Find Current Pull Request
(2)This action tries to figure out the current PR.
If the event is a pull_request
, it's very easy to get the current PR number
from the context via ${{ github.event.number }}
, but unfortunately this
information does not seem to be readily available for a push
event. This
action sends a request to GitHub to find the PR associated with the current SHA,
and returns its number in the number
output. number
will be an empty string if there is no
Additionally, title
and body
outputs are available as well to get the respective title and body of the PR.
By default, gh-find-current-pr
will only return open PRs. You can pass in a
parameter to pick "open", "closed", or "all" PRs.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Find the PR associated with this push, if there is one.
- uses: jwalton/gh-find-current-pr@master
id: findPr
# Can be "open", "closed", or "all". Defaults to "open".
state: open
# This will echo "Your PR is 7", or be skipped if there is no current PR.
- run: echo "Your PR is ${PR}"
if: success() && steps.findPr.outputs.number
PR: ${{ }}
Find Current Pull Request is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.