- Define website sections
- Home/Hero section
- About Me
- Skills/Tech Stack
- Projects Portfolio
- Contact Section
- Plan color scheme and typography
- Define responsive design breakpoints
- Initialize Next.js project
- Install and configure Tailwind CSS
- Install and configure DaisyUI
- Set up MongoDB Atlas
- Configure environment variables
- Set up project structure and folders
Create basic layout components
- Navigation
- Footer
- Layout wrapper
Implement responsive design
Create main pages
- Home page
- Hero section
- Featured projects
- Skills overview
- Call to action
- Projects page
- Project grid/list
- Project filters
- Project cards
- About page
- Professional summary
- Skills & expertise
- Experience timeline
- Education
- Contact page
- Contact form
- Social links
- Location/timezone
- Availability status
Implementation Plan:
Create page files:
- src/app/page.js (home)
- src/app/about/page.js
- src/app/projects/page.js
- src/app/contact/page.js
Create page components:
- src/components/home/Hero.js
- src/components/home/FeaturedProjects.js
- src/components/about/AboutContent.js
- src/components/projects/ProjectGrid.js
- src/components/contact/ContactForm.js
Create shared components:
- src/components/ui/PageHeader.js
- src/components/ui/Section.js
- src/components/ui/Button.js
- src/components/ui/Card.js
Update existing files:
- src/app/globals.css (page-specific styles)
- src/app/layout.js (metadata for each page)
- Home page
Add animations and transitions
Implement dark/light mode
- Set up MongoDB connection
- Create API routes for:
- Contact form
- Project data
- Skills/Tech stack
- Implement data models
- Add form validation
- Add project showcase section
- Project cards
- Project details modal/page
- Live demo links
- GitHub links
- Implement contact form
- Add social media links
- Create skills visualization
- Add downloadable resume option
- Optimize images
- Implement SEO best practices
- Meta tags
- Sitemap
- robots.txt
- Add loading states
- Implement error boundaries
- Add 404 page
- Test responsiveness
- Test forms and API endpoints
- Cross-browser testing
- Deploy to Vercel/similar platform
- Set up custom domain
- Add final content
- Proofread all text
- Test all links and forms
- Get feedback
- Launch!
- Blog section
- Project filtering
- Analytics integration
- Automated testing
- CI/CD pipeline