Release notes help OpenSearch users learn about new features, and make educated decisions with regards to upgrading.
Release notes are located in the release-notes folder of the plugin repo.
Example: anomaly-detection/tree/main/release-notes
OpenSearch plugins use the following release notes naming convention: *opensearch-*<plugin repo name>*.release-notes-*<4 digit plugin version number>*.md
Release notes have the following categories, highlighted by a Header 3 (###
Example: ### Bug Fixes
- A change in one part of a software system that causes other parts to fail.
- A change that will require users to make a corresponding change.
Example: * Invalidate HTTP GET method ([#414](
A change that introduce a net new unit of functionality of a software system that satisfies a requirement, represents a design decision, and provides a potential configuration option. As for improvement on existing features, use the Enhancement category. As for fixes on existing features, use the Bug Fixes category.
Example: * Add start/stop batch actions on detector list page ([#195](
A product change or upgrade that increases software capabilities beyond original client specifications, or an improvement on the existing feature’s functionality.
Example: * Improve batch action modal loading state ([#216](
A change to a system or product designed to handle a programming bug/glitch.
Example: * Fix Jacoco coverage issue introduced in odfe 1.8.0 ([#134](
A change to infrastructure, testing, CI/CD, pipelines, etc.
Example: * Add CI for e2e ([#208](
A change to update existing documentations such as README, docs, etc.
Example: * Update build instructions ([#93](
A change to add support for new versions of OpenSearch or OpenSearch Dashboards from upstream.
Example: * Add support for OpenSearch 1.0 ([#219](
A change intended to improve the design, structure, and/or implementation of the software, while preserving its functionality.
Example: * Make ClusterDetailsEventProcessor and all its access methods non-static ([#283](
Under each category, each line represents a change with its corresponding pull-request number formatted as a hyperlink.
Do not add additional Prefix before the change description or PR nsumber.
Incorrect: * BUGFIX: (Issue [#123](http:/#123)): Fix the out of memory issue (PR [#456](http:/#456))
Correct: * Fix the out of memory issue ([#456](https:/#456))
Always use * (asterisk) for the bulleted list, do not use alternatives such as - (hyphen/dash).
Incorrect: - Fix the out of memory issue ([#456](http:/#456))
Correct: * Fix the out of memory issue ([#456](http:/#456))
Always surround the PR number/hyperlink with a pair of parentheses to highlight it.
Incorrect: * Fix the out of memory issue [#456](http:/#456)
Correct: * Fix the out of memory issue ([#456](http:/#456))
Create a GitHub Actions workflow to help draft release notes. See .github/workflows/draft-release-notes.yml for an example. This workflow is configured using .github/draft-release-notes-config.yml.
See release-drafter for more information. Note that this GitHub action utilizes labels on PRs. For more information on automating labels, see the auto-labeling workflow.