Releases: nodchip/Stockfish
filename | CPU instructions | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine | | avx2 | none | training data generator |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn-use-blas.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine | | bmi2 | none | training data generator |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn-use-blas.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
- Supported several score formats in convert_bin_from_pgn_extract command. Thank you, tttak.
- Simplified the formula to calculate winning ratio from a score. Note that we need to adjust eta again.
The nn parameter file is not included in this release. Please find the strongest nn parameter file in the #sf-nnue-dev channge in the Stockfish unofficial Discord server (
filename | CPU instructions | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine | | avx2 | none | training data generator |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn-use-blas.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine | | bmi2 | none | training data generator |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn-use-blas.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
- Bugfix. No legal move is either mate or stalemate. Thank you, joergoster.
- Shows if an eval file is loaded, not loaded, not found, or wrong format. Thank you, FireFather.
- Added convert_bin command. Thank you, rqs.
- Added use_draw_in_training option to use draw games in training. Thank you, rqs.
- Added use_draw_in_validation option to use draw games in validation. Thank you, rqs.
- Added use_hash_in_training option to exclude duplicated positions in training. Thank you, rqs.
- Added a script to convert pgn to plain text for "learn convert_bin" command. Thank you, rqs.
- Added use_draw_in_training_data_generation to user draw games in training data generation.
The nn parameter file is not included in this release. Please find the strongest nn parameter file in the #sf-nnue-dev channge in the Stockfish unofficial Discord server (
filename | CPU instructions | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine | | avx2 | none | training data generator |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn-use-blas.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine | | bmi2 | none | training data generator |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn-use-blas.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
- Changed the formula to calculate winning ratio to 1/(1+10^(-Eval/4)).
The nn parameter file is not included in this release. Please find the strongest nn parameter file in the #sf-nnue-dev channge in the Stockfish unofficial Discord server (
filename | CPU instructions | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine | | avx2 | none | training data generator |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.avx2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn-use-blas.exe | avx2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine | | bmi2 | none | training data generator |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.bmi2.halfkp_256x2-32-32.nnue-learn-use-blas.exe | bmi2 | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
- Added the binaries that bmi2 is disabled.
The nn parameter file included in this release is not strong. Please find the strongest nn parameter file in the #sf-nnue-dev channge in the Stockfish unofficial Discord server.
filename | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.nnue.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue-gen-sfen-from-original-eval.exe | none | training data generator |
stockfish.nnue-learn.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
- Removed k-p_256x2-32-32 from the binary package.
- Added eval_nnue command. Thank you, tttak!
- Added a linker option to strip the binaries.
- Replaced the nn parameter file for halfkp_256x2-32-32.
The nn parameter file was generated with the following commands.
Training data generation.
setoption name Threads value 127
setoption name Hash value 65536
gensfen depth 12 loop 200000000 output_file_name D:\hnoda\chess\training_data\iteration=1\generated_kifu.bin
learn shuffle targetdir D:\hnoda\chess\training_data\iteration=1 output_file_name D:\hnoda\chess\training_data\iteration=1.shuffled\shuffled_sfen.bin
gensfen depth 12 loop 1000000 output_file_name D:\hnoda\chess\validation_data\iteration=1\generated_kifu.bin
setoption name Threads value 16
setoption name EvalSaveDir value D:\hnoda\chess\eval\iteration=1.eta=01.0
setoption name SkipLoadingEval value true
learn targetdir D:\hnoda\chess\training_data\iteration=1.shuffled loop 100 batchsize 1000000 lambda 0.5 eta 01.0 newbob_decay 0.5 eval_save_interval 100000000 loss_output_interval 1000000 mirror_percentage 50 validation_set_file_name D:\hnoda\chess\validation_data\iteration=1\generated_kifu.bin nn_batch_size 1000 eval_limit 3000
I'm not sure if the nn parameters is strong or not.
filename | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.nnue.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue-gen-sfen-from-original-eval.exe | none | training data generator |
stockfish.nnue-learn.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast) |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (training is fast.) |
- Enabled test commands. Thanks, tttak!
- Merged Stockfish dev.
filename | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.nnue.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue-gen-sfen-from-original-eval.exe | none | training data generator |
stockfish.nnue-learn.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (fast) |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (fast) |
- Applied a patch by @joergoster to make very early depths a bit more reliable.
filename | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.nnue.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue-gen-sfen-from-original-eval.exe | none | training data generator |
stockfish.nnue-learn.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (fast) |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (fast) |
- Improved the evaluation speed.
filename | network architecture | usage |
stockfish.nnue.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | chess engine |
stockfish.nnue-gen-sfen-from-original-eval.exe | none | training data generator |
stockfish.nnue-learn.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.halfkp_256x2-32-32.exe | halfkp_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (fast) |
stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe | k-p_256x2-32-32 | training data generator + trainer with blas (fast) |
- Added binaries for halfkp_256x2-32-32.
- Added -fopenmp compiler and linker option.
- stockfish.nnue.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe
- stockfish+nnue chess engine
- stockfish.nnue-gen-sfen-from-original-eval.exe
- training data generator with the original Stockfish evaluation function
- stockfish.nnue-learn.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe
- stockfish+nnue chess engine + training data generator + trainer
- stockfish.nnue-learn-use-blas.k-p_256x2-32-32.exe
- stockfish+nnue chess engine + training data generator + trainer with blas (fast)
- Added stockfish.nnue-gen-sfen-from-original-eval.exe.