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strategy max-parallel can't be parsed as '${{ }}' variable #2619

BlackDex opened this issue Jan 15, 2025 · 0 comments

strategy max-parallel can't be parsed as '${{ }}' variable #2619

BlackDex opened this issue Jan 15, 2025 · 0 comments
kind/bug Something isn't working


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Bug report info


Command used with act

act push -e <(echo '{"act":true}') -j act

Describe issue

Not able to use a variable for max-parallel

Link to GitHub repository

No response

Workflow content

on: ['push']
name: act

    name: act
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      max-parallel: ${{ github.event.act && 1 || 4 }}
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@4

Relevant log output

DEBU[0000] Handling container host and socket           
DEBU[0000] Defaulting container socket to DOCKER_HOST   
INFO[0000] Using docker host 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock', and daemon socket 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock' 
DEBU[0000] Loading environment from /data/tmp/.env      
DEBU[0000] Loading action inputs from /data/tmp/.input  
DEBU[0000] Loading secrets from /data/tmp/.secrets      
DEBU[0000] Loading vars from /data/tmp/.vars            
DEBU[0000] Evaluated matrix inclusions: map[]           
DEBU[0000] Loading workflows from '/data/tmp/.github/workflows' 
DEBU[0000] Loading workflows recursively                
DEBU[0000] Conditional GET for notices etag=74cb8271-a6cd-485f-898e-da55a0faed1f 
DEBU[0000] Found workflow 'act.yml' in '/data/tmp/.github/workflows/act.yml' 
DEBU[0000] Reading workflow '/data/tmp/.github/workflows/act.yml' 
DEBU[0000] Using first passed in arguments event for filtering: push 
DEBU[0000] Preparing plan with a job: act               
DEBU[0000] Using first passed in arguments event: push  
DEBU[0000] Planning job: act                            
DEBU[0000] Reading event.json from /dev/fd/63           
DEBU[0000] gc: 2025-01-15 11:28:20.736101255 +0100 CET m=+0.005007372  module=artifactcache
DEBU[0000] Plan Stages: [0xc00013ee58]                  
DEBU[0000] Stages Runs: [act]                           
DEBU[0000] Job.Name: act                                
DEBU[0000] Job.RawNeeds: {0 0    <nil> []    0 0}       
DEBU[0000] Job.RawRunsOn: {8 0 !!str ubuntu-latest  <nil> []    7 14} 
DEBU[0000] Job.Env: {0 0    <nil> []    0 0}            
DEBU[0000] Job.If: {0 0  success()  <nil> []    0 0}    
DEBU[0000] Job.Steps: Hello World                       
DEBU[0000] Job.TimeoutMinutes:                          
DEBU[0000] Job.Services: map[]                          
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy: &{false 0  ${{ github.event.act && 1 || 4 }} {0 0    <nil> []    0 0}} 
DEBU[0000] Job.RawContainer: {0 0    <nil> []    0 0}   
DEBU[0000] Job.Defaults.Run.Shell:                      
DEBU[0000] Job.Defaults.Run.WorkingDirectory:           
DEBU[0000] Job.Outputs: map[]                           
DEBU[0000] Job.Uses:                                    
DEBU[0000] Job.With: map[]                              
DEBU[0000] Job.Result:                                  
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.FailFast: false                 
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.MaxParallel: 0                  
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.FailFastString:                 
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.MaxParallelString: ${{ github.event.act && 1 || 4 }} 
DEBU[0000] Job.Strategy.RawMatrix: {0 0    <nil> []    0 0} 
WARN[0000] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found 
DEBU[0000] Loading revision from git directory          
WARN[0000] unable to get git ref: reference not found   
WARN[0000] unable to get git revision: reference not found 
WARN[0000] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found 
DEBU[0000] Loading revision from git directory          
WARN[0000] unable to get git ref: reference not found   
WARN[0000] unable to get git revision: reference not found 
ERRO[0000] Failed to parse 'max-parallel' option: strconv.Atoi: parsing "${{ github.event.act && 1 || 4 }}": invalid syntax 
DEBU[0000] Job Matrices: [map[]]                        
DEBU[0000] Runner Matrices: map[]                       
DEBU[0000] Final matrix after applying user inclusions '[map[]]' 
WARN[0000] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found 
DEBU[0000] Loading revision from git directory          
WARN[0000] unable to get git ref: reference not found   
WARN[0000] unable to get git revision: reference not found 
DEBU[0000] Detected CPUs: 16                            
DEBU[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1 
[act/act] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'success()'
[act/act] [DEBUG] expression 'success()' evaluated to 'true'
[act/act] 🚀  Start image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest
DEBU[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1 
[act/act]   🐳  docker pull image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest platform= username= forcePull=false
[act/act] [DEBUG]   🐳  docker pull catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest
[act/act] [DEBUG] Image exists? true
DEBU[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1 
[act/act]   🐳  docker create image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[act/act] [DEBUG] Common container.Config ==> &{Hostname: Domainname: User: AttachStdin:false AttachStdout:false AttachStderr:false ExposedPorts:map[] Tty:true OpenStdin:false StdinOnce:false Env:[RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_ARCH=X64 RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp LANG=C.UTF-8] Cmd:[] Healthcheck:<nil> ArgsEscaped:false Image:catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest Volumes:map[] WorkingDir:/data/tmp Entrypoint:[] NetworkDisabled:false MacAddress: OnBuild:[] Labels:map[] StopSignal: StopTimeout:<nil> Shell:[]}
[act/act] [DEBUG] Common container.HostConfig ==> &{Binds:[/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock] ContainerIDFile: LogConfig:{Type: Config:map[]} NetworkMode:host PortBindings:map[] RestartPolicy:{Name: MaximumRetryCount:0} AutoRemove:false VolumeDriver: VolumesFrom:[] ConsoleSize:[0 0] Annotations:map[] CapAdd:[] CapDrop:[] CgroupnsMode: DNS:[] DNSOptions:[] DNSSearch:[] ExtraHosts:[] GroupAdd:[] IpcMode: Cgroup: Links:[] OomScoreAdj:0 PidMode: Privileged:false PublishAllPorts:false ReadonlyRootfs:false SecurityOpt:[] StorageOpt:map[] Tmpfs:map[] UTSMode: UsernsMode: ShmSize:0 Sysctls:map[] Runtime: Isolation: Resources:{CPUShares:0 Memory:0 NanoCPUs:0 CgroupParent: BlkioWeight:0 BlkioWeightDevice:[] BlkioDeviceReadBps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteBps:[] BlkioDeviceReadIOps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteIOps:[] CPUPeriod:0 CPUQuota:0 CPURealtimePeriod:0 CPURealtimeRuntime:0 CpusetCpus: CpusetMems: Devices:[] DeviceCgroupRules:[] DeviceRequests:[] KernelMemory:0 KernelMemoryTCP:0 MemoryReservation:0 MemorySwap:0 MemorySwappiness:<nil> OomKillDisable:<nil> PidsLimit:<nil> Ulimits:[] CPUCount:0 CPUPercent:0 IOMaximumIOps:0 IOMaximumBandwidth:0} Mounts:[{Type:volume Source:act-toolcache Target:/opt/hostedtoolcache ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>} {Type:volume Source:act-act-act-a7e3e9f322c2ffcdbd1fffb522ce1ac032fc9c66612f8605bf6db6517b770dc7-env Target:/var/run/act ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>} {Type:volume Source:act-act-act-a7e3e9f322c2ffcdbd1fffb522ce1ac032fc9c66612f8605bf6db6517b770dc7 Target:/data/tmp ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions:<nil> VolumeOptions:<nil> TmpfsOptions:<nil> ClusterOptions:<nil>}] MaskedPaths:[] ReadonlyPaths:[] Init:<nil>}
[act/act] [DEBUG] input.NetworkAliases ==> [act]
[act/act] [DEBUG] Created container name=act-act-act-a7e3e9f322c2ffcdbd1fffb522ce1ac032fc9c66612f8605bf6db6517b770dc7 id=3d2442e777112f252574403b46448ec19418fa2acc0c91b963604341a5881b54 from image catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest (platform: )
[act/act] [DEBUG] ENV ==> [RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_ARCH=X64 RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp LANG=C.UTF-8]
[act/act]   🐳  docker run image=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest platform= entrypoint=["tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[] network="host"
[act/act] [DEBUG] Starting container: 3d2442e777112f252574403b46448ec19418fa2acc0c91b963604341a5881b54
[act/act] [DEBUG] Started container: 3d2442e777112f252574403b46448ec19418fa2acc0c91b963604341a5881b54
[act/act] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/event.json len:13
[act/act] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0
[act/act] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act/'
DEBU[0000] Parallel tasks (0) below minimum, setting to 1 
[act/act]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[node --no-warnings -e console.log(process.execPath)] user= workdir=
[act/act] [DEBUG] Exec command '[node --no-warnings -e console.log(process.execPath)]'
[act/act] [DEBUG] Working directory '/data/tmp'
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] evaluating expression ''
[act/act] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true'
[act/act] ⭐ Run Main Hello World
[act/act] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0
[act/act] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0
[act/act] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0
[act/act] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0
[act/act] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/ len:0
[act/act] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act'
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] expression 'echo "Hello World ${{ github.event.act }}"
' rewritten to 'format('echo "Hello World {0}"
', github.event.act)'
[act/act] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('echo "Hello World {0}"
', github.event.act)'
[act/act] [DEBUG] expression 'format('echo "Hello World {0}"
', github.event.act)' evaluated to '%!t(string=echo "Hello World true"
[act/act] [DEBUG] Wrote command 

echo "Hello World true"

 to 'workflow/0'
[act/act] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/0 len:26
[act/act] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act'
[act/act]   🐳  docker exec cmd=[bash -e /var/run/act/workflow/0] user= workdir=
[act/act] [DEBUG] Exec command '[bash -e /var/run/act/workflow/0]'
[act/act] [DEBUG] Working directory '/data/tmp'
| Hello World true
[act/act]   ✅  Success - Main Hello World
[act/act] Cleaning up container for job act
[act/act] [DEBUG] Removed container: 3d2442e777112f252574403b46448ec19418fa2acc0c91b963604341a5881b54
[act/act] [DEBUG]   🐳  docker volume rm act-act-act-a7e3e9f322c2ffcdbd1fffb522ce1ac032fc9c66612f8605bf6db6517b770dc7
[act/act] [DEBUG]   🐳  docker volume rm act-act-act-a7e3e9f322c2ffcdbd1fffb522ce1ac032fc9c66612f8605bf6db6517b770dc7-env
[act/act] 🏁  Job succeeded
[act/act] unable to get git repo (githubInstance:; remoteName: origin, repoPath: /data/tmp): remote not found
[act/act] [DEBUG] Loading revision from git directory
[act/act] unable to get git ref: reference not found
[act/act] unable to get git revision: reference not found
DEBU[0001] Saving notices etag=74cb8271-a6cd-485f-898e-da55a0faed1f 
DEBU[0001] No new notices

Additional information

While currently the effect is the same for me, as act will set it to 1 currently, it's probably better if it is able to parse the string and provide the correct value.

@BlackDex BlackDex added the kind/bug Something isn't working label Jan 15, 2025
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kind/bug Something isn't working
None yet

No branches or pull requests

1 participant