Releases: MGK82/PackTracker
Releases · MGK82/PackTracker
The Witchwood
- Added "The Witchwood"
Kobolds and Catacombs
- Added Kobolds and Catacombs to the PackNameConverter
- Added the Golden Classic Pack to the PackNameConverter
- Made the Update-Now Button gently flashing, if an update is available ;)
Pity Timer Cleanup
- Pity Timer
- Removed "too much"-stuff
- x labels
- auto scaling
- Added a description (alters)
- Removed "too much"-stuff
- Fixed a problem with the background of the settings window
- Values/Dates/Times are now localized to selected language, not primary card language anymore
- Removed the Rarity-indicator. Please use "Options -> Appearence -> Rarity-colored card gems" instead
- "Booster Packs" are now "Sets"
- Fixed problems when the history was empty (no packs opened yet)
- The pre-selected set is now the last one that was opened, not the oldest one anymore
- Changed pre settings from everything off to:
- Spoil: Off
- Pity Timer Overlay: On
- Auto Update - Check On Startup: On
- If you haven't visited the settings window yet, this settings get also applied
Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Added "Knights of the Frozen Throne" to the PackNameConverter
- Small PityTimer Auto-Overlay for HS's PackOpeningScreen added
- Can be turned on and off in Settings
Pity Timers -Reworked
Pity Timer Reworked
- The Pity Timers got their own Window, using Graphical Charts
- Displays the Personal Average
- The Targeted Average
- The Pity Timers' Limits
- Current Pity Timer Counts
- Previous Pity Timer Counts
- For both, Epics and Legendaries
- Pity Timers removed from History Window
- The Pity Timers got their own Window, using Graphical Charts
Adds little Animation to the Settings Window
Search Window
- Implements a Search Window
- Search for Card names and texts in original english and the language chosen in HDT
- PackNameConverter improved
- The Grand Tournament
- Goblins vs Gnomes
- UI and localization tweaks
- History Datepicker now scrollable with mouse wheel
- Statistic localized
- etc
- Statistic supports "longest streak without Epic/Legendary" now
- Added a Settings-Window
- General, Update, Credits
- Spoiling Window, when opening a pack, can be disabled now
- Check for updates on startup, can be disabled now
- Added more translations to PackNameConverter for "Journey to Un'Goro"
- French, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Japanese and Thai (at least I hope)