The easiest way to deploy Kafka on Openshift is using Strimzi.
An Operator is available in OperatorHub section.
Simply install it and create a "Kafka" instance in default
You can use the following command to deploy the strimzi operator :
export NAMESPACE=netobserv
kubectl create -f "$NAMESPACE" -n $NAMESPACE
export DEFAULT_SC=$(kubectl get storageclass -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubernetes\.io/is-default-class=="true")]}')
envsubst < ./examples/kafka/default.yaml > $tmpfile && mv $tmpfile ./examples/kafka/default.yaml
A simple Kafka resource, with ephemeral storage and metrics enabled, can be found here.
kubectl apply -f ./examples/kafka/metrics-config.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f ./examples/kafka/default.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
For metrics, a ServiceMonitor resource is provided, so you will need a Prometheus operator installed and able to fetch it.
Alternatively, a secure setup with enforced mutual-TLS is provided:
kubectl apply -f ./examples/kafka/metrics-config.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f ./examples/kafka/tls.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
Topics can be managed through the strimzi operator. An example of kafka-topic.yaml can be found here.
kubectl apply -f ./examples/kafka/topic.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
Creating one or several users is necessary for mTLS.
kubectl apply -f ./examples/kafka/user.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
kubectl wait --timeout=180s --for=condition=ready kafkauser flp-kafka -n $NAMESPACE
When using mTLS, you should wait that the KafkaUser
resource is ready (meaning: processed by Strimzi user operator) before deploying flowlog-pipeline or the eBPF agent, because they need to mount the generated secret files. Otherwise, the pods are stuck, you would need to delete them in order to restart them.
kubectl delete -f ./examples/kafka/user.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
kubectl delete -f ./examples/kafka/topic.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
kubectl delete kafka kafka-cluster -n $NAMESPACE
kubectl delete -f ./examples/kafka/metrics-config.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
You can use kfk, a CLI for Kafka / Strimzi, to interact with the cluster. Examples:
Create a topic for export, e.g. netobserv-flows-export
kubectl apply -f ./examples/kafka/topic-export.yaml
kfk topics --cluster kafka-cluster -n netobserv --list
will display something like:
consumer-offsets---84e7a678d08f4bd226872e5cdd4eb527fadc1c6a kafka-cluster 50 1 True
netobserv-flows-export kafka-cluster 24 1 True
network-flows kafka-cluster 24 1 True
strimzi-store-topic---effb8e3e057afce1ecf67c3f5d8e4e3ff177fc55 kafka-cluster 1 1 True
strimzi-topic-operator-kstreams-topic-store-changelog---b75e702040b99be8a9263134de3507fc0cc4017b kafka-cluster 1 1 True
In FlowCollector
resource, configure the exporter accordingly:
- type: KAFKA
address: "kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.netobserv"
topic: netobserv-flows-export
Connect to the topic as a consummer, using kfk console-consumer
kfk console-consumer --topic netobserv-flows-export -n netobserv -c kafka-cluster
You should soon see the enriched flows coming in, as json:
To create a new user with public/private keys for mTLS, and get its secrets:
kfk users --create --user flp-kafka --authentication-type tls -n netobserv -c kafka-cluster
kubectl describe secret/flp-kafka -n netobserv
To create a terminal-based producer and consumer with mTLS, refer to this page.
Check kowl.yaml file and update broker URL and extraVolumes if needed.
Then run the following commands to create a Kowl instance:
helm repo add cloudhut
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install -f examples/kowl.yaml kowl cloudhut/kowl
You should get a prompt showing status deployed
Then run:
kubectl port-forward svc/kowl 8080:80
to access kowl.