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Manage and automate Github Deployments across repos and organizations
322 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Free Tier, Pro Plan, and Startup Plan plans available.

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Manage and automate Github Deployments across repositories in your account or organization with deploybot.

  • Create deployments from a repository commits timeline
    • Step through deploying to different Github environments
    • Deploy specific SHA's from default or feature branches
  • Trigger deploys automatically when tests pass on a branch
  • View Github deployment history for a repo or across an org

Github provides a Deployments API to register that a deploy should be performed with a repository ref (e.g. SHA, branch, tag) to an environment (e.g. whatever that means to you).

Github Deploy creation events are sent as webhooks to automation platforms (e.g. Github Actions, Buildkite, CircleCI, Drone, other CI/CD systems) that perform the actual deployment work.

View GitHub Deployments across repos in an account, organization, or enterprise

Plans and pricing

Early access alpha
  • Limited to personal repos or partner organizations
Manage GitHub Deployments for private repositories
$4 / month
Manage GitHub Deployments across organizations
$6 / users / month

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Manage and automate Github Deployments across repos and organizations
322 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Free Tier, Pro Plan, and Startup Plan plans available.