You can get the HelmValuesTransformer plugin installed kustomize container and can use it to build decapod yaml. Mount your decapod-yaml and excute docker run command with site specific decapod-yaml directory like this:
$ docker run -it -v $(pwd)/examples:/decapod-yaml sktdev/decapod-kustomize:v1 kustomize build --enable_alpha_plugins /decapod-yaml/helmvalues -o /decapod-yaml/output.yml
And delete first line of output.yml. The line is debug message.
NOTE: go 1.14 must be installed on your environment.
git clone
mkdir -p ~/.config/kustomize/plugin/
go build -buildmode plugin -o ~/.config/kustomize/plugin/ kustomize-helm-transformer/plugin/
kustomize build --enable_alpha_plugins kustomize-helm-transformer/examples/helmvalues/
Run below command in the directory where HelmValuesTransformer.go exists.
go test