This is the code for a workshop at RailsConf 2021, see the other workshops on the program at <>. # Hotwire: HTML over The Wire Last December, the team behind Basecamp and Hey released Hotwire, a library for managing client side interactions by sending HTML to the client. Hotwire bundles the Stimulus JavaScript library with an expanded Turbo library which makes a wide range of client side interactions possible without writing any custom JavaScript. In this workshop, attendees will see first-hand how powerful the new library is by adding powerful interactions to a basic Rails view. ## Prerequisites This workshop assumes you already know a little bit about Ruby, Rails and JavaScript, but doesn't require expert level knowledge of any of those things. The workshop uses this Rails application as an example. I recommend that you download it and get it working before the workshop starts. Questions about the workshop or about setup should be directed to Noel at <>. ## Getting Ready In order to run this application you'll need: - Ruby 3.0 (If you don't have Ruby 3.0, change the `.ruby-version` file, and the version of Ruby in the `Gemfile`, Ruby 2.7.x should work. Ruby 2.6.x apparently does not work.) - Yarn 1.x <>, apparently,`yarn set version 1.22.5` will work, and Yarn 2.0 will still not work with Webpacker. - Whatever version of Node lets you run Yarn. <> - Sqlite3 (I think any recent version will work) <> or `brew install sqlite3` After downloading the app: - run `bin/setup` -- this will download gems and JavaScript packages. The database is already pointing to binary Sqlite3 files in `db`, so you can run the app with `rails server`, then see the result at `http://localhost:3000`. It should look like ] To log in, the user name is: `` and the password is: `awesome`. ## Slides The PDF Slides are at [slides.pdf](slides.pdf), if you want to follow along. The original Markdown version of the slides are at []( The markdown version contains all the code changes made in each step, so you can copy and paste them rather than type.