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Nayra de Sousa NayraSousa
Estudante de Ciência da Computação
Mahsa Farahani mahsafrhni
MSc Student, Firmware Researcher

@Sharif-University-ESRLab Tehran-Iran

Md Hasanur (Hasan) Rahman hasanur-rahman
PhD Candidate in Computer Science. UIowa Dependable System Lab. Research Intern at Argonne National Laboratory.

University of Iowa USA

Xiang Zheng x-zheng16

City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Habib Itopa Mohammed habib-itopa
I am a PhD Student at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. My Research is on Blockchain Applications for Digital Assets.

North Carolina State University Raleigh, United States

deer deer1025
I am a student in SUN YAT-SEN University

SUN YAT-SEN University SUN YAT-SEN University

Machine391 Machine391
Love cybersecurity and learining anything ??😉


XHY BruceXiefromnpu
Phd candidate, interested in data-driven, model predictive control, security control

Beihang University Beijing, China

kasra zarei kasrazarei39
B.Sc Student of Computer Engineering at @ Amirkabir University of Technology

AUT Tehran

Viraj Awate virajawate
Lets talk about Robotics, Machine Learning and Innovation in Automation. Juggling my life between C++ and Python. Mumbai, India, 400014

Gou Tan (谭苟) floritange
Ph.D. in CS, SYSU (中山大学)

Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China

Rachmad Putra rachmadvwp
Research Associate

TU Wien & NYU Abu Dhabi Wien, AT & Abu Dhabi, UAE

FOS(S/H) Enthusiast.

CentraleSupélec Rennes, France.

Hariprasad Kannan science-enthusiast
Software engineer with skill in scientific computing and systems programming.
Pavel Anpin anpin
telling machines what to do bleep bloop


Zichuan Li river-li
Ph.D. student at IUB, focused on computer system security.

Indiana University Bloomington Bloomington, IN

Andrew Wan Wan-xiaohui
Research Assistant, Suzhou Aerospace Information Research Institute; Research on AI for SE and SE for AI.

Suzhou Aerospace Information Research Institute 158 Dushu Lake Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China.

Kaixuan Li MarkLee131
Ph.D. Candidate at ECNU.


Jianpeng Zhao zjpzhao
A Ph.D. student from the University of Macau, SKL-IOTSC.
Security.eth EthSecurity1
Solidity security researcher
Kathiani Elisa de Souza Kathiani
Bacharel, Sistemas de Informação.
Pranjal Gulati DevPranjal
exploring intelligence, artificial and otherwise

@microsoft @dsgiitr Hyderabad

Navin Mohan navin-mohan
Video Streaming, Deep Learning, LLMs

Concordia University Montreal

Giovanni g5n-dev

Peking|Kuala Lumpur|Singapore

Himanshu himanshujaidka
Passionate Coder and learner. 🎯 Committed to open-source ❤ Ready to accept challenges and break the challenges into small pieces.

@HackinCodes @mozilla @fossasia @mdn India

Atefeh Zareh Atefeh-Zareh
Java, J2EE, Security, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Smart Contract, Formal Verification

Somewhere, Earth