All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
6.32.0 (2025-03-12)
- generation: update request builders and models (792c9c6)
6.31.0 (2025-03-05)
- generation: update request builders and models (ace2a25)
6.30.1 (2025-02-27)
- align build files and javadoc file strcuture (9eec01c)
- ensure javadocs are generated (455f669)
- resolve javadoc and source locations (a8478a1)
6.30.0 (2025-02-25)
- generation: update request builders and models (18314de)
6.29.0 (2025-02-18)
6.28.0 (2025-02-13)
- generation: update request builders and models (c9799ec)
- generation: update request builders and models (bb5cbdf)
6.27.0 (2025-01-30)
- generation: update request builders and models (ef427df)
6.26.0 (2025-01-22)
- generation: update request builders and models (3e6f1e2)
- generation: update request builders and models (ae7530f)
- generation: update request builders and models (26cd42a)
6.25.1 (2025-01-03)
- Bump Microsoft Graph Core dependency (67cef23)
6.25.0 (2025-01-02)
- generation: update request builders and models (986769a)
6.24.0 (2024-12-17)
- generation: update request builders and models (0392b2b)
- generation: update request builders and models (a4272b1)
6.23.0 (2024-12-04)
- generation: update request builders and models (d509ed0)
6.22.0 (2024-11-28)
- generation: update request builders and models (de6f298)
6.21.0 (2024-11-20)
- generation: update request builders and models (bad776e)
- generation: update request builders and models (633e85d)
6.20.0 (2024-11-07)
- generation: update request builders and models (2e346df)
6.19.0 (2024-10-17)
6.18.0 (2024-10-08)
- generation: update request builders and models (b378cc7)
6.17.0 (2024-10-02)
- generation: update request builders and models (14f1a1a)
6.16.0 (2024-09-12)
- generation: update request builders and models (0e411c6)
6.15.0 (2024-09-04)
- generation: update request builders and models (2d9f972)
6.14.0 (2024-08-23)
- generation: update request builders and models (820d7c6)
- generation: update request builders and models (3e676ae)
- empty request body with logging interceptor (eb7ca0f)
6.13.0 (2024-06-06)
- generation: update request builders and models (420e306)
6.12.0 (2024-05-30)
- generation: update request builders and models (6a3a978)
6.11.0 (2024-05-23)
- generation: update request builders and models (49e9583)
6.10.0 (2024-05-15)
- generation: update request builders and models (933099a)
6.9.0 (2024-05-09)
- generation: update request builders and models (b02e9e8)
- downgrade jakarta.annotation-api, bump java core and kiota libs for java 8 compatibility (8a03b30)
6.8.0 (2024-05-02)
- generation: update request builders and models (5442ddd)
- Weekly generated v1.0 models and request builders using Kiota
- Weekly generated v1.0 models and request builders using Kiota
- Fixes a misalignment issue with kiota dependencies.
- Weekly generated v1.0 models and request builders using Kiota
- Weekly generated v1.0 models and request builders using Kiota
- Weekly Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Kiota.
- Bumps microsoft-graph-core dependency to 3.1.3
- Weekly Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Kiota.
- Bumps dependency to microsoft-graph-core 3.1.2
- Major Version 6.1.0 now Generally Available.
- See Upgrade Guide for more information.
- AccessPackageResource model and derived models and requests.
- CallSendDtmfTonesParameterSet model and derived requests.
- EducationGradingCategory model and derived requests.
- SendDtmfCompletionReason model.
- SendDtmfTonesOperation model and derived requests.
- SocialIdentitySource model.
- SocialIdentitySourceType model.
- GitHubOrganizationEvidence model.
- GitHubRepoEvidence model.
- GitHubUserEvidence model.
- HostLogonSessionEvidence model.
- IoTDeviceEvidence model.
- IoTDeviceImportanceType model.
- MalwareEvidence model.
- NetworkConnectionEvidence model.
- NicEvidence model.
- ProtocolType model.
- SasTokenEvidence model.
- ServicePrincipalEvidence model.
- ServicePrincipalType model.
- SubmissionMailEvidence model.
- AccessPackageResource model.
- ChatSendActivityNotificationParameterSet model and derived requests.
- EducationAssignment model and derived requests.
- EducationAssignmentSettings model and derived requests.
- EducationSubmission model.
- TeamsAppSettings model.
- TeamSendActivityNotificationParameterSet model and derived requests.
- User model and derived requests.
- UserTeamworkSendActivityNotificationParameterSet model and derived requests.
- CallRequestBuilder request.
- Workbook*Range request builders changed to remove "sort", "format", and "worksheet" functions.
- Sort, Format, and Worksheet properties still available via the WorkbookRange entity returned from these requests.
- CallSendDtmfTonesParameterSet model and derived requests.
- SendDtmfCompletionReason model.
- SendDtmfTonesOperation model and derived requests.
- CallRequestBuilder request.
- DeltaParticipants model and derived requests.
- ListItemCreateLinkParameterSet model and derived requests.
- PronounsSettings model and derived requests.
- RemovedState model.
- VirtualEndpoint model and derived requests.
- AppliedConditionalAccessPolicyResult model.
- DeviceManagement model and request builder.
- DriveItemCreateLinkParameterSet model and builder.
- Participant model.
- PeopleAdminSettings model and request builder.
- ListItem request builder.
- ItemRetentionLabel model and derived request.
- MeetingAudience model.
- OnlineMeetingBase model and derived request.
- RetentionLabelSettings model.
- VirtualEvent model and derived requests.
- VirtualEventAttendeeRegistrationStatus model.
- VirtualEventRegistration model and derived requests.
- VirtualEventRegistrationQuestionAnswer model.
- VirtualEventSession model and derived requests.
- VirtualEventsRoot model and derived request.
- VirtualEventStatus model.
- VirtualEventWebinar model and derived requests.
- VirtualEventWebinarGetByUserIdAndRoleParameterSet model and derived requests.
- VirtualEventWebinarGetByUserRoleParameterSet model and derived requests.
- BehaviorDuringRetentionPeriod model.
- DriveItem model and derived request.
- OnlineMeeting model.
- SolutionsRoot model and derived request.
- CallRecording model and derived requests.
- ChannelSummary model.
- DeviceLocalCredential and DeviceLocalCredentialInfo models and derived requests.
- RemoteDesktopSecurityConfiguration model and derived requests.
- SiteDeltaParameterSet model and derived requests.
- TargetDeviceGroup model and derived requests.
- HostPort, HostPortBanner, HostPortComponent, HostPortProtocol, and HostPortStatus models and derived requests.
- ExternalConnection model.
- Channel model.
- DelegatedAdminRelationship model.
- Directory model and request builder.
- ExtensionProperty model.
- OnlineMeeting model and request builder.
- ServicePrincipal model and request builder.
- SiteCollection request builder.
- Alert model.
- DetectionSource model.
- Host model and request builder.
- ServiceSource model.
- ThreatIntelligence model and request builder.
- Hostname request builder.
- IpAddress request builder.
- AzureCommunicationServicesUserIdentity, CommunicationsApplicationIdentity, CommunicationsApplicationInstanceIdentity, CommunicationsEncryptedIdentity, CommunicationsGuestIdentity, CommunicationsIdentitySet, CommunicationsPhoneIdentity, and CommunicationsUserIdentity models.
- PeopleAdminSettings model and derived request.
- ProfileCardAnnotation and ProfileCardProperty models and derived requests.
- Admin model and derived request.
- External/InternalSponsors for ConnectedOrganizationRequestBuilder are accessed via DirectoryObjectWithReferenceRequestBuilder, no longer DirectoryObjectRequestBuilder.
- AccountTargetContent, AccountTargetContentType, AddressBookAccountTargetContent, IncludeAllAccountTargetContent models and derived requests.
- AttackSimulationOperation, AttackSimulationOperationType, AttackSimulationRoot, SimulationContentSource, SimulationContentStatus, SimulationNotification, TargettedUserType models and derived requests.
- BaseEndUserNotification, EndUserNotification, EndUserNotificationDetail, EndUserNotificationPreference, EndUserNotificationSetting, EndUserNotificationSettingType, EndUserNotificationType, NotificationDeliveryFrequency, NotificationDeliveryPreference, PositiveReinforcementNotification, TrainingReminderNotification models and derived requests.
- CallTranscript, CallTranscriptContentStream, CallTranscriptMetadataContentStream models and derived requests.
- CoachmarkLocation, CoachmarkLocationType, PayloadCoachmark models.
- CustomTrainingSetting, MicrosoftCustomTrainingSetting, MicrosoftManagedTrainingSetting, MicrosoftTrainingAssignmentMapping, NoTrainingNotificationSetting, NoTrainingSetting, Training, TrainingAssignedTo, TrainingAvailabilityStatus, TrainingCompletionDuration, TrainingLanguageDetail, TrainingNotificationSetting, TrainingSetting, TrainingSettingType, TrainingType models and derived requests.
- EmailPayloadDetail model.
- LandingPage, LandingPageDetail, LoginPage models and derived requests.
- OAuthAppScope, OAuthConsentAppDetail models.
- Payload, PayloadBrand, PayloadComplexity, PayloadDetail, PayloadIndustry, PayloadTheme models and derived requests.
- HostPair, HostSslCertificate, HostSslCertificatePort, SslCertificate, SslCertificateEntity, Subdomain models and derived requests.
- WhoisBaseRecord, WhoisContact, WhoisDomainStatus, WhoisHistoryRecord, WhoisNameserver, WhoisRecord models and derived requests.
- Label, OnlineMeeting, Simulation, ThreatIntelligence models and derived requests.
- Host, Hostname, IpAddress, AttackSimulationRoot, OnlineMeeting, Simulation, ThreatIntelligence request builders.
- AssignmentSchedule, EligibilitySchedule, PrivilegedAccessGroup, PrivilegedAccessRoot, ResellerDelegatedAdminRelationship models and derived requests.
- ScheduleRequestActions model.
- DelegatedAdminRelationshipRequest, DirectoryRequestBuilder, IdentityGovernance, IdentityGovernanceRequestBuilder, Incident, SubjectRightsRequest classes.
- MacOSDmgApp model and derived requests.
- MacOSIncludedApp model.
- RotateBitLockerKeysDeviceActionResult model.
- UserExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupProcessPerformance model and derived requests.
- ManagedMobileLobApp and MobileLobApp requests.
- PresenceStatusMessage derived types and requests.
- SubjectRightsRequest derived types.
- Action models.
- GroupRetryServiceProvisioning derived types and requests.
- OrgContactRetryServiceProvisioning derived types and requests.
- ServicePrincipalLockConfiguration model.
- ServiceProvisioningError model.
- ServiceProvisioningXmlError model.
- UserRetryServiceProvisioning derived types and requests.
- Added properties to the PublicationFacet model.
- Added properties to the Alert and Incident models in the security namespace.
- ChatMessageSetReaction derived types and requests.
- ChatMessageUnsetReaction derived types and requests.
- CustomSecurityAttributeValue model.
- MeetingChatHistoryDefaultMode model.
- Added TeamsAppSettings model and requests.
- Several Evidence models added to the Security namespace. This includes but is not limited to:
- BlobEvidence.
- ContainerEvidence.
- ContainerRegistryEvidence.
- KubernetesClusterEvidence.
- ContainerPortProtocol model.
- Dictionary model.
- FileHashAlgorithm model.
- FileHash model.
- DriveItemPermanentDelete derived types and requests.
- TenantInformation model, derived types and requests.
- AccessPackage derived types and related requests.
- The following were added to the SecurityNamespace:
- EdiscoveryExportOperation model and requests.
- EdiscoveryReviewSetExport model and related requests.
- EdiscoveryReviewSetQueryExport model and related requests.
- ExportFileMetadata model.
- ExportFileStructure model.
- ExportOptions model.
- AccessReviewRecommendationInsightSetting model.
- AppLog derived types and requests.
- AssignmentType model.
- AuthenticationMethod derived types and requests.
- AzureAdPopTokenAuthentication model.
- CourseStatus model.
- CustomExtension model, derived types, and requests.
- DeletedItemContainer model and requests.
- DeviceLog derived types and requests.
- DeviceManagement derived types and requests.
- DeviceProtectionOverview model.
- DriveItemSensitivity derived types and requests.
- EmailSettings model.
- EmployeeExperienceUser model and requests.
- FeatureType model.
- GovernanceInsight model and requests.
- GroupPeerOutlierRecommendationInsightSettings model.
- IncludedUser models.
- Learning derived types and requests.
- LogicAppTriggerEndpointConfiguration model.
- MacOSMicrosoftDefenderApp model and requests.
- MalwareStateForWindowsDevice model and requests.
- MembershipOutlierInsight model and requests.
- MobileAppTroubleshootingEvent model and requests.
- TeamsApp derived types and requests.
- UserRegistration derived types and requests.
- UserExperienceAnalytics derived types and requests.
- The IdentityGovernance namespace was added, this includes models and requests.
- The Security namespace was updated, this includes models and requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- LayoutTemplateType model.
- LoginPageLayoutConfiguration model.
- LoginPageTextVisibilitySettings model.
- OrganizationalBrandingProperties derived requests.
- The following models have been added to the security namespace.
- AmazonResourceEvidence
- AzureResourceEvidence
- GoogleCloudLocationType
- GoogleCloudResourceEvidence
- AttributeType model and derived types and requests.
- Filter model and derived types and requests.
- Synchronization model and derived types and requests.
- DirectoryDefinition models and related requests.
- CollapseProperty model.
- ContainerFilter model.
- EntryExportStatus model.
- EntrySyncOperation model.
- EscrowBehavior model.
- ExpressionInputObject model.
- Mutability model.
- ObjectDefinition models.
- ObjectFlowTypes model.
- ObjectMapping models.
- OnlineMeeting models.
- ParseExpressionResponse model.
- PublicErrorResponse model.
- QuarantineReason model.
- ReferencedObject model.
- ScopeOperator models.
- StringKey models.
- OnlineMeetingGetVirtualAppointmentJoinWebUrl model and related requests.
- SiteGetAllSites model and related requests.
- The following models and requests have been added to the externalConnectors namespace:
- ExternalActivity models and related requests.
- ExternalItemAddActivities models and related requests.
- IdentityReference and IdentityWithReference requests.
- CrossTenantUserSyncInbound model.
- CrossTenantIdentitySyncPolicyPartner model and related requests.
- The following models have been added to the externalConnectors namespace:
- ActivitySettings
- DisplayTemplate
- ItemIdResolver
- PropertyRule
- RuleOperation
- SearchSettings
- UrlMatchInfo
- UrlToItemResolverBase.
- InboundOutboundPolicyConfiguration model.
- CertificateBasedAuthConfiguration requests via reference removed.
- AllowedValue model and related requests.
- AttributeSet model and related requests.
- CustomSecurityAttributeDefinition model and related requests.
- ReportRootGetTeamsTeam derived models and related requests.
- AuthenticationCombinationConfiguration model and requests.
- AuthenticationMethodMode derived models and requests.
- AuthenticationStrengthPolicy derived models and requests.
- Added BrowserSharedCookie model and derived type instances/requests.
- Added BrowserSites model and derived type instances/requests.
- Added triggerTypes to security.
- Added resourceNamespaces to RbacApplication.
- Adds AuthenticationMethodConfiguration derived types instances
- Added AuthenticationMethodsPolicyMigrationState
- Added members of type cast segment to administrative units.
- Added conditional access external tenants and guests.
- Added learning experience/content/provider.
- Adds delta function to DirectoryObject collection types
- Access Management Policy
- Fixed invalid odata casts for memberOf and transitiveMemberOf methods
- Access package questions/management/collections/policy.
- SharePoint/OneDrive options.
- Tenant relationship.
- Delegated Admin Access Assignment.
- defaultUsageLocation property in Organization.
- teamsAppId in ChatMessageAttachment.
- Removed workbook items at the root which was not supported by the service.
- Ios minimum operating system version 15.
- Contained apps on mobile app content.
- Include company portal link on notification template branding options.
- JoinMeetingIdSettings on OnlineMeeting.
- PartnerTenantType on Organization.
- CommittedContainedApp on WindowsUniversalAppX
- DevicesWithoutCompliancePolicyReport
- CrossCloudAzureActiveDirectoryTenant model.
- DomainPromote models and related requests.
- RiskyServicePrincipal models and related requests.
- SecurityRunHunting models and related requests.
- ServicePrincipalRiskDetection model and related requests.
- Security Namespace Additions:
- DefenderAvStatus model.
- DetectionSource model.
- DetectionStatus model.
- DeviceHealthStatus model.
- DeviceRiskScore model.
- EmailSender model.
- EvidenceRemediationStatus model.
- EvidenceRole model.
- EvidenceVerdict model.
- (Entity)Evidence models.
- FileDetails model.
- HuntingQueryResults model.
- HuntingRowResult model.
- LoggedOnUser model.
- OnboardingStatus model.
- ServiceSource model.
- SinglePropertySchema model.
- UserAccount model.
- VmCloudProvider model.
- VmMetadata model.
- Alert models and related requests.
- Incident models and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Classes related to the removed and added models/requests have been updated to reflect the addition and removal of these models/requests.
- AnonymousGuestConversationMember model and related requests.
- MicrosoftAccountUserConversationMember model and related requests.
- SkypeForBusinessUserConversationMember model and related requests.
- SkypeUserConversationMember model and related requests.
- Security Namespace Additions:
- EdiscoveryPurgeDataOperation model and related requests.
- EdiscoverySearchPurgeData model and related requests.
- PurgeAreas model.
- PurgeType model.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Classes related to the removed and added models/requests have been updated to reflect the addition and removal of these models/requests.
- AuditActor model.
- AuditProperty model.
- AuditResource model.
- ChannelMembersNotificationRecipient model.
- ChatMembersNotificationRecipient model.
- MacOSLobChildApp model.
- MacOSMinimumOperatingSystem model.
- MicrosoftEdgeChannel model.
- TeamMembersNotificationRecipient model.
- AuditEvent models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementPartnerTerminate models and related requests.
- EducationAssignmentSetUpFeedbackResourcesFolder models and related requests.
- EducationFeedbackResourceOutcome models and related requests.
- MacOSLobApp models and related requests.
- MacOSMicrosoftEdgeApp model and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Classes related to the removed and added models/requests have been updated to reflect the addition and removal of these models/requests.
- Remove withRequireChangeOnNextSignIn from AuthenticationMethodResetPasswordParameterSet as this only applied for certain first party apps and shouldn't have been added prior.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Models and Requests returning or consuming a 'Report' model have been changed to return or consume a
- Fixed case where some instances of functionOptions were not being added to request options.
- Fixed case where in some instances parameters weren't being added to request body.
- AuthenticationMethodFeatureConfiguration model.
- ChatViewpoint model.
- ConditionalAccessPolicyDetail model.
- FeatureTarget models.
- MicrosoftAuthenticatorFeatureSettings model.
- TemplateScenarios model.
- ChatHideForUser models and related requests.
- ChatMarkChatReadForUser models and related requests.
- ChatMarkChatUnreadForUser models and related requests.
- ChatMessageInfo model and related requests.
- ChatUnhideForUser models and related requests.
- ConditionalAccessTemplate model and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Classes related to the removed and added models/requests have been updated to reflect the addition and removal of these models/requests.
- Bumped Microsoft-Graph-Core to 2.0.14
- AssignedTrainingInfo model.
- AttackSimulationRepeatOffender model.
- AttackSimulationSimulationUserCoverage model.
- AttackSimulationTrainingUserCoverage model.
- AttackSimulationUser model.
- EmailIdentity model.
- PayloadDeliveryPlatform model.
- RecommendedAction model.
- TrainingEventsContent model.
- TrainingStatus model.
- AccessPackageAssignmentAdditionalAccess models and related requests.
- AttackSimulationRoot model and related requests.
- AuthenticationContextClassReference model and related requests.
- ReportRootGetM365App models and related requests.
- SecurityReportsRoot models and related requests.
- Simulation models and related requests.
- TeamworkSendActivityNotificationToRecipients models and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Classes related to the removed and added models/requests have been updated to reflect the addition and removal of these models/requests.
- AuthorizationInfo model.
- BroadcastMeetingCaptionSettings model.
- AddLargeGalleryViewOperation model and related requests.
- CallAddLargeGalleryView models and related requests.
- TeamworkTag models and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Classes related to the removed and added models/requests have been updated to reflect the addition and removal of these models/requests.
- MessagePinnedEventMessageDetail model.
- MessageUnpinnedEventMessageDetail model.
- RedirectUriSettings model.
- X509Certificate models.
- ContentSharingSession model and related requests.
- PinnedChatMessageInfo model and related requests.
- X509CertificateAuthentication models and related requests.
- ChatMessageReference requests.
- ChatMessageWithReference requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Classes related to the removed and added models/requests have been updated to reflect the addition and removal of these models/requests.
- Removed RestrictedSignIn models and related requests.
- MessagePinnedEventMessageDetail model.
- MessageUnpinnedEventMessageDetail model.
- RedirectUriSettings model.
- PinnedChatMessageInfo model and related requests.
- ChatMessageReference requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Classes related to the removed and added models/requests have been updated to reflect the addition and removal of these models/requests.
- Removed RestrictedSignIn model and related requests.
- AutoRestartNotificationDismissalMethod model.
- DetectedAppPlatformType model.
- WindowsUpdateForBusinessUpdateWeeks model.
- WindowsUpdateNotificationDisplayOption model.
- PresenceClearUserPreferredPresence models and related requests.
- PresenceSetUserPreferredPresence models and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- References to newly added models/requests added to current models/requests.
- Example: WindowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration model references newly added WindowsUpdate models and requests.
- Example: PresenceRequestBuilder request references newly added PresenceClearUserPreferredPresence & PresenceSetUserPreferredPresence models/requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- VerifiedPublisher property added to ServicePrincipal model.
- AttachmentInfo model.
- DeviceDeltaParameterSet models.
- DeviceManagementReportsGetNoncompliantDevicesAndSettingsReportParameterSet models.
- DiskType model.
- SignInFrequencyAuthenticationType model.
- SignInFrequencyInterval model.
- DocumentSetVersionRestoreParameterSet models.
- UserExperienceAnalyticsHealthState model.
- AttachmentBase models and related requests.
- AttachmentSession model and related requests.
- DocumentSetVersion models and related requests.
- TaskFileAttachment model and related requests.
- UserExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance model and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- References to newly added models/requests added to current models/requests.
- AccessPackageAutomaticRequestSettings model.
- AttributeRuleMembers model.
- AuthenticationMethodSignInState model.
- AuthenticationPhoneType model.
- AvailabilityItem model.
- BookingsAvailabilityStatus model.
- StaffAvailabilityItem model.
- BookingBusinessGetStaffAvailability models and related requests.
- EmailAuthenticationMethod model and related requests.
- PhoneAuthenticationMethod models and related requests.
- SoftwareOathAuthenticationMethod model and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- References to newly added models/requests added to current models/requests.
- Example: Authentication model now has references to EmailAuthenticationMethod, PhoneAuthenticationMethod, SoftwareOathAuthenticationMethod models.
- Example: AuthenticationRequestBuilder now references EmailAuthenticationMethodRequestBuilder, PhoneAuthenticationMethodRequestBuilder, and SoftwareOathAuthenticationMethodRequestBuilder.
- Added new authentication methods.
- Added password reset operation.
- Added cross tenant policies and federated identity.
- Added E-discovery cases and a large set of associated types.
- Added summary to Team.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Emun values added to TeamsAsyncOperationType.
- AssociatedTeamInfo model and related requests.
- ChannelDoesUserHaveAccessParameterSet models and related requests.
- SharedWithChannelTeamInfo model and related requests.
- TeamInfo model and related requests.
- ConversationMember requests.
- ChannelCollection and ChannelReference requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Updated the classes with references to the newly added models and requests, ie. UserTeamwork.class, Team.class, Channel.class, etc.
- Certification model.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Added Certification to Application model.
- AudioCodec model.
- NetworkTransportProtocol model.
- TraceRouteHop model.
- VideoCodec model.
- AccessReview models and related requests.
- TemporaryAccessPassAuthenticationMethod models and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Models and requests related to the newly added AccessReview models.
- Models and requests related to TemporaryAccessPassAuthenticationMethod.
- ChecklistItem model and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Model and requests related to the added CheckListItem model, ie: TodoTask & TodoTaskRequestBuilder.
- AuthenticationProtocol model.
- FederatedIdpMfaBehavior model.
- PromptLoginBehavior model.
- SigningCertificateUpdateStatus model.
- EducationAssignmentDeltaParameterSet models and related requests.
- EducationCategoryDeltaParameterSet models and related requests.
- ExternalDomainName model and related requests.
- InternalDomainFederation model and related requests.
- SamlOrWsFedExternalDomainFederation model and related requests.
- SamlOrWsFedProvider model and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Added references to the added models in related models and requests.
- ContentTypeAddCopyFromContentTypeHubParameterSet models and related requests.
- ContentTypeGetCompatibleHubContentTypesParameterSet models and related requests.
- LongRunningOperation model and related requests.
- LongRunningOperationStatus model and related requests.
- RichLongRunningOperation model and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Added references to the added models in related models and requests.
- PlannerContainerType model.
- PlannerPlanContainer model.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- PlannerCategoryDescriptions model.
- PlannerTask model.
- TeamworkUserIdentityType model.
- Bump dependency on Graph-Core to 2.0.12
- ApprovalSettings model.
- RequestSchedule model.
- TicketInfo model.
- UnifiedApprovalStage model.
- UnifiedRoleScheduleRequestActions model.
- AppScopeReference and AppScopeWithReference requests.
- RoleAssignmentSchedule models and related requests.
- RoleEligibilitySchedule models and related requests.
- UnifiedRoleAssignmentSchedule models and related requests.
- UnifiedRoleEligibilitySchedule models and related requests.
- UnifiedRoleManagementPolicy models and related requests.
- UnifiedRoleSchedule models and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- PolicyRoot model and request builder.
- RbacApplication model and request builder.
- AccessPackageAssignmentRequestReprocessParameterSet model and related requests.
- AccessPackageAssignmentReprocessParameterSet model and related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- AccessPackageAssignmentRequestBuilder & AccessPackageAssignmentRequestRequestBuilder requests.
- User model.
- ConditionalAccessClientApplications model removed.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- ColumnDefinition, ConditionalAccessConditionSet, & ConditionalAccessDevicePlatform models changed.
- AccessPackageApprovalStage, TargetApplicationOwners, AllowedTargetScope, & TargetManager models.
- AccessPackageAssignment(ApprovalSettings, Policy, ReviewSettings, and etc) models.
- AccessPackageAssignment related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Dependencies in AccessPackageAssignment and it's related classes.
- Dependencies in EntitlementManagement and it's request builder.
- ResourceSpecificPermission and SubscriptionReauthorizeParameterSet models
- SubscriptionReauthorizeParameterSet related requests.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- ServicePrincipal model.
- SubscriptionRequestBuilder request.
- UserPurpose model.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- AccessReviewHistory(DecisionFilter, Definition, Instance, and etc) models
- AccessReviewHistory(DecisionFilter, Definition, Instance, and etc) requests and requestBuilders.
- Dictionary, IncomingCallOptions, ResultTemplate(Dictionary/Option), and SearchAlteration(Options/Type) models.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- SearchHit, SearchResponse, and SearchRequest models.
- AccessReviewSet, CallAnswerParameterSet, Chat models.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- DriveItemCreateLinkParameterSet model and builder-model.
- DriveItemInviteParameterSe model and builder-model.
- ServiceAnnouncementAttachment Model
- Requests related to ServiceAnnouncementAttachment
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Models and Request classes related to RiskDetection and RiskyUser.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter.
- Plenty of Models relating to Education and Booking added in this update.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter
- First Update of 2022!
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter
- Removed classes pertaining to eDiscovery as they were included prematurely. The API is not functional yet and will be added at a later time.
- Report API was broken, methods returning a report now return a
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter
- Correcting enum mistake in ManagementAgentType.
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter
- Hotfix: Android_Work_Profile changed to Android_For_Work in
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter
- Generated v1.0 models and request builders using Typewriter
- Initial GitHub Release using Actions
- Migrated from ADO pipeline to GitHub Actions