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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Serhii Shyran sshyran
Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor Ukraine

inov8 inov8ru

RUMEX Instruments Kazan, Russian Federation

dr.cartheur cartheur
Multifold interest in intelligence, programming, and physical systems engineering.

Cartheur Research B.V. Dark Europe

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Vsevolod Popov sevapopov2
I am Vsevolod. I am interested in QA engineering. Currently I am learning automationin QA and Accessibility Testing. I learn coding in Java and Python.

Moscow, Russia.


BA Botaniek Mechelen

Aleksander Konovalov kasandko
C++, Python, Lua programmer. Main activity - UI development. Interests: UI, low level programming, embedded, digital circuit design, electronics and more.
Mateo Cedillo rmcpantoja
Hi! Welcome to my profile. I'm passionate about singing and piano, also programming and speech tech. If you want to contribute something, feel free to do it!


yuriykaz yuriykaz
A human being from Earth.
Stephen Karl Larroque lrq3000
🤖AI researcher and 🧠clinical neuroscientist. MRI specialist. OSS developer & maintainer, especially in 🐍Python and MATLAB.

GIGA-Consciousness - Coma Science Group - University & Hospital of Liège Belgium

Michael Eaton Sariohara
Hello I am a Student At San Jose City College. Who Studies Computer programming and Game dev at school. I am also self taught in programming and game dev


Nizo Priskorn dpriskorn
I love designing and writing software.

Stockholm, Sweden

Ivan Ivan2navI
⭐️Per aspera ad Astra⭐️


Michael oneofmanyacdcfanstoo
PC Technician, Android Enthusiast, AC/DC Fanboy