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Atri Mukherjee rade-ark
touching grass sometimes
Kush Patel libkush
~sui generis


Andrew Woods andrewwoods
Senior Developer located in NYC, who creates and improves web applications. He’s specializes in PHP-based applications.

Paramount Queens, NY

Tarang Gupta tarang802
Freshman @ VITChennai |Passionate About Coding |Fueled by coffee and coding adventures | Debugging life, one line of code at a time! :)

Chennai ,Tamil Nadu

Rithwik Sriram The-Fallen-Phoenix
👋 Hi, I'm Rithwik Sriram, a first-year student at VIT Chennai, passionate about technology, problem-solving, and innovation.
MattiaMdr MattiaMDR
Freelance Data Analyst | SQL, Spark SQL, Data Wrangling, A/B Testing, Machine Learning, Sales Forecasting, Data Visualization, Power BI Specialist

Freelance Naples

Rishi Bharadwaj Sai Lella rishibharadwajsai
Electronics and Computer Engineering Undergrad at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai

Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai KPHB, Hyderabad

Joe v kadavan Joevkadavan
Hi I'm interested in coding and would like to collaborate with others to improve my coding and communication skills 🙂👍🏻
Pavithran M atPavithran
Machine learning enthusiast exploring ways to make life easier and fun.
Bharghav Srinivasan BharZInstein
College Undergrad Exploring the worlds of Web3 and AI
Aditya Jyoti Aditya-Jyoti
Using tech to cope with the struggles of existence


Karan puang59
I fixed a bug once

@vent-host Chennai

Akshansh Akshansh029
👋 Hey, I'm Akshansh! A web developer who loves crafting sleek UIs with React, Next.js, and turning caffeine into code.
Nishanth C chnrv99
VITC-25 | Developer | Ethical-Hacker | Open-Source-Contributor

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai VIT Chennai

Sayan Deb andybeas
Pre-Final year @ Vellore Institute of Technology | Loves being a developer❤️

Kolkata, India

Deepak Pradip DeepakAC3
racing game enthusiast
Adi Mahapatra Adi-404
Keep pushin..


Harshit Kumar Singh harshitsinghcode
Always Onwards and Upwards!

Hyderabad, India

Abhijith Ganesh AbhijithGanesh
Certified Kubernetes Administrator | Former Maintainer @dokc | Contributor @pyrsia | Chairperson @ieeevitc

Chennai, India

Sujay Ghosh SujayGh0sh
Pre-Final Year @ Vellore Institute of Technology | Crafting Solutions, Fueled by Passion for Code 👨‍💻

Vellore Institute of Technology Kolkata, India

Sam Shervin S sam-shervin
Junior at VITC | Tech Enthusiast!

@ComputerSocietyVITC Chennai, India

Shuban M S shubanms
A Final year student from VIT Chennai, pursuing a bachelors degree in Electronics and Computer engineering.

VIT Chennai Bangalore, Karnataka

Mohammad Faiz Abid atfaizzz

@ComputerSocietyVITC Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Deepthi B deepthibalasubramanian
Final year Student at VIT Chennai | Gold Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Inquisitive & Inspired!


Robin Roy robinroy03
Building stuff. Actively exploring CS :)
Visnu Calciumcarbonate321
I code sometimes

Earth Inc. localhost

Gautham Krishna gauthking
Full Stack Web3/Web2 Dev 🦊. Blockchain Developer 🔐. Machine Learning & AI Enthusiast 🧠.


Aadhithya D Aadhithya-D
I'm Aadhithya D, a passionate coder with intermediate experience in Python, Android, iOS, Spring Framework, GCP and Flutter.

Recruitr AI Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Steve Aldrin steve-aldrin
i like to build stuff

Recruitr AI