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Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Hossein hossein-no1
Android developer with 6+ years of experience.


Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
PhD Candidate | Environmental Engineer | Water Resources Engineer | Environmental Data Scientist | GIS Analyst

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Daniel Buckley dannbuckley
Data Specialist at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology

Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology

Adnan Abbas Shah adnanabbasshah
GIS Analyst | GIS developer | Machine Learning


Jaco Skrapnell7
A hydrogeologist seeking to improve geoscience data collection and processing for groundwater projects.


Jeff jeffnorville
Hydrogeologist, geospatial data wrangler

Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Pawan Thapa thapawan
Geomorphology, Remote Sensing, Climate Change, GIS, Geoinformatics, Ecology

University of Alabama USA

Jorge Cruz jorgelcq
I'm sleepy, and yes, now I am

UNALM Lima, Perú

Luwen Wan LuwenWan
Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford ESS & HAI. Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Science from Michigan State University.

Stanford University Palo Alto

James Coll JimColl
FIM Developer | Digital Wreaking Ball | Awful Geographer


Ph.D. student @ Technion

Tel Aviv

Asmare Belay Ngussie AsmareB
Hi there! I'm a hydrologist, and I am voluntary to do any research related to hydrology and water Resources Engineering. I need Scholarship in PhD program.

Wollo University Ethiopia

Cao Zhigang zgcao
Ph.D, aquatic remote sensing, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chinese Academy of Science Najing, JiangSu Prov.

Catherine Tulley cjtulley
Manager of Environmental Programs for the greater Pittsburgh MPO.

Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission Pittsburgh, PA

Tao Huang th2018
Machine learning, data mining

Boise State University Boise, ID

Jeff Dalgliesh jeffdalgliesh
interested in things

data² the shipyard

Jennifer Mays jlmays
Data and Project Manager for the Astromaterials Data System

LDEO, Columbia University Palisades, NY

Alvaro Lopez Garcia alvarolopez
Doing my stuff so that others can make their stuff

CSIC - Spanish National Research Council Spain

Beatriz Negreiros beatriznegreiros
Research Associate MSc. Water Resources Engineering

University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany

Jody Alford ProbablyJody
Lucky to be a Husband, Dad, and Software Engineer. All opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the those of my family, friends, or employer.

@NSS-Software-Engineering United States

Arpita Patel arpita0911patel
DevOps Manager and Enterprise Architect

@AlabamaWaterInstitute @CIROH-UA Tuscaloosa, AL