diff --git a/fcs/Directory.Build.props b/fcs/Directory.Build.props
index 2841a5fb34f7..0912aba5fd87 100644
--- a/fcs/Directory.Build.props
+++ b/fcs/Directory.Build.props
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- 4.6.2
+ 4.7.1
diff --git a/fcs/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj b/fcs/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
index df344cda8830..8cee59d75a38 100644
--- a/fcs/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
+++ b/fcs/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+ $(DefineConstants);EXPORT_METADATA
diff --git a/fcs/build.fsx b/fcs/build.fsx
index c599d5813538..620f76a4dfb9 100644
--- a/fcs/build.fsx
+++ b/fcs/build.fsx
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Target.create "BuildVersion" (fun _ ->
Shell.Exec("appveyor", sprintf "UpdateBuild -Version \"%s\"" buildVersion) |> ignore
+Target.create "BuildTools" (fun _ ->
+ runDotnet __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ "build" "../src/buildtools/buildtools.proj -v n -c Proto"
Target.create "Build" (fun _ ->
runDotnet __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ "build" "../src/buildtools/buildtools.proj -v n -c Proto"
let fslexPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/../artifacts/bin/fslex/Proto/netcoreapp3.0/fslex.dll"
@@ -104,6 +108,17 @@ Target.create "PublishNuGet" (fun _ ->
WorkingDir = releaseDir })
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Export Metadata binaries
+Target.create "Export.Metadata" (fun _ ->
+ let projPath =
+ match Environment.environVarOrNone "FCS_EXPORT_PROJECT" with
+ | Some x -> x
+ | None -> __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/fcs-export"
+ runDotnet projPath "run" "-c Release"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run all targets by default. Invoke 'build ' to override
@@ -147,4 +162,8 @@ open Fake.Core.TargetOperators
==> "Release"
+ ==> "BuildTools"
+ ==> "Export.Metadata"
Target.runOrDefaultWithArguments "Build"
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-export/Program.fs b/fcs/fcs-export/Program.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9e27d304b677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-export/Program.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+open System.IO
+open System.Collections.Generic
+open FSharp.Compiler
+open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+let readRefs (folder : string) (projectFile: string) =
+ let runProcess (workingDir: string) (exePath: string) (args: string) =
+ let psi = System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo()
+ psi.FileName <- exePath
+ psi.WorkingDirectory <- workingDir
+ psi.RedirectStandardOutput <- false
+ psi.RedirectStandardError <- false
+ psi.Arguments <- args
+ psi.CreateNoWindow <- true
+ psi.UseShellExecute <- false
+ use p = new System.Diagnostics.Process()
+ p.StartInfo <- psi
+ p.Start() |> ignore
+ p.WaitForExit()
+ let exitCode = p.ExitCode
+ exitCode, ()
+ let runCmd exePath args = runProcess folder exePath (args |> String.concat " ")
+ let msbuildExec = Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.dotnetMsbuild runCmd
+ let result = Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.getProjectInfo ignore msbuildExec Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.getFscArgs projectFile
+ match result with
+ | Ok(Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.GetResult.FscArgs x) ->
+ x
+ |> List.filter (fun s -> s.StartsWith("-r:"))
+ |> List.map (fun s -> s.Replace("-r:", ""))
+ | _ -> []
+let mkStandardProjectReferences () =
+ let file = "fcs-export.fsproj"
+ let projDir = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
+ readRefs projDir file
+let mkProjectCommandLineArgsForScript (dllName, fileNames) =
+ [| yield "--simpleresolution"
+ yield "--noframework"
+ yield "--debug:full"
+ yield "--define:DEBUG"
+ yield "--optimize-"
+ yield "--out:" + dllName
+ yield "--doc:test.xml"
+ yield "--warn:3"
+ yield "--fullpaths"
+ yield "--flaterrors"
+ yield "--target:library"
+ for x in fileNames do
+ yield x
+ let references = mkStandardProjectReferences ()
+ for r in references do
+ yield "-r:" + r
+ |]
+let checker = FSharpChecker.Create()
+let parseAndCheckScript (file, input) =
+ let dllName = Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".dll")
+ let projName = Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".fsproj")
+ let args = mkProjectCommandLineArgsForScript (dllName, [file])
+ // printfn "file: %s" file
+ // args |> Array.iter (printfn "args: %s")
+ let projectOptions = checker.GetProjectOptionsFromCommandLineArgs (projName, args)
+ let parseRes, typedRes = checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject(file, 0, input, projectOptions) |> Async.RunSynchronously
+ if parseRes.Errors.Length > 0 then
+ printfn "---> Parse Input = %A" input
+ printfn "---> Parse Error = %A" parseRes.Errors
+ match typedRes with
+ | FSharpCheckFileAnswer.Succeeded(res) -> parseRes, res
+ | res -> failwithf "Parsing did not finish... (%A)" res
+let main argv =
+ ignore argv
+ printfn "Exporting metadata..."
+ let file = "/temp/test.fsx"
+ let input = "let a = 42"
+ let sourceText = FSharp.Compiler.Text.SourceText.ofString input
+ // parse script just to export metadata
+ let parseRes, typedRes = parseAndCheckScript(file, sourceText)
+ printfn "Exporting is done."
+ 0
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-export/fcs-export.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-export/fcs-export.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..74e9e2e23694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-export/fcs-export.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ Exe
+ netcoreapp3.1
+ true
diff --git a/fcs/global.json b/fcs/global.json
index 7c332016b7ff..70a59a3e4323 100644
--- a/fcs/global.json
+++ b/fcs/global.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"sdk": {
- "version": "3.1.100"
+ "version": "3.1.201"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/global.json b/global.json
index 29f70bc2065a..24d0cf4a8638 100644
--- a/global.json
+++ b/global.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"tools": {
- "dotnet": "3.1.100",
+ "dotnet": "3.1.201",
"vs": {
"version": "16.3",
"components": [
diff --git a/src/absil/ilwrite.fs b/src/absil/ilwrite.fs
index d86a2a710c58..1d78ec238023 100644
--- a/src/absil/ilwrite.fs
+++ b/src/absil/ilwrite.fs
@@ -2502,6 +2502,9 @@ let GenMethodDefAsRow cenv env midx (md: ILMethodDef) =
if cenv.entrypoint <> None then failwith "duplicate entrypoint"
else cenv.entrypoint <- Some (true, midx)
let codeAddr =
+ 0x0000
(match md.Body.Contents with
| MethodBody.IL ilmbody ->
let addr = cenv.nextCodeAddr
@@ -2547,6 +2550,7 @@ let GenMethodDefAsRow cenv env midx (md: ILMethodDef) =
| MethodBody.Native ->
failwith "cannot write body of native method - Abstract IL cannot roundtrip mixed native/managed binaries"
| _ -> 0x0000)
[| ULong codeAddr
@@ -3523,6 +3527,7 @@ let writeBinaryAndReportMappings (outfile,
match signer, modul.Manifest with
| Some _, _ -> signer
| _, None -> signer
| None, Some {PublicKey=Some pubkey} ->
(dprintn "Note: The output assembly will be delay-signed using the original public"
dprintn "Note: key. In order to load it you will need to either sign it with"
@@ -3532,6 +3537,7 @@ let writeBinaryAndReportMappings (outfile,
dprintn "Note: private key when converting the assembly, assuming you have access to"
dprintn "Note: it."
Some (ILStrongNameSigner.OpenPublicKey pubkey))
| _ -> signer
let modul =
diff --git a/src/buildtools/buildtools.targets b/src/buildtools/buildtools.targets
index 185fd4d05992..baddd10b5844 100644
--- a/src/buildtools/buildtools.targets
+++ b/src/buildtools/buildtools.targets
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\Bootstrap\fslex\fslex.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Proto\netcoreapp3.0\fslex.dll
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\Bootstrap\fsyacc\fsyacc.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Proto\netcoreapp3.0\fsyacc.dll
diff --git a/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fs b/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fs
index 161b6731950f..aede45b66761 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fs
@@ -4905,6 +4905,38 @@ and [] TcImports(tcConfigP: TcConfigProvider, initialResolutions: TcAsse
FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.AsciiConstants.parseILGlobals <- tcGlobals.ilg
frameworkTcImports.SetTcGlobals tcGlobals
+ let metadataPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/../../temp/metadata2/"
+ let writeMetadata (dllInfo: ImportedBinary) =
+ let outfile = Path.GetFullPath(metadataPath + Path.GetFileName(dllInfo.FileName))
+ let ilModule = dllInfo.RawMetadata.TryGetILModuleDef().Value
+ try
+ let args: ILBinaryWriter.options = {
+ ilg = ilGlobals
+ pdbfile = None
+ emitTailcalls = false
+ deterministic = false
+ showTimes = false
+ portablePDB = false
+ embeddedPDB = false
+ embedAllSource = false
+ embedSourceList = []
+ sourceLink = ""
+ checksumAlgorithm = tcConfig.checksumAlgorithm
+ signer = None
+ dumpDebugInfo = false
+ pathMap = tcConfig.pathMap }
+ ILBinaryWriter.WriteILBinary (outfile, args, ilModule, id)
+ with Failure msg ->
+ printfn "Export error: %s" msg
+ let! dllinfos, _ccuinfos = frameworkTcImports.RegisterAndImportReferencedAssemblies (ctok, tcResolutions.GetAssemblyResolutions())
+ dllinfos |> List.iter writeMetadata
+ let! dllinfos, _ccuinfos = frameworkTcImports.RegisterAndImportReferencedAssemblies (ctok, tcAltResolutions.GetAssemblyResolutions())
+ dllinfos |> List.iter writeMetadata
return tcGlobals, frameworkTcImports