e2e tests can be run with:
make tests-e2e
If you use podman, you may need to run it as root instead:
sudo make tests-e2e
It builds an image with the current code, including pre-generated BPF bytecode, starts a KIND cluster and deploys the agent on it. It also deploys a typical NetObserv stack, that includes flowlogs-pipeline, Loki and/or Kafka.
It then runs a couple of smoke tests on that cluster, such as testing sending pings between pods and verifying that the expected flows are created.
The tests leverage Kube's e2e-framework. They are based on manifest files that you can find in this directory.
During the tests, you can run any kubectl
command to the KIND cluster.
If you use podman/root and don't want to open a root session you can simply copy the root kube config:
sudo cp /root/.kube/config /tmp/agent-kind-kubeconfig
sudo -E chown $USER:$USER /tmp/agent-kind-kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/agent-kind-kubeconfig
$ kubectl get pods
flp-29bmd 1/1 Running 0 6s
loki-7c98dfd6d4-c8q9m 1/1 Running 0 56s
The KIND cluster should be cleaned up after tests. Sometimes it won't, like with forced exit or for some kinds of failures. When that's the case, you should see a message telling you to manually cleanup the cluster:
^CSIGTERM received, cluster might still be running
To clean up, run: kind delete cluster --name basic-test-cluster20241212-125815
FAIL github.com/netobserv/netobserv-ebpf-agent/e2e/basic 172.852s
If that's not the case, you can manually retrieve the cluster name to delete:
$ kind get clusters
$ kind delete cluster --name=basic-test-cluster20241212-125815
Deleting cluster "basic-test-cluster20241212-125815" ...
Deleted nodes: ["basic-test-cluster20241212-125815-control-plane"]
If not cleaned up, a subsequent run of e2e tests will fail due to addresses (ports) already in use.