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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

@kingfs kingfs


yoichi-ikegawa tanakaryo
IT Specialist in Deloitte.
Joel Ibaceta joelibaceta
Software Engineer, Fintech Expert, Technical Advisor, Digital Nomad, Open Source Contributor, Investor

Lima, Peru

Md Moman Ul Haque Khan rushow

University of Regina Regina, Canada

zhang-ning zhang-ning

Sayanta Chowdhury sayanta28
Doing unnecessary manything, @ml-lab-sau 🙏

@SouthAsianUni New Delhi 110068

enducube enducube
hello everyone

University of Canterbury

Mahmut Uludag uludag

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust!

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Seoul, Republic of Korea

Maryam Kazemi Taskooh MaryamKazemit
master student at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

Sadad Informatics Corporation Tehran,Iran

Thomas Ott tomott12345
Civil Engineer / Startup Guy / Machine Learning / Technology / Writer / Sales Engineer for H2O.

New Jersey, USA

sync. syncwrld
Java developer, advanced experience with Bukkit & SQL Databases. Knowledge with SpringBoot, JDA & Javacord.

@StreetHosting são luís, ma - brazil

CH Sun gitforziio
Computational linguistics, Language knowledge engineering, Language intelligent system. Chinese Language and Literature PhD student.

Peking University Beijing

Isnandar Fajar Pangestu isnandar1471
Hai, friends!

East Java, Indonesia

Min-Hsien Weng samminweng
A computer science PhD interested in applying machine learning (NLP, LLM, ..), software verification, compilers, and programming languages

Hamilton, New Zealand

Younes younes-io
Julia. Rust. Prolog. Python. Typescript. Node.js. TLA+. LLMs. Distributed systems. Concurrency. Consensus algorithms.
Hamid Rouhani hamid914
I'm a M.Sc student of Software Engineering at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. I'm working in Web Technology lab under supervision of Prof. Mohsen Kahani.

Tehran, Iran

Yanhao Feng tubage147

Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Mustang Kong mustang2247
No money No fredom

PayBlock BeiJing

Tyler Hale tyhal
Compiled @ Garage Startup


Joymutlu alexdoublesmile
Immortality is out there in these digits
Charles Gignac Charles-Gignac-CGQ
Directeur scientifique au Centre de Géomatique du Québec (CGQ)

Centre de Géomatique du Québec Lévis, Québec

Grégory Bonaventure gregory-bonaventure
Software Engineer & Poet | Java, Python, C++ enthusiast | Cloud Computing | Agile methodologies | Code reviewer & mentor

daftech Lyon

Natan Ogliari OgliariNatan
Graduating in software engineering from UNOPAR. I have a technical degree in electronics, experience in embedded development.

@casa-inteligente @ENGENHARIA-DE-SOFTWARE-UNOPAR Brasil

Jacopo Boffelli Jacopo98
Studente di ingegneria informatica presso Università degli studi di Bergamo

Università degli studi di Bergamo Botta di Sedrina, Bergamo, Italia