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git/Subversion authentication and user information manager

Helper utility for running a git-SVN bridge.

  • Manages SVN authentication for git
  • User mapping between git and SVN
  • Keeps data in an encrypted database
  • Sends email notifications when SVN authentication fails

Database is in:



Run either with a single non-option argument to output user name and email suitable for git --authors-prog:

git-svn-auth-manager USERNAME

or with a single option to invoke option-specific behaviour:

git-svn-auth-manager OPTION=USERNAME [ARG]


--help, -h     Show help

--add-user, -a=USERNAME
               Add user information to the database

--change-passwd-for, -p=USERNAME
               Change user's password in the database

--reset-auth-for, -r=USERNAME
               Reset SVN auth cache with user's credentials;
               SVN URL required as non-option argument


Clone with --recursive:

$ git clone --recursive git://

Install build deps:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential mono-devel libssl-dev

Change key, build:

$ cd git-svn-bridge/git-svn-auth-manager/GitSvnAuthManager
$ ENCRYPTION_KEY=`tr -dc '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | head -c 16`
$ sed -i "s/CHANGETHIS/$ENCRYPTION_KEY/" src/EncryptedUserRepository.cs
$ make


Database is encrypted, see SQLCipher.

As encryption key is embedded in git-svn-auth-manager, it needs to be owned by root and be made execute-only:

$ sudo chown root: git-svn-auth-manager
$ chmod 711 git-svn-auth-manager


Config is in:


Configuration settings (from git-svn-auth-manager -h):

svn_auth_dir: SVN authentication cache folder
    (default: ${HOME}/.subversion/auth)

db_filename: encrypted user info database location
    (default: ${ApplicationData}/git-svn-auth-manager/userinfo.db,
     ${ApplicationData} is ${HOME}/.config in Linux)

mail_sending_enabled: if "true", send error mails to users
    when `svn info` fails (default: false);
    if mail_sending_enabled is true,
    the following additional settings apply:

        smtp_username: SMTP username (NO DEFAULT)

        smtp_password: SMTP password (NO DEFAULT)

        smtp_server_host: SMTP server host name (default:

        smtp_server_port: SMTP server port (default: 587)

        mail_from: mail From: header (default: ${smtp_username})

        mail_subject: mail Subject: header
            (default: built-in ${MAIL_SUBJECT_DEFAULT})

        mail_body: mail message body, must have {}-placeholders for
            user name, application name, SVN username and error message
            (default: built-in ${MAIL_BODY_DEFAULT})

        do_not_check_server_certificate: if "true", do not check SMTP
            server certificate
            (default: true, i.e. certificate is NOT checked)

See GitSvnAuthManager.exe.config-full for a full sample or GitSvnAuthManager.exe.config-sensible for enabling mail sending (other settings can be left to defaults if GMail is used).

Mail sending

See mail-sample.txt for the mail template that is used by default.

Enable email notifications to users for Subversion authentication failures (substitute sed replacment strings with real GMail account data):

$ sed -i 's/' GitSvnAuthManager.exe.config
$ sed -i 's/password/REAL_GMAIL_PASSWORD/' GitSvnAuthManager.exe.config

If you feel uneasy about keeping mail usernames/passwords in config file, write them directly into src/EmailSender.cs and recompile:

$ sed -i 's/settings ["smtp_username"]/"REAL_GMAIL_USER"/' src/EmailSender.cs
$ sed -i 's/settings ["smtp_password"]/"REAL_GMAIL_PASSWORD"/' src/EmailSender.cs
$ make