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Mason Auten Mason-auten
Graduate student at Vanderbilt University studying International Relations
ant1 solertoyo
Development, Environmental, Conservation Economist. Stats/remote sensing...


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


ehsan,zibaei mycatx
I am interested in learning the Julia programming language and am trying to enter the programming field.

D.D.Mahsan In This World

Willem Mazzotti Pallard Willem-Mazzotti-P
Science and technology enthusiast. Concerned about the climate crisis. Working mainly with Energy Technology and Energy Systems (focus GSHPs and UTES)


Max Bridges maxwelldb
Senior Technical Writer, OpenShift

Red Hat Boston

Interested in the Earth's interior.


Egor Kotov e-kotov
Spatial Data Scientist, PhD Student at @MPIDR and UPF

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock, Germany

Fabio Hochleitner fabiohochleitner
Meteorologist. Coordinator of Earth Observation Group at Laboratory for Computational Methods in Engineering

LAMCE/COPPE/UFRJ/Aquamet Meteorologia Rio de Janeiro

Lifeng Ren lifengren95
PhD Student, Applied Economics, UMN;
Jarred C Lloyd jarredclloyd
Geologist interested in geochronology, geochemistry, tectonics, statistics, coding (Julia, R, VBA), and photography to name a few things.

University of Adelaide Australia

Ace-of-Heartz Ace-of-Heartz
Computer Science student


Christina Ertural QuantumChemist
Full-stack Quantum Chemist, PostDoc at @BAMresearch, autoplex ( dev, former LOBSTER ( dev. Berlin, Germany

Steffen steffenhaug
Studying computer science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


William Guimont-Martin willGuimont
Ph.D. student in deep learning and mobile robotics at Norlab, Université Laval. Candidate to the engineering profession (CEP). Inventor.

@norlab-ulaval, Université Laval Quebec City, Canada

Damien LaRocque IamPhytan
M. Sc. (Computer Science - Robotics) @norlab-ulaval - B. Eng. (Electrical) @ UMoncton - Looking for opportunities in robotics and AI

Northern Robotics Laboratory (@norlab-ulaval) Quebec City, Canada

McMike ArchbishopMoipolai
Geospatial Intelligence and Engineer

Johannesburg, South Africa

Aditya Sharma geovicco-dev
Geospatial and earth observation data scientist

Melbourne, Australia

Mason Ross Hayes masonrhayes
Economics consultant at AlixPartners. Interested in industrial organization and technology. Passionate about literature and open-source software.

AlixPartners London, UK


ETH Zürich Switzerland

Maximilian Elixhauser Secreez
Just an ordinary guy who loves tech, teaching, and writing stuff.

Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS Austria, Salzburg

Dehua Li Edwardlee20
University of Glasgow, PhD in Econ. My research interests include macroeconomics, especially for growth and development, spatial and economic history.

University of Glasgow Glasgow

Ali Mert Ceylan hiiroo

Yaşar University

Jeremy Rapp rappjer1
Earth and Environmental Geosciences Graduate Student at Michigan State University

Michigan State Hydrogeology Lab Michigan State University

Luke Zaruba lukezaruba
Spatial Data Science, Data Engineering, & Geospatial Development

Saint Paul, Minnesota

Max Bittens StreetLevel

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Hannover

MIKE_L asoluer
Urban planning and remote sensing
Hachi Abderrahmane Ben Salem ihahachi
Geomatics, Spatial programming (PostGIS, GeoServer, OpenLayers, Mapbox, Leaflet)

Terrainknowledge Algeria

Iacopo iacopoff

EURAC Research Milan (IT)

Guilherme Kenji Chihaya chihayakenji

Nord University Bodø, Norway