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IDEA EGTM: Erlang binding for GT.M database engine

Software product description and documentation for application developers is to be found on


  • git clone
  • ensure the latest Erlang/OTP is installed
  • ensure GT.M is installed
  • change GT.M gtm_dist path in priv/gtmenv and rebar.config
  • ./rebar get-deps && ./rebar compile
  • initialize database with ./priv/initdb
  • run the console ./priv/egtm_console
  • enjoy!


  • GT.M compatibility
    • EGTM is known to not work with GT.M V5.5-000 Linux x86_64 because of call-in bug.
    • EGTM compiled against GT.M V6.0-000 is production ready as well as with the version of 5.4-002B.
  • Erlang compatibility
    • tested with and best working on Erlang R15B
    • egtm_config requires Erlang common-test package -- this dependency is to be removed soon!
  • performance:
    • per-operation lager debug logging (disabled by default) means around ~2000 microseconds overhead on reference machine,
    • metrics (disabled by default) costs around ~30 additional microseconds on reference machine,
    • both can be enabled using EGTM_METRICS and EGTM_TRACE compile-time macros,
    • unless EGTM_METRICS is defined, the egtm_metrics configuration (in priv/egtm.conf) is ignored.
  • transaction processing:
    • since GT.M call-in interface does not allow us to call standalone TS/TC/TRO commands, we had to implement TP emulation. This is done by storing all write/lock operations within a virtual transaction buffer that is evaluated at the time of commit.
    • this has some limitations, for example:
      %% Expect the ^ZTMR to hold value of 0.
      DataProcessing = fun () ->
        io:put\_chars (egtm:get ("^ZTMR")),
        egtm:set ("^ZTMR", 1), %% when in transaction, this is not done immediatelly but at the commit-time!!!
        io:put\_chars (egtm:get ("^ZTMR")),
        false   %% Rollback!
      egtm\_util:transaction (DataProcessing), %% outputs 00{ok,rollback,unknown}
      egtm\_util:transaction (DataProcessing), %% outputs 00{ok,rollback,unknown}
      DataProcessing (),                      %% outputs 01false
      DataProcessing ().                      %% outputs 11false
    • operations supported by TP: set, setp, kill, zkill, lock, unlock.
    • To get full-featured GT.M TP, feel free to write your own priv/rtns/MyRoutine.m with any TP processing code and call it using egtm:do/2 or egtm:call/2.
  • clustering and multi-site configurations: EGTM HAC is a separate and paid add-on product.
  • consulting and support services, non-public/non-free add-ons: Support and consulting services and non-public add-ons may be delivered individually under conditions specified in a valid support/license contract in context of one or more of these products:
    • FIS GT.M and FIS PIP/DATA-QWIK framework,
    • Erlang and ChicagoBoss framework,
    • IDEA EGTM,
    • IDEA Object Database (IODB),
    • IDEA EGTM High-Available Cluster (EGTM HAC),
    • IDEA CloudOS (ICOS). Feel free to contact IDEA Systems via e-mail or in any case of interest!


  • NIF upgrade/reload functinality -- GT.M call-ins are limited to a single gtm_init/gtm_exit call per each process, so we simply cannot unload GT.M shared library and load its new version gracefully :-(
  • documentation: some egtm functions exists in more overloaded variants resolved by guards and well documented in source code itself. The standard edoc generator works only with the first match of all these variants, so the resulting HTML documentation may not be complete! :-(
  • init^%egtmapi and error trapping
  • egtm:lock timeout support
  • EGTM NIF stores strings in static char array limited by EGTM$BUFLEN constant although each string has different lenght requirements on different places. This should be changed in future releases! Use the following:
    • MAXCODE = 8192 (maximum length of a line of code for the compiler / variable name)
    • MAXMSG = 2048 (maximum length of a GT.M message)
    • MAXNAME = 32 (one more than the maximum length of a GT.M name)
    • MAXSTR = 1048576 (maximum length of a value that GT.M can return)
  • UTF-8 or Erlang-agnostic Latin-1 support without complicated encoding/decoding!! This is partially supported by egtm_string encode/decode, but currenly only for VALUES in set/setp and get/getp, thus NOT for: global names, subscripts, do/call arguments.
  • Counters for intercluster load distribution purposes as well as for a common SNMP monitoring purposes. SNMP data may be based on Folsom metrics.
  • WebAdmin (at least global browser) -- as ICOS Application?

Architecture Schema Design

: Erlang/OTP Application Server #1   :
:                                    :..
:  +----------------------------+      :
:  | Application that uses EGTM |      :
:  +--------------+-------------+      :
:                 |                    :
:    +------------+-----------------+  :
:    | EGTM Master Broker Server    |  :
:    |..............................|  :
:    | does request routing logic   |  :
:    | based on deployment setup    | (A) single standalone worker
:    | (standalone, pool, cluster)  | (B) pool of local workers
:    |..............................| (C) cluster of A/B-mode servers
:    |      (A)(B)(C)               |  :
:    +-------+--+--+----------------+  :
:           /   |   \                  :.......
:          /    |    \                        :
:         /    /   +--+--------------------+  :
:        /    /    | EGTM Cluster Manager  |  :
:       /    /     | with IntelliRoute     |  :
:      /    /      +----------+------------+  :
:     /    /                  | ..............:
:    /     |        +---------+------------+
:   /      |        |          .:          |
:   |   +--+--------+-------+  :   +-------+---------------------+
:   |   | EGTM Worker Pool  |  :   | EGTM Cluster Neighbour Pool |
:   |   | egtm1, egtm2, ... |  :   +---------+-------------------+
:   |   +-----------+-------+  :           |
:   |               |  ........:           |
:   |               |  :                   |
:   |               |  :   +---------------+-------------+
: +--+----------+   |  :   | EGTM Slave Broker Server    |
: | Standalone  |   |  :   | another worker/pool/cluster |
: | EGTM Worker |   |  :   | SCHEMA RECURSION GOES HERE  |
: +------+------+   |  :   +---------------+-------------+
:        |          |  :                   |
:  +-----+--------+-+  :                +--+------------+
:  | GT.M master DB |===(replication)===| GT.M slave DB |
:  +----------------+  :                +---------------+


Copyright (C) 2012 IDEA Systems (

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see