NOTE : This is a work in progress contributions welcome
is a dockerized version of the ETS server provided by Akamai.
ETS server is a reverse proxy built with Apache and mod_esi that can be used to test ESI-enabled content.
In order to use akamai-ets
you must first ensure that you have Docker installed.
Installation instructions can be found here.
Once Docker is installed, you can complete the installation by following the instructions below.
Prerequisite You will need to obtain a copy of the ETS Server from Akamai initially. Older versions may work with modification but this project has been tested with
. This needs to be placed in./files/release
> git clone ssh:// && cd akamai-ets
> make install
The above will clone akamai-ets
locally, build an akamai-ets
image and add
the akamai-ets
executable to your path for easy access
is bundled with a command line app to make it much easier for
configuration. It intentionally does not use the bundled ets-config
tool. This cli can be seen as a drop-in replacement.
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Usage: akamai-ets [options]
-o, --origin Origin server host and port [string]
-a, --alias Origin server aliases [array]
-g, --geo GEO configuration options [array]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
A realtime ESI playground is also provided to learn more about how to use ESI or debug code in realtime.
The origin option tells ETS which host should be ESI enabled.
> akamai-ets -o -g country_code=AUS -g city=SYDNEY
Alternative host names for the origin server which should also be processed. These are usually requests to external fragments.
This option permits controlling the GEO settings of the server. They should be added
using the format of -g <name>=<value>
. Note multiple values can be supplied
> akamai-ets -o http://status.ets -g country_code=AUS city=SYDNEY
Values added via this means will be merged with the GEO defaults
'georegion' : '246',
'country_code' : 'US',
'region_code' : 'CA',
'city' : 'SANJOSE',
'dma' : '807',
'pmsa' : '7400',
'areacode' : '408',
'county' : 'SANTACLARA',
'fips' : '06085',
'lat' : '37.3353',
'long' : '121.8938',
'timezone' : 'PST',
'network_type' : 'dialup'
GEO default
GEO can be disabled using -g false
To see the ESI debug output for an origin server access it using the debug port.
Ports are dynamically assigned unless overridden by ETS_PORT
Environment Variables can be set to override the default host port and directory to mount.
- ETS_PORT : the local port for the ESI playground
- ETS_ORIGIN : the local port of the proxied origin
- ETS_DEBUG : the local port for debugging the proxied origin
- ETS_WWW : use the defined path instead of the current directory ( default : $PWD )
For a complete overview of GEO settings and other ESI related items review the Akamai ETS documentation found here.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm test / yarn test.
- 1.0.0 Initial release
MIT Copyright (c) 2017 News Corp Australia.