Bootweb brings a convenient API for handling authentication and ACL.
The following routes are provided :
- POST "/register" params required : email, pseudo, password. It sends a mail with a link to
- GET "/activate/xxx/xxx" - It handles the previously mailed link and validates a user
- POST "/login" params required : email and password.
- GET "/logout" disconnects the user session.
if no user is connected, req.user is a specific predefined object :
email: "anonymous",
pseudo: "anonymous"
If the user is connected, the req.user is filled with connected user values, the given object is a juggling object model instance.
ACL is manager using a common Role Based Access Control Pattern. Add a role to a user :
bootweb.ACL.addUserRole(user, "testRole", callback);
Allow a role to an action on a resource (url)
bootweb.ACL.addPermissions("/",userRole, ["read"], callback);
TODO : removeUserRole and removePermission
Allows dev to check ACL for a route :
app.get('/path/to/res',bootweb.auth.verify("read"), function(req,res,next){res.send("allowed");});
NOTE: the verify string param is optional. If not specified, the last part of url will be used. The example above and the folloging line are equivalent :
app.get('/path/to/res/read',bootweb.auth.verify(), function(req,res,next){res.send("allowed");});