Class::Type::Enum is a class builder for type-like enumeration classes.
It's a bit of an experiment that grew from liking Object::Enum and using it with DBIC, but prefering something more akin to defining types, with traditional numeric backing values and sortability. Object::Enum instances are all just instances of Object::Enum. I'd love to hear thoughts or advice.
Object::Enum works nicely for varchars with enum-like sets of values, but all enums you get out of it are instances of Object::Enum. Instead, this is a class builder which lets you treat that class as an enum type.
Thanks to the ordinal values behind these enums, they can be sorted either by
ordinal (<=>
) or by symbol (cmp
). This also allows for checks like
$thing->status > $approved
in addition to the usual $thing->status->is_foo
checks. There is no check that you're comparing similar types, as comparison
is just happening through overload fallback after stringify and numify.
Unlike Object::Enum, objects are not mutable. I may add methods that return
new instances though, for example next
and prev
Also I liked is_any
and is_none
from Enumeration and added
the same, as any
and none
This software is licensed under the same terms as the Perl distribution itself.