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SPHYNX gakkossphynx
Neither Me Nor You


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Brent BrentDaMage
Fan of the ROBLOX web-platform infrastructure. ngmoco (536264867536175104)
Sergiu Lupse sergiulupse
3d Artist / game designer

Sergiu Lupse Cluj-Napoca, Romania

writing shit code is a skill I am trying to develop. What has helped me so far was to write incomplete systems, share it with other people and see what happens.

SkyStar Studio YeShan Planet Earth

Sergey Morozov Tr0sT
GameDev & Trading

Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod