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Zelenev Nikolay zelenevn
Java/Kotlin backend developer
Roman Inozemtsev inozemtsev-roman
Key competence - cognitive programming of subjective reality: anthropic-individual adjustment of the semantic interpretation of the purpose of existence </mir>

@mir-one MIR

_ AhegaoXXX
Just pet-projects
Konstantin Ždanović zdanovic
Data Scientist

Serbia, Belgrade

OoCristian De Jesus De Leon Lowprofile666-hub
@chrisde827 @chrisde827deleonLowprofile666hub @cristiandejesusdeleon @ecstatica962d25f0b @dejesusdeleon300 @De40307Leon

Cristian De Jesus De Leon J Luna Street Poblacion San Pedro Laguna Philippines 4027

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

OleH. nerzh
Server Side Swift 🧡

SPE Ukraine

zachi.eth memoriaXII
Be private. Grow in silence.
Yelaman Yelmuratov yelmuratoff
Mobile Engineer | Flutter / Dart developer
Troy bbqchickenrobot
Senior Full stack .NET developer (C#/F#) and Rust

Microbians Los Angeles

Maksim G drmick
Rust Developer

@broxus Belgrade

OrderK📦 stevekeol
Life is magic, Coding is art


Roman theartcode
The Art of Turning Ideas into Code
jack luo lpj0017
Mobile Architect

Alibaba shanghai China

Booyoun Booyoun-Kim
Web3 / Software Engineer


Pierre Neter pierreneter
In this finite physical universe, only our mind is infinite



Self-Sovereign Finance Kyiv

alexey crypto dgam777
crypto enthusiast

eywa Ukraine

Denis JeremiahGeronimo
Webaggressive Developer

@broxus Bali, Indonesia