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Louis Opter lopter
Random sysadmin and programmer. Working on something new. Previously at Dropbox, Uber and dotCloud (Docker).

San Francisco

Xavier Groleau xgroleau
Firmware engineer @GoChromatic. Embedded⚡, Rust 🦀, Nix ❄️ and keyboard ⌨️ enthusiast.

GoChromatic Quebec, Canada

Michael Mongelli MMongelli99
Software Systems Engineer @ CS Analytical labs

CS Analytical

Aspiring programmer

Manifold Kyiv, Ukraine

raf NotAShelf
Political Scientist, Open source advocate, (dys)functional/high-level programmer. @NixOS hacker and nixpkgs contributor.

@feel-co [::1]

Peder Bergebakken Sundt pbsds
(not actually a bird)

NTNU Norway, Trondheim

Inayet Hadi inayet
Exciting times where tech is at your finger tips, apis, webhooks, llm, learn and share, being thankful

Dreams API Denver, CO

Matt C SomethingGeneric
maker of things that sometimes work

Champlain College 30°03'13.7"N 98°21'35.0"W

Ludovico LudovicoPiero
72CA 4F61 46C6 0DAB

@AkukinKensetsu TORONTO_KYOTO

Sefa Eyeoglu Scrumplex
Working on Free and Open Source stuff
