diff --git a/docs/docs.html b/docs/docs.html
index 271a62a9..647164ea 100644
--- a/docs/docs.html
+++ b/docs/docs.html
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
Unparse Config Options
- If true , forces all fields to be enclosed in quotes. If an array of true/false values, specifies which fields should be force-quoted (first boolean is for the first column, second boolean for the second column, ...).
+ If true , forces all fields to be enclosed in quotes. If an array of true/false values, specifies which fields should be force-quoted (first boolean is for the first column, second boolean for the second column, ...). A function that returns a boolean values can be used to determine the quotes value of a cell. This function accepts the cell value and column index as parameters.
diff --git a/papaparse.js b/papaparse.js
index b1cb416f..9f8a560a 100755
--- a/papaparse.js
+++ b/papaparse.js
@@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ License: MIT
if (typeof _config.quotes === 'boolean'
+ || typeof _config.quotes === 'function'
|| Array.isArray(_config.quotes))
_quotes = _config.quotes;
@@ -446,16 +447,17 @@ License: MIT
if (str.constructor === Date)
return JSON.stringify(str).slice(1, 25);
- str = str.toString().replace(quoteCharRegex, _escapedQuote);
+ var escapedQuoteStr = str.toString().replace(quoteCharRegex, _escapedQuote);
var needsQuotes = (typeof _quotes === 'boolean' && _quotes)
+ || (typeof _quotes === 'function' && _quotes(str, col))
|| (Array.isArray(_quotes) && _quotes[col])
- || hasAny(str, Papa.BAD_DELIMITERS)
- || str.indexOf(_delimiter) > -1
- || str.charAt(0) === ' '
- || str.charAt(str.length - 1) === ' ';
+ || hasAny(escapedQuoteStr, Papa.BAD_DELIMITERS)
+ || escapedQuoteStr.indexOf(_delimiter) > -1
+ || escapedQuoteStr.charAt(0) === ' '
+ || escapedQuoteStr.charAt(escapedQuoteStr.length - 1) === ' ';
- return needsQuotes ? _quoteChar + str + _quoteChar : str;
+ return needsQuotes ? _quoteChar + escapedQuoteStr + _quoteChar : escapedQuoteStr;
function hasAny(str, substrings)
diff --git a/tests/test-cases.js b/tests/test-cases.js
index dadb724b..0c4ab048 100644
--- a/tests/test-cases.js
+++ b/tests/test-cases.js
@@ -1711,6 +1711,18 @@ var UNPARSE_TESTS = [
config: { quotes: [true, false, true] },
expected: '"Col1",Col2,"Col3"\r\n"a",b,"c"\r\n"d",e,"f"'
+ {
+ description: "Force quotes around string fields only",
+ input: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 10, true]],
+ config: { quotes: function(value) { return typeof value === 'string'; } },
+ expected: '"a","b","c"\r\n"d",10,true'
+ },
+ {
+ description: "Force quotes around string fields only (with header row)",
+ input: [{ "Col1": "a", "Col2": "b", "Col3": "c" }, { "Col1": "d", "Col2": 10, "Col3": true }],
+ config: { quotes: function(value) { return typeof value === 'string'; } },
+ expected: '"Col1","Col2","Col3"\r\n"a","b","c"\r\n"d",10,true'
+ },
description: "Empty input",
input: [],