '.');
-	fail(pkg, '.', 'foobar');
-// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/16
-resolve('exports["./features/*"] :: with `null` internals', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/*": "./src/features/*.js",
-			"./features/internal/*": null
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'features/foo/bar');
-	pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
-	// Currently throwing `Missing "%s" export in "$s" package`
-	fail(pkg, './features/internal/hello', 'features/internal/hello');
-	fail(pkg, './features/internal/foo/bar', 'features/internal/foo/bar');
-// https://github.com/lukeed/resolve.exports/issues/16
-resolve('exports["./features/*"] :: with `null` internals first', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/internal/*": null,
-			"./features/*": "./src/features/*.js",
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './src/features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'features/foo/bar');
-	pass(pkg, './src/features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
-	// Currently throwing `Missing "%s" export in "$s" package`
-	fail(pkg, './features/internal/hello', 'features/internal/hello');
-	fail(pkg, './features/internal/foo/bar', 'features/internal/foo/bar');
-// https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v18.x/api/packages.html#package-entry-points
-resolve('exports["./features/*"] :: with "./features/*.js" key', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/*": "./features/*.js",
-			"./features/*.js": "./features/*.js",
-		}
-	};
-	fail(pkg, './features', 'features');
-	fail(pkg, './features', 'foobar/features');
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/');
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/');
-	pass(pkg, './features/a.js', 'foobar/features/a');
-	pass(pkg, './features/ab.js', 'foobar/features/ab');
-	pass(pkg, './features/abc.js', 'foobar/features/abc');
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './features/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello.js');
-	pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar');
-	pass(pkg, './features/foo/bar.js', 'foobar/features/foo/bar.js');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', 'package.json');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', 'foobar/package.json');
-	fail(pkg, './package.json', './package.json');
-resolve('exports["./features/*"] :: conditions', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			"./features/*": {
-				"browser": {
-					"import": "./browser.import/*.mjs",
-					"require": "./browser.require/*.js",
-				},
-				"import": "./import/*.mjs",
-				"require": "./require/*.js",
-			},
-		}
-	};
-	// import
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/'); // no file
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/'); // no file
-	pass(pkg, './import/hello.mjs', './features/hello');
-	pass(pkg, './import/hello.mjs', 'foobar/features/hello');
-	// require
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/', { require: true }); // no file
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/', { require: true }); // no file
-	pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', './features/hello', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './require/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello', { require: true });
-	// require + browser
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'features/', { browser: true, require: true }); // no file
-	fail(pkg, './features/', 'foobar/features/', { browser: true, require: true }); // no file
-	pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', './features/hello', { browser: true, require: true });
-	pass(pkg, './browser.require/hello.js', 'foobar/features/hello', { browser: true, require: true });
-resolve('should handle mixed path/conditions', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "foobar",
-		"exports": {
-			".": [
-				{
-					"import": "$root.import",
-				},
-				"$root.string"
-			],
-			"./foo": [
-				{
-					"require": "$foo.require"
-				},
-				"$foo.string"
-			]
-		}
-	}
-	pass(pkg, '$root.import');
-	pass(pkg, '$root.import', 'foobar');
-	pass(pkg, '$foo.string', 'foo');
-	pass(pkg, '$foo.string', 'foobar/foo');
-	pass(pkg, '$foo.string', './foo');
-	pass(pkg, '$foo.require', 'foo', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, '$foo.require', 'foobar/foo', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, '$foo.require', './foo', { require: true });
-resolve('should handle file with leading dot', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"version": "2.41.0",
-		"name": "aws-cdk-lib",
-		"exports": {
-			".": "./index.js",
-			"./package.json": "./package.json",
-			"./.jsii": "./.jsii",
-			"./.warnings.jsii.js": "./.warnings.jsii.js",
-			"./alexa-ask": "./alexa-ask/index.js"
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, "./.warnings.jsii.js", ".warnings.jsii.js");
-// ---
-const requires = suite('options.requires', {
-	"exports": {
-		"require": "$require",
-		"import": "$import",
-	}
-requires('should ignore "require" keys by default', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$import');
-requires('should use "require" key when defined first', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$require', '.', { require: true });
-requires('should ignore "import" key when enabled', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"exports": {
-			"import": "$import",
-			"require": "$require",
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$require', '.', { require: true });
-	pass(pkg, '$import', '.');
-requires('should match "default" if "require" is after', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"exports": {
-			"default": "$default",
-			"require": "$require",
-		}
-	};
-	pass(pkg, '$default', '.', { require: true });
-// ---
-const browser = suite('options.browser', {
-	"exports": {
-		"browser": "$browser",
-		"node": "$node",
-	}
-browser('should ignore "browser" keys by default', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$node');
-browser('should use "browser" key when defined first', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$browser', '.', { browser: true });
-browser('should ignore "node" key when enabled', () => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"exports": {
-			"node": "$node",
-			"import": "$import",
-			"browser": "$browser",
-		}
-	};
-	// import defined before browser
-	pass(pkg, '$import', '.', { browser: true });
-// ---
-const conditions = suite('options.conditions', {
-	"exports": {
-		"production": "$prod",
-		"development": "$dev",
-		"default": "$default",
-	}
-conditions('should ignore unknown conditions by default', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$default');
-conditions('should recognize custom field(s) when specified', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$dev', '.', {
-		conditions: ['development']
-	});
-	pass(pkg, '$prod', '.', {
-		conditions: ['development', 'production']
-	});
-conditions('should throw an error if no known conditions', ctx => {
-	let pkg = {
-		"name": "hello",
-		"exports": {
-			...ctx.exports
-		},
-	};
-	delete pkg.exports.default;
-	try {
-		$exports.resolve(pkg);
-		assert.unreachable();
-	} catch (err) {
-		assert.instance(err, Error);
-		assert.is(err.message, `No known conditions for "." entry in "hello" package`);
-	}
-// ---
-const unsafe = suite('options.unsafe', {
-	"exports": {
-		".": {
-			"production": "$prod",
-			"development": "$dev",
-			"default": "$default",
-		},
-		"./spec/type": {
-			"import": "$import",
-			"require": "$require",
-			"default": "$default"
-		},
-		"./spec/env": {
-			"worker": {
-				"default": "$worker"
-			},
-			"browser": "$browser",
-			"node": "$node",
-			"default": "$default"
-		}
-	}
-unsafe('should ignore unknown conditions by default', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$default', '.', {
-		unsafe: true,
-	});
-unsafe('should ignore "import" and "require" conditions by default', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$default', './spec/type', {
-		unsafe: true,
-	});
-	pass(pkg, '$default', './spec/type', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		require: true,
-	});
-unsafe('should ignore "node" and "browser" conditions by default', pkg => {
-	pass(pkg, '$default', './spec/type', {
-		unsafe: true,
-	});
-	pass(pkg, '$default', './spec/type', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		browser: true,
-	});
-unsafe('should respect/accept any custom condition(s) when specified', pkg => {
-	// root, dev only
-	pass(pkg, '$dev', '.', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		conditions: ['development']
-	});
-	// root, defined order
-	pass(pkg, '$prod', '.', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		conditions: ['development', 'production']
-	});
-	// import vs require, defined order
-	pass(pkg, '$require', './spec/type', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		conditions: ['require']
-	});
-	// import vs require, defined order
-	pass(pkg, '$import', './spec/type', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		conditions: ['import', 'require']
-	});
-	// import vs require, defined order
-	pass(pkg, '$node', './spec/env', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		conditions: ['node']
-	});
-	// import vs require, defined order
-	pass(pkg, '$browser', './spec/env', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		conditions: ['browser', 'node']
-	});
-	// import vs require, defined order
-	pass(pkg, '$worker', './spec/env', {
-		unsafe: true,
-		conditions: ['browser', 'node', 'worker']
-	});
diff --git a/test/utils.ts b/test/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f356d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+import * as uvu from 'uvu';
+import * as assert from 'uvu/assert';
+import * as $ from '../src/utils';
+import type * as t from 'resolve.exports';
+function describe(
+	name: string,
+	cb: (it: uvu.Test) => void
+) {
+	let t = uvu.suite(name);
+	cb(t);
+	t.run();
+describe('$.conditions', it => {
+	const EMPTY = {};
+	function run(o?: t.Options): string[] {
+		return [...$.conditions(o||{})];
+	}
+	it('should be a function', () => {
+		assert.type($.conditions, 'function');
+	});
+	it('should return `Set` instance', () => {
+		let output = $.conditions(EMPTY);
+		assert.instance(output, Set);
+	});
+	it('default conditions', () => {
+		assert.equal(
+			[ ...$.conditions(EMPTY) ],
+			['default', 'import', 'node']
+		);
+	});
+	it('default conditions :: unsafe', () => {
+		assert.equal(
+			run({ unsafe: true }),
+			['default']
+		);
+	});
+	it('option.browser', () => {
+		assert.equal(
+			run({ browser: true }),
+			['default', 'import', 'browser']
+		);
+	});
+	// unsafe ignores all but conditions
+	it('option.browser :: unsafe', () => {
+		let output = run({
+			browser: true,
+			unsafe: true,
+		});
+		assert.equal(output, ['default']);
+	});
+	it('option.require', () => {
+		assert.equal(
+			run({ require: true }),
+			['default', 'require', 'node']
+		);
+	});
+	// unsafe ignores all but conditions
+	it('option.require :: unsafe', () => {
+		let output = run({
+			require: true,
+			unsafe: true,
+		});
+		assert.equal(output, ['default']);
+	});
+	it('option.conditions', () => {
+		let output = run({ conditions: ['foo', 'bar'] });
+		assert.equal(output, ['default', 'foo', 'bar', 'import', 'node']);
+	});
+	it('option.conditions :: order', () => {
+		let output = run({ conditions: ['node', 'import', 'foobar'] });
+		assert.equal(output, ['default', 'node', 'import', 'foobar']);
+	});
+	it('option.conditions :: unsafe', () => {
+		let output = run({ unsafe: true, conditions: ['foo', 'bar'] });
+		assert.equal(output, ['default', 'foo', 'bar']);
+	});
+	it('option.conditions :: browser', () => {
+		let output = run({ browser: true, conditions: ['foo', 'bar'] });
+		assert.equal(output, ['default', 'foo', 'bar', 'import', 'browser']);
+	});
+	it('option.conditions :: browser :: order', () => {
+		let output = run({ browser: true, conditions: ['browser', 'foobar'] });
+		assert.equal(output, ['default', 'browser', 'foobar', 'import']);
+	});
+	it('option.conditions :: require', () => {
+		let output = run({ require: true, conditions: ['foo', 'bar'] });
+		assert.equal(output, ['default', 'foo', 'bar', 'require', 'node']);
+	});
+	it('option.conditions :: require :: order', () => {
+		let output = run({ require: true, conditions: ['require', 'foobar'] });
+		assert.equal(output, ['default', 'require', 'foobar', 'node']);
+	});
+describe('$.toEntry', it => {
+	const PKG = 'PACKAGE';
+	function run(input: string, expect: string, externals?: boolean) {
+		// overloading not working -,-
+		let output = externals ? $.toEntry(PKG, input, true) : $.toEntry(PKG, input);
+		let msg = `"${input}" -> "${expect}"` + (externals ? ' (externals)' : '');
+		assert.is(output, expect, msg);
+	}
+	it('should be a function', () => {
+		assert.type($.toEntry, 'function');
+	});
+	it('PKG', () => {
+		run(PKG, '.');
+		run(PKG, '.', true);
+	});
+	it('.', () => {
+		run('.', '.');
+		run('.', '.', true);
+	});
+	it('./', () => {
+		run('./', './');
+		run('./', './', true);
+	});
+	it('#inner', () => {
+		run('#inner', '#inner');
+		run('#inner', '#inner', true);
+	});
+	it('./foo', () => {
+		run('./foo', './foo');
+		run('./foo', './foo', true);
+	});
+	it('foo', () => {
+		run('foo', './foo'); // forces path by default
+		run('foo', 'foo', true);
+	});
+	it('.ini', () => {
+		run('.ini', './.ini'); // forces path by default
+		run('.ini', '.ini', true);
+	});
+	// handle "import 'lib/lib';" case
+	it('./PKG', () => {
+		let input = './' + PKG;
+		run(input, input);
+		run(input, input, true);
+	});
+	it('PKG/subpath', () => {
+		let input = PKG + '/other';
+		run(input, './other');
+		run(input, './other', true);
+	});
+	it('PKG/#inner', () => {
+		let input = PKG + '/#inner';
+		run(input, '#inner');
+		run(input, '#inner', true);
+	});
+	it('PKG/.ini', () => {
+		let input = PKG + '/.ini';
+		run(input, './.ini');
+		run(input, './.ini', true);
+	});
+	it('EXTERNAL', () => {
+		run(EXTERNAL, './'+EXTERNAL); // forces path by default
+		run(EXTERNAL, EXTERNAL, true);
+	});
+describe('$.injects', it => {
+	function run<T extends t.Path[]>(value: string, input: T, expect: T) {
+		let output = $.injects(input, value);
+		assert.is(output, undefined);
+		assert.equal(input, expect);
+	}
+	it('should be a function', () => {
+		assert.type($.injects, 'function');
+	});
+	it('should replace "*" character', () => {
+		run('bar', ['./foo*.jpg'], ['./foobar.jpg']);
+	});
+	it('should replace multiple "*" characters w/ same value', () => {
+		run('bar', ['./*/foo-*.jpg'], ['./bar/foo-bar.jpg']);
+	});
+	// for the "./features/" => "./src/features/" scenario
+	it('should append `value` if missing "*" character', () => {
+		run('app.js', ['./src/features/'], ['./src/features/app.js']);
+	});
+	it('should handle mixed array input', () => {
+		run('xyz',
+			['./foo/', './esm/*.mjs', './build/*/index-*.js'],
+			['./foo/xyz', './esm/xyz.mjs', './build/xyz/index-xyz.js'],
+		);
+	});
+describe('$.loop', it => {
+	const FILE = './file.js';
+	const DEFAULT = './foobar.js';
+	type Expect = string | string[] | null | undefined;
+	function run(expect: Expect, map: t.Exports.Value, conditions?: string[]) {
+		let output = $.loop(map, new Set([ 'default', ...conditions||[] ]));
+		if (typeof expect == 'string') {
+			assert.ok(Array.isArray(output));
+			assert.is(output[0], expect);
+			assert.is(output.length, 1);
+		} else {
+			// Array, null, undefined
+			assert.equal(output, expect);
+		}
+	}
+	it('should be a function', () => {
+		assert.type($.loop, 'function');
+	});
+	it('string', () => {
+		run('./foo.mjs', './foo.mjs');
+		// @ts-expect-error
+		run('.', '.');
+	});
+	it('empties', () => {
+		// @ts-expect-error
+		run(undefined, '');
+		run(undefined, null);
+		run(undefined, []);
+		run(undefined, {});
+	});
+	it('{ default }', () => {
+		run(FILE, {
+			default: FILE,
+		});
+		run(FILE, {
+			other: './unknown.js',
+			default: FILE,
+		});
+		run(undefined, {
+			other: './unknown.js',
+		});
+		run(FILE, {
+			foo: './foo.js',
+			default: {
+				bar: './bar.js',
+				default: {
+					baz: './baz.js',
+					default: FILE,
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+	it('{ custom }', () => {
+		let conditions = ['custom'];
+		run(DEFAULT, {
+			default: DEFAULT,
+			custom: FILE,
+		}, conditions);
+		run(FILE, {
+			custom: FILE,
+			default: DEFAULT,
+		}, conditions);
+		run(undefined, {
+			foo: './foo.js',
+			bar: './bar.js',
+		}, conditions);
+		run(FILE, {
+			foo: './foo.js',
+			custom: {
+				default: {
+					custom: FILE,
+					default: DEFAULT,
+				}
+			},
+			default: {
+				custom: './bar.js'
+			}
+		}, conditions);
+	});
+	it('[ string ]', () => {
+		run(
+		);
+		run(undefined, [
+			null,
+		]);
+		run(
+			[null, DEFAULT, FILE]
+		);
+		run(
+			[DEFAULT, null, FILE]
+		);
+	});
+	it('[{ default }]', () => {
+		run([DEFAULT, FILE], [
+			{
+				default: DEFAULT,
+			},
+			FILE
+		]);
+		run([FILE, DEFAULT], [
+			FILE,
+			null,
+			{
+				default: DEFAULT,
+			},
+		]);
+		run([DEFAULT, FILE], [
+			{
+				default: {
+					default: {
+						default: DEFAULT,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			null,
+			FILE
+		]);
+		run([DEFAULT, FILE, './foo.js'], [
+			{
+				default: {
+					default: DEFAULT,
+				}
+			},
+			null,
+			{
+				default: {
+					default: DEFAULT,
+				}
+			},
+			FILE,
+			{
+				default: './foo.js'
+			}
+		]);
+	});
+	it('{ [mixed] }', () => {
+		run([DEFAULT, FILE], {
+			default: [DEFAULT, FILE]
+		});
+		run([DEFAULT, FILE], {
+			default: [null, DEFAULT, FILE]
+		});
+		run([DEFAULT, FILE], {
+			default: [null, {
+				default: DEFAULT
+			}, FILE]
+		});
+		run([FILE, DEFAULT], {
+			default: {
+				custom: [{
+					default: [FILE, FILE, null, DEFAULT]
+				}, null, DEFAULT, FILE]
+			}
+		}, ['custom']);
+		run([DEFAULT, FILE], {
+			default: {
+				custom: [{
+					custom: [DEFAULT, null],
+					default: [FILE, FILE, null, DEFAULT]
+				}, null, DEFAULT, FILE]
+			}
+		}, ['custom']);
+	});
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7928b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "strict": true,
+    "target": "esnext",
+    "strictBindCallApply": true,
+    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
+    "moduleResolution": "nodenext",
+    "strictFunctionTypes": true,
+    "strictNullChecks": true,
+    "noImplicitThis": true,
+    "noImplicitAny": true,
+    "alwaysStrict": true,
+    "module": "esnext",
+    "noEmit": true,
+    "paths": {
+      "resolve.exports": ["./index.d.ts"]
+    }
+  },
+  "include": [
+    "src", "test"
+  ]