By default, Orb offers a MapView
which is a graph view with a map as a background. Map rendering is
done with a library leaflet. To render maps, make sure to add the
following CSS to your project:
Here is a simple example of MapView
import { MapView } from "@memgraph/orb";
const container = document.getElementById("<your-div-id>");
const nodes: MyNode[] = [
{ id: "miami", label: "Miami", lat: 25.789106, lng: -80.226529 },
{ id: "sanjuan", label: "San Juan", lat: 18.4663188, lng: -66.1057427 },
{ id: "hamilton", label: "Hamilton", lat: 32.294887, lng: -64.78138 },
const edges: MyEdge[] = [
{ id: 0, start: "miami", end: "sanjuan" },
{ id: 1, start: "sanjuan", end: "hamilton" },
{ id: 2, start: "hamilton", end: "miami" },
const orb = new Orb<MyNode, MyEdge>(container);
(context) =>
new MapView(context, {
getGeoPosition: (node) => ({ lat:, lng: }),
// Assign a default style{
getNodeStyle(node) {
return {
borderColor: "#FFFFFF",
borderWidth: 1,
color: "#DD2222",
fontSize: 10,
size: 10,
getEdgeStyle() {
return {
arrowSize: 0,
color: "#DD2222",
width: 3,
// Initialize nodes and edges{ nodes, edges });
// Render and recenter the view
orb.view.render(() => {
On MapView
initialization, you must provide an implementation for getGeoPosition
which is used
to get latitude
and longitude
for each node. Here is the example of settings (required and optional)
initialized on the new MapView
import * as L from "leaflet";
import { MapView } from "@memgraph/orb";
const mapAttribution =
'<a href="" target="_blank" >Leaflet</a> | ' +
'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors';
(context) =>
new MapView(context, {
getGeoPosition: (node) => ({
map: {
zoomLevel: 5,
tile: {
instance: new L.TileLayer(
attribution: mapAttribution,
render: {
labelsIsEnabled: true,
labelsOnEventIsEnabled: true,
shadowIsEnabled: true,
shadowOnEventIsEnabled: true,
contextAlphaOnEvent: 0.3,
contextAlphaOnEventIsEnabled: true,
areCollapsedContainerDimensionsAllowed: false;
You can set settings on view initialization or afterward with orb.view.setSettings
. Below
you can see the list of all settings' parameters:
import * as L from "leaflet";
interface IMapViewSettings {
// For map node positions
getGeoPosition(node: INode): { lat: number; lng: number } | undefined;
// For canvas rendering and events
render: {
fps: number;
minZoom: number;
maxZoom: number;
fitZoomMargin: number;
labelsIsEnabled: boolean;
labelsOnEventIsEnabled: boolean;
shadowIsEnabled: boolean;
shadowOnEventIsEnabled: boolean;
contextAlphaOnEvent: number;
contextAlphaOnEventIsEnabled: boolean;
backgroundColor: Color | string | null;
// Other map view parameters
map: {
zoomLevel: number;
tile: L.TileLayer;
areCollapsedContainerDimensionsAllowed: boolean;
The default settings that MapView
uses is:
const defaultSettings = {
render: {
fps: 60,
minZoom: 0.25,
maxZoom: 8,
fitZoomMargin: 0.2,
labelsIsEnabled: true,
labelsOnEventIsEnabled: true,
shadowIsEnabled: true,
shadowOnEventIsEnabled: true,
contextAlphaOnEvent: 0.3,
contextAlphaOnEventIsEnabled: true,
backgroundColor: null,
map: {
zoomLevel: 2, // Default map zoom level
tile: new L.TileLayer("https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"), // OpenStreetMaps
You can read more about each property down below and on Styles guide.
Property getGeoPosition
is the only required one. It is a callback function that has a node (INode
as an input, and it needs to return the object { lat: number; lng: number; }
or undefined
. If
is returned those nodes won't be rendered on the map.
Optional property map
has two properties that you can set which are:
- initial map zoom level. The zoom level is forwarded toleaflet
- map tile layout where you need to provide an instance (leaflet.TileLayer
) and attribution. The default tile is the OpenStreetMaps.
Optional property render
has several rendering options that you can tweak. Read more about them
on Styling guide.
Enables setting the dimensions of the Orb container element to zero.
If the container element of Orb has collapsed dimensions (width: 0;
or height: 0;
Orb will expand the container by setting the values to 100%
If that doesn't work (the parent of the container also has collapsed dimensions),
Orb will set an arbitrary fixed dimension to the container.
Disabled by default (false
The above settings of MapView
can be defined on view initialization, but also anytime after the
initialization with a view function setSettings
// If you want to see all the current view settings
const settings = orb.view.getSettings();
// Change the way how geo coordinates are defined on nodes
getGeoPosition: (node) => ({ lat:, lng: }),
// Change the zoom level and disable shadows
map: {
zoomLevel: 7,
render: {
shadowIsEnabled: false,
shadowOnEventIsEnabled: false,
Just like other Orb views, use render
to render the view and recenter
to fit the view to
the rendered graph.
orb.view.render(() => {
If you need a reference to the internal map reference from leaflet
library, just use the
following example:
import { MapView } from "@memgraph/orb";
// It will only work on MapView
const leaflet = (orb.view as MapView).leaflet;