boost-nar ========= The Boost C++ libraries in maven form for producing Nar artefacts for use with the [nar-maven-plugin]( The libraries are available as separate dependencies as per a typical module layout. This means if required you can depend only upon the boost filesystem module, the necessary transitive depedencies will be automatically available. Building ----------------- Simply execute your deisred maven goal e.g. mvn install *There are two properties specifing compiler and linker in the root pom. This is set to use g++ which is our default on Windows. You can override this on the command line as follows:* `mvn install -Dcompiler-name=yourcompiler -Dlinker-name=yourlinker` *or you can simply remove the entries in the pom and use the default for your AOL. See the nar documentation for more details.* Things to note ----------------- * iostreams does not use bzip TODO compiler flag or edited the code? We don't want to be changing boost. * asio does not have the asio/impl/src.cpp Module status -------------- Modules are added as required or via contributions. Currently we have: * asio * algorithm * bind * circular * concept * config * container * core * date-time * detail * exception * filesystem * function * function_types * functional * fusion * integer * intrusive * io * iostreams * iterator * interprocess * lambda * lexical-cast * math * move * mpl * numeric * optional * phoenix * predef * preprocessor * proto * range * regex * smart-ptr * spirit * system * type-traits * type_index * typeof * utility * variant