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June-Hao Hou junehao
Director & Associate Professor in Digital Media and Production Environment, Graduate Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan


Tianjin University

Nick Bristow AtelierLibre
Architect and spatial data analyst
Sepehr Zhand sepehrzh
I like maps, and I do research them.


Merve Gamze Çınar mgamzec
Data Analytics | Geo-statistics | BI Developer | Location Intelligence
Ana Luisa Maffini anamaffini
PhD candidate in Urban and Regional Planning at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Porto Alegre, Brazil

Xu Zihan xuzzhan

Tongji University Shanghai

Michael Diedricks mdiedricks
Scala developer and designer interested in the convergence of technology and day-to-day living.

London, UK

Alexandre Castro alexbccastro
Architect and Urbanist, MSc in Urban and Environmental Engineering, PhD candidate in Architecture and Urbanism. Space Syntax | GIS | Python

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte João Pessoa, Brazil

Mike tinrobot2000

Somewhere in Oz

Vitor Prates aligvitor
Architect, BIM-Based Urban Infrastructure Specialist

Londrina, Brazil.

Gareth Simons songololo
Urban & spatial analysis & visualisation. Backend: PostGIS, Python, sklearn, tensorflow... Frontend: vue, mapboxgl... See benchmark-urbanism for public repos.

Benchmark Urbanism London, UK

Shealin You youxt-njnu
I am Shealin You, a student in Nanjing University. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.

Nanjing Unversity Nanjing University

@Boycetoon Boycetoon

Harbin Institute Technology Shenzhen

Tara taraliu23
GaTech CSE '25, Metalhead, CTFer, Feminist, Queer.

ucl IDUD Chengdu

traditional urban planning subject 要学的这辈子都学不完