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AlTheOne AlTheOne
Backend Engineer


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


hxy snoen777

Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Christopher Newport University & Jefferson Lab Newport News, VA

Piyush Pradhan piyush-ppradhan
PhD. Candidate @columbia Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering

Columbia University

Lorenzo Polizzi LolloPoli
PhD position at: University of Ferrara.

University of Ferrara Bologna

Hemalatanayak Hemalatanayak
PhD student at William & Mary M.Sc at Central University of Karnataka
Ajay Mali Ajay-Mali
Full Stack Developer with expertise in building scalable web applications. Proficient in front-end and back-end technologies
Li, Yuan YuanLiSDU
Graduate student in Shandong University, group member of PRad at JLab.
SVJ_Vitor shenvitor
PhD student in hadron physics (Experimental and computational)

Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum

Danielle Schaper dcschaper
Postdoc at Indiana University, specializing in weak interaction physics/neutron scattering. Member of LEGEND, NOPTREX, and MOLLER collaborations.


Particle Physics PhD Student
Richard Brunner rmbrunner
Graduate student at Florida State University working in experimental hadronic nuclear physics at Jefferson Lab.
Abeda Aljarrah Abeda-Aljarrah

Yarmouk University / ZagTrader Jordan

yukon zhouxinyu
Cofounder & CTO of @AutoMQ, Apache Member, RocketMQ co-creator. We are hiring, connect me with WeChat: zhou-xiny

@automq Hangzhou China

Joseph Moscoso jomo101
Nuclear physics graduate student at UNC Nuclear Theory in Lattice QCD, lattice Effective Field Theory, and high performance computing.


Frederick grad datafu
Performance among clear third less more floor deal.
Bryan Moffit bmoffit
Data Acquisition Scientist at @JeffersonLab

@JeffersonLab Jefferson Lab

Parada Hutauruk paradahutauruk
I am a nuclear, particle, and hadron theorist and astrophysicist

Pukyong National University (PKNU) Busan Metropolitan City

Joachim Tsakanikas joachim-tsakanikas
Physics grad student | subatomic physics
Mumushion gezhuang0717
Nuclear physics/astrophysics/engineering
Colin Egerer CEgerer93

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Science Applications International Corporation Washington, DC

Richard K Collins RichardKCollins
The Internet Foundation, Global Issues, Global Open Resources, Global Open Data Collaborations, Gravitational Engineering

The Internet Foundation Houston Texas

Abhishek abhich2507
Physics graduate focused on experimental high-energy and nuclear physics,passionate about exploring the field from fundamental theories to ML.


Riley (Ari) mint42
Hello! I'm a first year physics PhD student at OSU. I previously studied at 42SV where I learned C/C++/ASM. I'm an avid hobbyist and I love my pup :)

Ohio University

Nesar Ramachandra nesar
Cosmology | ML | HPC

Argonne National Laboratory United States