From 69f3ba3684f37f69076d2f9acbcb89ba459aa41b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Grudl Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 10:44:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Tracy: added mappings --- tracy/bg/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/cs/open-files-in-ide.texy | 12 ++++++++++-- tracy/de/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/el/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/en/open-files-in-ide.texy | 12 ++++++++++-- tracy/es/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/fr/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/hu/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/it/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/pl/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/pt/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/ro/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/ru/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/sl/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/tr/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ tracy/uk/open-files-in-ide.texy | 8 ++++++++ 16 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/tracy/bg/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/bg/open-files-in-ide.texy index 2dc107b45e..a8bdf08c48 100644 --- a/tracy/bg/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/bg/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ var settings = { Това става, като се стартира скриптът `install.cmd`. ** Трябва да го стартирате като администратор.** Скриптът `open-editor.js` сега ще обслужва протокола `editor://`. +За да отваряте връзки, генерирани на други сървъри, например производствен сървър или Docker, добавете съпоставяне на отдалечен към локален URL адрес към `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/cs/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/cs/open-files-in-ide.texy index 2483f08ae5..54c47bb823 100644 --- a/tracy/cs/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/cs/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Pozor, ponechávejte dvojitá lomítka v cestách. To uděláte spuštěním soubor `install.cmd`. **Je potřeba ho spustit jako Správce.** Skript `open-editor.js` bude nyní obsluhovat protokol `editor://`. +Aby bylo možné otevírat odkazy vygenerované na jiných serverech, jako třeba na ostrém serveru nebo v Dockeru, doplňte do `open-editor.js` ještě mapování vzdálené URL na lokální: + +```js + mappings: { + // remotepath: localpath, + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux ===== @@ -119,8 +127,8 @@ Vytvoření souboru: - Ve Firefoxu může být potřeba protokol povolit [nastavením |] `network.protocol-handler.expose.editor` na `false` a `network.protocol-handler.expose-all` na `true` v about:config. - Pokud vám to hned nepůjde, nepanikařte a zkuste párkrát refreshnout stránku před klikem na onen odkaz. Rozjede se to! -- Zde je [link|] na opravu případné chyby: - Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js" Maybe you associated ".js" file to another app, not JScript engine. +- Zde je [link|] + na opravu případné chyby: `Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js"`, `Maybe you associated ".js" file to another app, not JScript engine.` respektive `pro příponu .js není k dispozici žádný skriptovací stroj`. V Google Chrome od verze 77 již neuvidíte zatržítko „Tento typ odkazů vždy otevírat v přidružené aplikaci“, když je editor spuštěný prostřednictvím odkazu. Řešení pro Windows: vytvořte soubor `fix.reg`: diff --git a/tracy/de/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/de/open-files-in-ide.texy index cb31a42091..cd1bf73728 100644 --- a/tracy/de/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/de/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Seien Sie vorsichtig und behalten Sie die doppelten Schrägstriche in den Pfaden Dazu führen Sie `install.cmd` aus. **Sie müssen es als Administrator ausführen**. Das Skript `open-editor.js` bedient nun das Protokoll `editor://`. +Um Links zu öffnen, die auf anderen Servern generiert wurden, z. B. auf einem Produktionsserver oder Docker, fügen Sie eine Remote-zu-Local-URL-Zuordnung zu `open-editor.js` hinzu: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/el/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/el/open-files-in-ide.texy index 13621cdf1c..d43b1fd991 100644 --- a/tracy/el/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/el/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ var settings = { Αυτό γίνεται εκτελώντας το `install.cmd`. **Πρέπει να το εκτελέσετε ως διαχειριστής.** Το σενάριο `open-editor.js` θα εξυπηρετεί τώρα το πρωτόκολλο `editor://`. +Για να ανοίξετε συνδέσμους που δημιουργούνται σε άλλους διακομιστές, όπως ένας διακομιστής παραγωγής ή ο Docker, προσθέστε μια αντιστοίχιση απομακρυσμένης σε τοπική διεύθυνση URL στο `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/en/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/en/open-files-in-ide.texy index 0c55974726..3b5a549c64 100644 --- a/tracy/en/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/en/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Be careful and keep the double slashes in the paths. This is done by running `install.cmd`. **You need to run it as an Administrator.** The `open-editor.js` script will now serve the `editor://` protocol. +In order to open links generated on other servers, such as a production server or Docker, add a remote to local URL mapping to `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux ===== @@ -119,8 +127,8 @@ Troubleshooting - In Firefox you may need to [allow |] custom protocol execution in about:config by setting `network.protocol-handler.expose.editor` to `false` and `network.protocol-handler.expose-all` to `true`. It should be allowed by default, however. - If it's not all working immediately, don't panic. Try to refresh the page, restart browser or computer. That should help. -- See [here|] to fix: - Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js" Maybe you associated ".js" file to another app, not JScript engine. +- Here is the [link |] + to correct any errors: `Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js"` or `Maybe you associated ".js" file to another app, not JScript engine.` Starting from Google Chrome version 77 you will no longer see the checkbox “Always open these types of links in the associated app” when editor is opened through a link. Workaround for Windows: create file `fix.reg`: diff --git a/tracy/es/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/es/open-files-in-ide.texy index 787ff8a5db..2ebfc5f116 100644 --- a/tracy/es/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/es/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Ten cuidado y mantén las barras dobles en las rutas. Esto se hace ejecutando `install.cmd`. **Necesitas ejecutarlo como Administrador. El script `open-editor.js` ahora servirá al protocolo `editor://`. +Para abrir enlaces generados en otros servidores, como un servidor de producción o Docker, añada una asignación de URL remota a local a `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/fr/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/fr/open-files-in-ide.texy index 4adeae2223..1f979d8881 100644 --- a/tracy/fr/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/fr/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Faites attention et gardez les doubles slashs dans les chemins. Ceci est fait en exécutant `install.cmd`. **Vous devez l'exécuter en tant qu'administrateur. Le script `open-editor.js` servira désormais le protocole `editor://`. +Afin d'ouvrir les liens générés sur d'autres serveurs, tels qu'un serveur de production ou Docker, ajoutez un mappage d'URL distant à local à `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/hu/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/hu/open-files-in-ide.texy index 5500772969..066465c8c9 100644 --- a/tracy/hu/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/hu/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Legyen óvatos, és tartsa meg a kettős kötőjeleket az elérési utakban. Ez a `install.cmd` futtatásával történik. **Adminisztrátorként kell futtatnia.** A `open-editor.js` szkript mostantól a `editor://` protokollt fogja kiszolgálni. +Ahhoz, hogy más szervereken, például egy termelési szerveren vagy Dockerben létrehozott hivatkozásokat nyisson meg, adjon hozzá egy távoli helyi URL-t leképezőt a `open-editor.js` címhez: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/it/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/it/open-files-in-ide.texy index 4250065585..7203dcc628 100644 --- a/tracy/it/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/it/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Fate attenzione a mantenere le doppie barre nei percorsi. Questo si fa eseguendo `install.cmd`. **Lo script `open-editor.js` servirà ora il protocollo `editor://`. +Per aprire i link generati su altri server, come un server di produzione o Docker, aggiungere una mappatura dell'URL da remoto a locale a `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/pl/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/pl/open-files-in-ide.texy index c53061cae1..ae551d41aa 100644 --- a/tracy/pl/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/pl/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Uważaj, aby zostawić podwójne ukośniki w ścieżkach. Robisz to uruchamiając plik `install.cmd`. **Musisz uruchomić go jako Administrator.** Skrypt `open-editor.js` będzie teraz obsługiwał protokół `editor://`. +Aby otworzyć linki wygenerowane na innych serwerach, takich jak serwer produkcyjny lub Docker, należy dodać mapowanie zdalnego adresu URL na lokalny do `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/pt/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/pt/open-files-in-ide.texy index ad4fa053af..319fecd95d 100644 --- a/tracy/pt/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/pt/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Tenha cuidado e mantenha os cortes duplos nos caminhos. Isto é feito através da `install.cmd`. ** Você precisa executá-lo como Administrador.** O script `open-editor.js` servirá agora ao protocolo `editor://`. +Para abrir links gerados em outros servidores, como um servidor de produção ou o Docker, adicione um mapeamento de URL remoto para local em `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/ro/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/ro/open-files-in-ide.texy index b59ff680af..b60d7ad04b 100644 --- a/tracy/ro/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/ro/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Fiți atenți și păstrați barierele duble în căile de acces. Acest lucru se face prin rularea `install.cmd`. **Trebuie să îl rulați ca administrator.** Scriptul `open-editor.js` va servi acum protocolul `editor://`. +Pentru a deschide linkuri generate pe alte servere, cum ar fi un server de producție sau Docker, adăugați o corespondență URL de la distanță la local la `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/ru/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/ru/open-files-in-ide.texy index deb1328d5a..e29a635bec 100644 --- a/tracy/ru/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/ru/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ var settings = { Это делается путем запуска скрипта `install.cmd`. **Вы должны запустить его от имени администратора.** Скрипт `open-editor.js` теперь будет обслуживать протокол `editor://`. +Для того чтобы открывать ссылки, созданные на других серверах, например, на рабочем сервере или в Docker, добавьте сопоставление удаленных и локальных URL-адресов на `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/sl/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/sl/open-files-in-ide.texy index f616ef9d31..fc1e40e441 100644 --- a/tracy/sl/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/sl/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Bodite previdni in ohranite dvojne poševnice v poteh. To storite tako, da zaženete `install.cmd`. **Zažeti ga morate kot skrbnik.** Skripta `open-editor.js` bo zdaj služila protokolu `editor://`. +Če želite odpreti povezave, ustvarjene v drugih strežnikih, na primer produkcijskem strežniku ali strežniku Docker, v spletno mesto `open-editor.js` dodajte preslikavo oddaljenega v lokalni naslov URL: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/tr/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/tr/open-files-in-ide.texy index b9b4900fb2..809ca01822 100644 --- a/tracy/tr/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/tr/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ Dikkatli olun ve çift eğik çizgileri yollarda tutun. Bu işlem `install.cmd` çalıştırılarak yapılır. **Yönetici olarak çalıştırmanız gerekir.** `open-editor.js` betiği artık `editor://` protokolüne hizmet edecektir. +Üretim sunucusu veya Docker gibi diğer sunucularda oluşturulan bağlantıları açmak için `open-editor.js` adresine bir uzak-yerel URL eşlemesi ekleyin: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] =================== diff --git a/tracy/uk/open-files-in-ide.texy b/tracy/uk/open-files-in-ide.texy index b1272d7225..64d7cf847e 100644 --- a/tracy/uk/open-files-in-ide.texy +++ b/tracy/uk/open-files-in-ide.texy @@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ var settings = { Це робиться шляхом запуску скрипта `install.cmd`. **Ви повинні запустити його від імені адміністратора.** Скрипт `open-editor.js` тепер буде обслуговувати протокол `editor://`. +Щоб відкрити посилання, створені на інших серверах, таких як продакшн-сервер або Docker, додайте віддалене до локального зіставлення URL-адрес до `open-editor.js`: + +```js + mappings: { + // remote path: local path + '/var/www/': 'W:\\Nette.web\\_web', + } +``` Linux .[#toc-linux] ===================