The macos-mojave-xcode11
is a customized image based on MacOS 10.14.6
optimized for CI/CD. It comes with a set of preinstalled languages, databases,
and utility tools commonly used for CI/CD workflows. The image can be paired
with any Apple machine type when defining the agent
of your pipeline or block.
The macos-mojave-xcode11
is a virtual machine (VM) image. The user in the environment,
named semaphore
, has full sudo
To use the macos-mojave-xcode11
OS image, define it as the os_image
of your agent's
version: 1.0
name: Apple/Mojave Based Pipeline
type: a1-standard-4
os_image: macos-mojave-xcode11
- name: "Unit tests"
- name: Tests
- make test
The macos-mojave-xcode11
OS image can only be used in combination with an Apple
machine type a1-standard-4
- ProductVersion: 10.14.6
- BuildVersion: 18G95
- Kernel Version: Darwin 18.7.0
Following version control tools are pre-installed:
- Git (2.x)
- Git LFS (Git Large File Storage)
- Svn
- homebrew
- bundler
- rbenv
- curl
- wget
- jq
Following gems are pre-installed:
- fastlane 2.131.0
- xcode-install 2.6.1
- cocoapods 1.7.5
- xcpretty 0.3.0
- openjdk 11.0.2
Installed version:
- v11.10.0
- Yarn: 1.13.0
Installed version:
- 2.7
- 3.7
Supporting libraries:
- pip3: 18.1
Installed versions:
- 2.3.7 (system)
- 2.5.1
- v1.8.3
Installed versions:
- 11.0
Xcode 11 has the following SDKs preinstalled:
- macosx10.15
- driverkit.macosx19.0
- iphoneos13.0
- iphonesimulator13.0
- appletvos13.0
- appletvsimulator13.0
- watchos6.0
- watchsimulator6.0