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MATLAB Production Server on Amazon Web Services - R2022a


Before starting, you need the following:

  • A MATLAB® Production Server™ license that meets the following conditions:
    • Current on Software Maintenance Service (SMS).
    • Linked to a MathWorks Account.
    • Concurrent license type. To check your license type, view your MathWorks Account.
    • Configured to use a network license manager on the virtual network. By default, the deployment of MATLAB Production Server includes a network license manager, but you can also use an existing license manager. In either case, activate or move the license after deployment. For details, see Configure MATLAB Production Server Licensing on the Cloud.
  • An Amazon Web Services™ (AWS) account.
  • A Key Pair for your AWS account in the US East (N. Virginia), EU (Ireland) or Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used when you create cloud resources using this guide. Resource settings, such as instance type, will affect the cost of deployment. For cost estimates, see the pricing pages for each AWS service you will be using. Prices are subject to change.


The following guide will help you automate the process of running MATLAB Production Server on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. The automation is accomplished using an AWS CloudFormation template. The template is a JSON file that defines the resources required to deploy and manage MATLAB Production Server on AWS. Once deployed, you can manage the server using the MATLAB Production Server dashboard—a web-based interface to configure and manage server instances on the cloud. For more information, see Manage MATLAB Production Server Using the Dashboard. For information about the architecture of this solution, see Architecture and Resources. For information about AWS templates, see AWS CloudFormation Templates.

The default MATLAB Production Server deployment template uses the Network License Manager for MATLAB reference architecture to manage MATLAB Production Server licenses. The template for using an exisitng VPC for the deployment provides an option to either deploy the Network License Manager or use your own license server. For more information about the Network License Manager for MATLAB reference architecture, see Network License Manager for MATLAB.

Prepare Your AWS Account

  1. If you do not have an AWS account, create one at by following the on-screen instructions.
  2. Use the regions selector in the navigation bar to choose US-EAST (N. Virginia), EU (Ireland) or Asia Pacific (Tokyo), as the region where you want to deploy MATLAB Production Server.
  3. Create a key pair in that region. The key pair is necessary as it is the only way to connect to the instance as an administrator.
  4. If necessary, request a service limit increase for the Amazon EC2 instance type or VPCs. You might need to do this if you already have existing deployments that use that instance type or you think you might exceed the default limit with this deployment.

Deployment Steps

Step 1. Launch Template

Click the Launch Stack button to deploy resources on AWS. This will open the AWS Management Console in your web browser.

Release Windows Server 2019 or Ubuntu 18.04 VM

For other releases, see How do I launch a template that uses a previous MATLAB release?

Note: Creating a stack on AWS can take at least 20 minutes.

Step 2. Configure Stack

  1. Provide values for parameters in the Create Stack page:

    Parameter Name Value
    Stack name Choose a name for the stack. After the deployment finishes, this name is displayed in the AWS console.

    Example: Boston

    Number of Server VMs Choose the number of AWS instances to start for the server.

    Example: 6

    If you have a standard 24 worker MATLAB Production Server license and select m5.xlarge (4 cores) as the Number of server VMs, you need 6 worker nodes to fully utilize the workers in your license.

    You can always under provision the number instances, in which case you may end up using fewer workers than you are licensed for.

    Server VM Type Choose the AWS instance type to use for the server instances. All AWS instance types are supported. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Instance Types.

    Example: m5.xlarge

    Server VM Operating System Choose between Windows (Windows Server) and Linux(Ubuntu) to use for the server instances.
    Create Redis ElastiCache Choose whether you want to create a Redis ElastiCache service. Creating this service will allow you to use the persistence functionality of the server. Persistence provides a mechanism to cache data between calls to MATLAB code running on a server instance.
    Deploy License Server Specify whether you want to deploy the Network License Manager for MATLAB. This parameter is available only if you use the deployment template for an existing VPC.

    You can deploy a license server only if your solution uses public IP adresses. If your solution uses private IP addresses, you must separately deploy a license server in a public subnet.

    Dashboard Login
    Username for MATLAB Production Server Dashboard Specify the administrator user name to log in to the MATLAB Production Server dashboard.
    Password for MATLAB Production Server and License Server Enter the password to use for logging in to MATLAB Production Server dashboard and the Network License Manager for MATLAB dashboard.
    Confirm Password MATLAB Production Server and License Server Reenter the password to log in to the MATLAB Production Server dashboard and the Network License Manager for MATLAB dashboard.
    Name of Existing Key Pair Choose the name of an existing EC2 Key Pair to allow access to all the VMs in the stack. For information about creating an Amazon EC2 key pair, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.

    Example: boston-keypair

    Allow Connections from IP Address Specify the IP address range that is allowed to connect to the dashboard that manages the server. The format for this field is IP Address/Mask.

    • This is the public IP address which can be found by searching for "what is my ip address" on the web. The mask determines the number of IP addresses to include.
    • A mask of 32 is a single IP address.
    • Use a CIDR calculator if you need a range of more than one IP addresses.
    • You may need to contact your IT administrator to determine which address is appropriate.

    Make Solution Available over Internet Choose 'Yes' if you want your solution to use public IP addresses.
    ARN of SSL Certificate Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an existing certificate in the AWS Certificate Manager to enable secure HTTPS communication to the HTTPS server endpoint. For information on creating and uploading a self-signed certificate, see Create and Sign an X509 Certificate and Import SSL Certificate.

    Example: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:12345:certificate/123456789012

    Note: Make sure you select US East (N.Virginia), EU (Ireland) or Asia Pacific (Tokyo) as your region from the navigation panel on top. Currently, US East, EU (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) are the only supported regions.

  2. Click Next to continue configuring stack options. Configuring stack options is optional. You can leave all fields blank or enter values based on your requirement. Click Next to review your stack details and stack options.

  3. Review or edit your stack details and any stack options that you set. You must select the acknowledgement to create IAM resources. Otherwise, the deployment produces a Requires capabilities : [CAPABILITY_IAM] error and fails to create resources.

    When you are satisfied with your stack configuration, click Create stack to start the creation of AWS resources for your server environment. Resource creation can take up to 20 minutes. After resource creation, it can take up to 15 minutes for the resources to be active.

Step 3. Upload License File

  1. Clicking Create stack takes you to the Stack Detail page for your stack. Wait for the status to reach CREATE_COMPLETE.
  2. In the Stack Detail for your stack, click Outputs.
  3. Look for the key named MatlabProductionServerLicenseServer and click the corresponding URL listed under value. Doing so takes you to Network License Manager for MATLAB dashboard log in page.
  4. The user name for the Network License Manager for MATLAB dashboard is manager. For the password, enter the password that you entered in the Network License Manager for MATLAB section while creating the stack during deployment.
  5. Follow the instructions to upload your MATLAB Production Server license.

Step 4. Connect and Log In to MATLAB Production Server Dashboard

Note: The Internet Explorer web browser is not supported for interacting with the dashboard.

  1. In the Stack Detail for your stack, expand the Outputs section.
  2. Look for the key named MatlabProductionServerDashboardURL and click the corresponding URL listed under value. This is the HTTPS endpoint to the MATLAB Production Server dashboard.
  3. Use the administrator user name and password that you specified in the dashboard login step of the deployment process to log in. For more information on how to use the dashboard, see Manage MATLAB Production Server using Dashboard.

You are now ready to use MATLAB Production Server on AWS.

To run applications on MATLAB Production Server, you need to create applications using MATLAB Compiler SDK. For more information, see Deployable Archive Creation in the MATLAB Production Server product documentation.

Additional Information

Delete Your Stack

Once you have finished using your stack, it is recommended that you delete all resources to avoid incurring further cost.

If you are using an existing license server, and have added the security group of the server VMs to the security group of the license server, you must delete the inbound rules before you delete the stack.

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack that you deployed.
  2. In the stack detail for your stack, click Resources.
  3. Look for the Logical ID named SecurityGroup and click the corresponding URL listed under Physical ID. This will take you to the security group details.
  4. Click the Inbound Rules tab, then click Edit Inbound Rules.
  5. Click Delete Rule for the rules that have the tag matlab-production-server-cloud-stack-elb-1-sg as their Source.
  6. Click Save Rules.

To delete the stack, do the following:

  1. Log in to the AWS Console.
  2. Go to the AWS Cloud Formation page and select the stack that you created.
  3. Click the Actions button and click Delete Stack from the menu that appears.

If you do not want to delete the entire deployment but want to minimize the cost, you can bring the number of instances in the Auto Scaling Group down to 0 and then scale it back up when the need arises.

Get License Server MAC Address

The Network License Manager for MATLAB reference architecture manages the MATLAB Production Server license file. The deployment templates for the MATLAB Production Server reference architecture provide an option to deploy the license manager. You can also use an existing license manager that is located in the same VPC and the security group of the MATLAB Production Server instances. For more information about the Network License Manager for MATLAB reference architecture, see Network License Manager for MATLAB.

NOTE: For a new license manager deployed with MATLAB Production Server, the license manager MAC address is available only after the deployment to the cloud is complete. For information on deploying the solution, see Deployment Steps.

To get the MAC address of the license manager:

  1. Log in to the Network License Manager for MATLAB dashboard. For a license manager deployed with the MATLAB Production Server deployment, use the following credentials:
    Username: manager
    Password: Enter the password that you entered during the deployment process.
  2. Click Administration > License.
  3. Copy the license server MAC address displayed at the top.

Architecture and Resources

Deploying this reference architecture will create several resources in your resource group.


Architecture on AWS


Resource Type Number of Resources Description
AWS EC2 Instance 2
  1. Virtual machine (VM) that hosts the MATLAB Production Server dashboard. Use the dashboard to:
    • Get HTTPS endpoint to make requests
    • Upload applications (CTF files) to the server
    • Manage server configurations
    • Manage the HTTPS certificate

    For more information, see MATLAB Production Server Using the Dashboard.

  2. VM that hosts the Network License Manager for MATLAB. For more information, see Network License Manager for MATLAB.
Auto Scaling Group 1 Manages the number of identical VMs to be deployed. Each VM runs an instance of MATLAB Production Server which in turn runs multiple MATLAB workers.
Load Balancer 2 Provides routing and load balancing service to MATLAB Production Server instances. The MATLAB Production Server dashboard retrieves the HTTPS endpoint for making requests to the server from the load balancer resource.

S3 Bucket 1 S3 storage bucket created during the creation of the stack where applications deployed to the reference architecture are stored.
Virtual Private Cluster (VPC) 1 Enables resources to communicate with each other.
Redis ElastiCache 1 Enables caching of data between calls to MATLAB code running on a server instance.
CloudWatch 1 Enables viewing of logs.


How do I use an existing VPC to deploy MATLAB Production Server?

Use the following templates to launch the reference architecture within an existing VPC and subnet. The templates provide an option to deploy the Network License Manager for MATLAB to manage MATLAB Production Server licenses. The license manager must be in the same VPC and security group as MATLAB Production Server.

Release Windows Server 2019 or Ubuntu 18.04 VM

In addition to the parameters specified in the section Configure Stack, you will need to specify the following parameters in the template to use your existing VPC.

Parameter Value
Existing VPC ID ID of your existing VPC.
IP address range of existing VPC IP address range from the existing VPC. To find the IP address range:
  1. Log in to the AWS Console.
  2. Navigate to the VPC dashboard and select your VPC.
  3. Click the CIDR blocks tab.
  4. The IPv4 CIDR Blocks gives the IP address range.
Subnet 1 ID ID of an existing subnet that will host the dashboard and other resources.
Subnet 2 ID ID of an existing subnet that will host the application load balancer.
  • If Subnet 1 and Subnet 2 are public, then you must connect the EC2 VPC endpoint and the AutoScaling VPC endpoint to the VPC.
  • If Subnet 1 and Subnet 2 are private, then you must either deploy a NAT gateway in the VPC, or connect all of the following endpoints to the VPC:
    • EC2 VPC endpoint
    • AutoScaling VPC endpoint
    • S3 VPC endpoint
    • CloudFormation endpoint

For more information about creating endpoints, see AWS documentation.

You will also need to open the following ports in your VPC:

Port Description
443 Required for communicating with the dashboard and the MATLAB execution endpoint.
8000, 8002, 9910 Required for communication between the dashboard and workers within the VPC. These ports do not need to be open to the internet.
27000, 50115 Required for communication between the network license manager and the workers.
22, 3389 Required for Remote Desktop functionality. This can be used for troubleshooting and debugging.

How to use an existing license server in an existing VPC?

If you want to use an exisiting license server, select No for the Deploy License Server step of the deployment.

To use an existing license server, you must add the security group of the server VMs to the security group of the license server.

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack that you deployed.
  2. In the stack detail for your stack, click Resources.
  3. Look for the Logical ID named SecurityGroup and click the corresponding URL listed under Physical ID. This will take you to the security group details.
  4. Click the Inbound Rules tab, then click Edit Inbound Rules.
  5. Click Add Rule.
  6. In the Type dropdown, select All TCP.
  7. In the Source, search and add the MatlabProductionServerCloudStackElb1Sg security group.
  8. Click Save Rules.

You must also add the private IP address of the license server to the License Server property in the Settings tab of the dashboard. Find the IP address of the license server from the AWS management console.

  1. In the AWS management console, navigate to the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Select the license server instance.
  3. In the instance details, copy the value of Private IPs. For example,
  4. Add the private IP to the License Server property. For example, 27000@

How do I launch a template that uses a previous MATLAB release?

Release Windows Server VM Ubuntu VM

For more information, see previous releases.

What versions of MATLAB Runtime are supported?

Release MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime MATLAB Runtime
MATLAB R2019b R2017a R2017b R2018a R2018b R2019a R2019b
MATLAB R2020a R2017b R2018a R2018b R2019a R2019b R2020a
MATLAB R2020b R2018a R2018b R2019a R2019b R2020a R2020b
MATLAB R2021a R2018b R2019a R2019b R2020a R2020b R2021a
MATLAB R2021b R2019a R2019b R2020a R2020b R2021a R2021b
MATLAB R2022a R2019b R2020a R2020b R2021a R2021b R2022a

Why do requests to the server fail with errors such as “untrusted certificate” or “security exception”?

These errors result from either CORS not being enabled on the server or due to the fact that the server endpoint uses a self-signed certificate.

If you are making an AJAX request to the server, make sure that CORS is enabled in the server configuration. You can enable CORS by editing the property CORS Allowed Origins property in the Settings tab of the dashboard.

Also, some HTTP libraries and Javascript AJAX calls will reject a request originating from a server that uses a self-signed certificate. You may need to manually override the default security behavior of the client application. Or you can add a new HTTPS endpoint to the application gateway. For more information, see Change SSL Certificate.

How do I allow multiple IP address ranges access to the dashboard?

The deployment template allows you to enter only one range of IP addresses that can access the dashboard. After the deployment is complete, you can allow additional IP ranges access to the dashboard. For details, see Update security group rules in the AWS documentation.

The name of the security group to update is matlab-production-server-cloud-stack-elb-1-sg. Edit inbound rules to add additional IP address ranges in CIDR format for the HTTPS type.

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Technical Support

If you require assistance or have a request for additional features or capabilities, please contact MathWorks Technical Support.