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Sydney, Australia

Promie Yutasane promie
Software Engineer

OFX Sydney

Engramar Bollas engramar

@codesydney Sydney, Australia

Kalyanbrata Maity KalyanbrataMaity
Lead Data Analyst | Infosys BPM | Pune

Infosys BPM Pune

Belinda Shan blingblingda
Front-end Developer | Javascript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Python, C, Git, Docker | Creative Problem Solver | Growing mindset Melbourne

Glen | Tyne Tyne-GW
Running through life with a torch in one hand and a sword in the other

Tyne Hong Kong

Full stack developer, working in the pharmacy industry.

South Australia

jplorenzini josepedrolorenzini
Programming while i am in this material world. Sydney , Australia

Zizhang Ou Kevin Zen ZizhangOu
Explore the Turth of Universe, Extend the Universe Civilization
Lachlan McBride lach-killerpythons
Python, Rust, Go, Machine Learning/AI, Web Development
Tyson Nguyen mrteeson94
Aspiring Cloud/DevOps engineer with interest in specialising Microsoft stack (.NET framework, SQL-Server, Azure) , python scripting and deployment automation!


Zac Hobba HobbaZ
Full Stack Web Developer interested in learning cool new tech, currently working in retail and as a volunteer web developer at Code.Sydney.

ServiceNow Lidcombe, NSW, Australia

Zone IT Solutions zoneitsolutions

Zone IT Solutions Melbourne

Daniel Gooden dangoodie

Sydney, Australia

Viswanadh Bhaskarla viswanadh05

Software Engineer Sydney

Jimmy Yao JIMMY-YA0
Software Development Engineer with experience in ReactJs, Next.Js, and Node.Js.


Kurt Yang kurtyang518
Product Manager

VMware Tanzu Labs Sydney Australia

John-Rey jvillad
Full Stack Developer

Sydney, Australia

Alex argbeknwn
Hi! My name is Alex ๐Ÿ‘‹ I am Entrepreneur and web leader. Developing digital services for B2B. I am interested in Digital Marketing ๐Ÿ“Š and MVP Development

ARGBE.TECH - B2B Digital Services

Cameron Lilley CameronLilley
Founder of @TechRoaming. Trying to break out in the tech industry.

@Code.Sydney , @techroaming

Srinivas srini2204

Victoria, Australia