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Security Guard @CyberJutsu

@CyberJutsu 43C1

steelburn steelburn

@zencomputersystems Cyberjaya

Martin Thuo hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


João Pedro akajhon
Bacharel em Ciências da Computação pela FEI. Engajado em Cybersegurança e Segurança da informação.

T-Systems do Brasil R. Baffin, 32 h - Chácara Inglesa, São Bernardo do Campo - SP, 09750-620

Waris Damkham Waariss
Hi, I am new here. @faculty of Information and Communication Technology (ICT Mahidol)

Mahidol University Thailand

Pwnzzz 💀 fckoo
⚠Just your ordinary wanna be sec person, CTFer 🚩 🐱‍👤


Azka Ainul Ma'arij lawbyte
Just a simple guy


sysnoob ismailsanan

HN Security S.r.l. Torino , italy

pasdepseudo pasdepseud0
Tech Enthusiast, I like to eat my code in spaghetti, just as I like to arrange my cables in spaghetti, perfect method to obfuscate and secure env. (i'm kidding)

n/a localisation: between two nodes

Simon Leung puzzithinker
Web3/ Cyber Security/ Fintech
Caio F. Oliveira Caio-Devv
Estudando desenvolvimento de script para servidores e jogos. Cursando graduação em Analises e Desenvolvimento de Software.

São Paulo

❌Em Dawg❌ Em-Dawg

Alien Intelligence Labs Ohio, USA

Gerry Merino CyberWolfByte
Security pro passionate about learning and experimentation, exploring security domains through projects that build skills and deepen understanding
shiyan sh1yan
Enjoy , and never stop learning !
BostonHacker MarkFoudy

Boston, Massachusetts

thec0nci3rge thec0nci3rge
IT-Security Engineer & Developer


Kevin kevinelwell
Security Engineer

Pittsburgh, PA