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inmtgjson/mtgjson3 (press backspace or delete to remove)How did move to version 4.x multiply the file size by 10? Where s the lean version? AllCards.json should be kept lean
and only contain minimum important data.
Separate extraneous, unnecessary card info ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 20, 2018
- #633
Righteous Blow does not include Guilds of Ravnica as a printing. This may be related to the lingering problem with issue
- 4
- Opened on Nov 7, 2018
- #632
Cards such as Appeal//Authority are now (4.0.2) marked as layout split , while in 3.x their layout was aftermath .
I guess this is a bug as the layouts are clearly different, compared to a card like Alive//Well ...
- 5
- Opened on Oct 31, 2018
- #630
We use this service (via to collect Oracle text for Judge exams. We
noticed that the text for Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, was not updated in MTGJSON ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 18, 2018
- #629
Please create and maintain a version.json file for MTGJSONv4. This will allow me to programmatically check to see if the
server has a more recent file than what I have cached.
- 1
- Opened on Oct 15, 2018
- #628
I have noticed some Battlebond cards have layout flip
For example see Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom and Okaun, Eye of Chaos
- 2
- Opened on Oct 13, 2018
- #627
Problem: all planeswalker abilities with negative loyalty costs use a weird dash that is not rendered by some/many
Solution: Please use ASCII subtract symbol for loyalty costs that every font can ...
- 2
- Opened on Oct 7, 2018
- #626
Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom and Okaun, Eye of Chaos from Battlebond are categorized a flip layout cards, but I believe they
should be normal . Flip is used for Kamigawa s flip mechanic cards like Jushi Apprentice, ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 3, 2018
- #625
Ran oracle again to get a new xml today. Overgrown Tomb and Temple Garden are missing the cipt 1 /cipt line in the xml
- 4
- Opened on Oct 2, 2018
- #624

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