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ProseMirror-proofread is a plugin for adding spell-check and grammar-checking capabilities to your ProseMirror editor. This library helps you integrate a variety of spell-check services, including LanguageTool. This library is designed to handle caching, ignore, and pop-ups. It is up to the developer's responsibility to implement UI and spell-checking services. In the example, an example integration with LanguageTool and an example UI are provided, which can be a good starting point.

The main difficulty of creating a spell-checking library for ProseMirror, which handles ProseMirror's particular index. Most spell-checking services are designed to handle plain text, and mapping between a rich ProseMirror document to plain text and vice versa is complex.

To do so, the library checks each node individually and caches the results. As for inline nodes, the library will add filler characters by default. However, this might need to be overridden for some particular inline nodes.

This library is designed to work on all frameworks.


  • Spell Checking and Grammar Correction: This depends on your chosen spell check provider. This library does not handle spellcheck by itself; it handles the integration of spellcheck services. You will need to override the generateProofreadErrors function. This library works highly well with LanguageTool but also works with other services.
  • Debounced Spell Check Requests: Customizable debounce to control the frequency of error generation, ensuring smooth performance.
  • Customizable Suggestion Box: The library provides the ability to easily customize the UI for error suggestions.
  • Reactive Spell Check Enable/Disable: Built-in functionality to easily toggle spell-checking on or off.

We offer a default UI box as shown in the demo link:[]


npm i prosemirror-proofread

Getting Started

To use ProseMirror-proofread, simply import the main plugin and integrate it with your ProseMirror setup. This library provides essential tools to create a high-quality proofreading experience within your editor.

Example setup for integrating ProseMirror-proofread:

We offer a React example

IMPORTANT: Make sure to import the CSS for suggestions.

import 'prosemirror-proofread/suggestions.css';
import { EditorState } from 'prosemirror-state';
import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
import { Schema } from 'prosemirror-model';
import { schema } from 'prosemirror-schema-basic';
import { addListNodes } from 'prosemirror-schema-list';
import { exampleSetup } from 'prosemirror-example-setup';
import { createProofreadPlugin } from 'prosemirror-proofread';

const mySchema = new Schema({
	nodes: addListNodes(schema.spec.nodes, 'paragraph block*', 'block'),
	marks: schema.spec.marks

const editorContainer = document.querySelector('#editor');
const proofreadPlugin = createProofreadPlugin(
	1000, // Debounce time in ms
	generateProofreadErrors, // function to call proofreading service
	createSuggestionBox, // Suggestion box function
	spellCheckEnabledStore, // Reactive store to toggle spell checking
	getCustomText // Might need to Override to handle some edge case with inline nodes

new EditorView(editorContainer, {
	state: EditorState.create({
		schema: mySchema,
		plugins: [...exampleSetup({ schema: mySchema }), proofreadPlugin]

Proofreading API Reference

This API reference provides details on how to implement the core proofreading functionalities using createProofreadPlugin and createSpellCheckEnabledStore.


createProofreadPlugin(debounceTimeMS, generateProofreadErrors, createSuggestionBox, getSpellCheckEnabled, getCustomText?)

  • debounceTimeMS (number): Time delay(ms) before processing the text to reduce redundant calls.
  • generateProofreadErrors (function): the function that calls your custom proofreading service.
  • createSuggestionBox (function): your custom suggestionbox UI.
  • getSpellCheckEnabled: Acts like a Svelte Store, reactively responds to toggle on and off.
  • getCustomText (optional): You might need to override this if you have edge cases regarding inline nodes.


createSpellCheckEnabledStore(initialValue: () => boolean)


const spellCheckStore = createSpellCheckEnabledStore(()=>{true});
spellCheckStore.set(false); // Disables spell check
console.log(spellCheckStore.get()); // Outputs: false


generateProofreadErrors: (text: string) => GenerateProofreadErrorsResponse

The generateProofreadErrors function takes a block of text as input and returns information about any identified errors, including their positions, type, and potential corrections.


  • text (string): The text to be analyzed for errors.


  • GenerateProofreadErrorsResponse: An object containing a list of proofreading issues detected within the input text.
    • matches (ProofreadError[]): An array of ProofreadError objects, each representing an individual error found.

ProofreadError Object

The ProofreadError object provides detailed information about a specific error:

  • offset (number): The starting position of the error in the text.
  • length (number): The length of the problematic text.
  • message (string): A detailed explanation of the error.
  • shortMessage (string, optional): A concise version of the error message.
  • type (object):
    • typeName ('UnknownWord' | string): The type of the error (e.g., "UnknownWord" for spelling issues, or other custom types).
  • replacements (string[], optional): Suggested corrections for the error, if available.


Please note that this library supports the LangaugeTool output by default, if you use a different service, you will need to format them like LanguageTool.

  matches: [
      offset: 0,
      length: 3,
      message: "Possible spelling mistake found.",
      shortMessage: "Spelling error",
      type: { typeName: "UnknownWord" },
      replacements: ["This"]
      offset: 11,
      length: 6,
      message: "Possible spelling mistake found.",
      type: { typeName: "UnknownWord" },
      replacements: ["example"]


createSuggestionBox: (options: SuggestionBoxOptions) => Destroy

The createSuggestionBox function is used to create an interactive suggestion box that allows users to view and act on the proofreading suggestions. This function generates UI elements to provide replacement suggestions or ignore actions.


  • options (SuggestionBoxOptions): An object containing details about how to display the suggestion box and handle user interactions.

SuggestionBoxOptions Object

The SuggestionBoxOptions object provides the necessary details for configuring the suggestion box:

  • error (Problem): Details about the error being addressed, usually derived from the output of generateProofreadErrors.
  • position (Position): The position on the screen where the suggestion box should appear.
    • Position includes:
      • x (number): Horizontal position (e.g., event.clientX).
      • y (number): Vertical position (e.g., event.clientY).
  • onReplace (OnReplaceCallback): A callback function that handles the replacement of the text. It takes a value (string) to replace the erroneous text.
  • onIgnore (OnIgnoreCallback): A callback function that handles ignoring the identified error.
  • onClose (OnCloseCallback): A callback function that handles closing the suggestion box.


	error: {
		offset: 0,
		length: 3,
		message: 'Possible spelling mistake found.'
	position: { x: 100, y: 200 },
	onReplace: (value) => {
		console.log('Replaced with: ', value);
	onIgnore: () => {
		console.log('Ignored the error.');
	onClose: () => {
		console.log('Closed the suggestion box.');

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