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Abdul Malik abdulmalik812
Passionate Computer Science student, focused on coding, innovation, and solving real-world problems.

Integral University UttarPradesh, lucknow

Wiktor Bajor Wiktor-99

Robotics Engineer at xBerry | @cocorobotics Wrocław

Dr.Harsh Maithani harshmaithani
Robotics Engineer | PhD in Physical Human-Robot Interaction

BSH Bad Neustadt, Germany

Tejas Salian tejasps28
Robotics Researcher

Robotics Research Centre, IIIT Hyderabad India

Marcelo Saavedra hchelo
I am passionate about Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Mobile Robotics.

Samekh Electronics

Kalhan Boralessa kalhansb
PhD student in Robotics and AI at Nottingham Trent University

United Kingdom

Dileep Kumar Munagapati mdileepkumar438
Robotics | MSc Robotics | Machine learning / deep learning / Vision, motion control, path planning, electronics and more. Expertise in Python, C/C++


Mike Degany MikeDegany
Mechatronics Engineer Autonomous Vehicles Expert @MikeDegany

United States of America

Educator / researcher at Széchenyi István University

Széchenyi István University Győr, Hungary, Europe

Barham Farraj Farraj007
BSc Mechanical Engineer Jordan/// Vehicle Engineer Hungary Software Developer / Robotics Engineer

@jkk-research Gyor,Hungary

Engin Oksuz enginksz
Autonomous Driving Software Engineer


Hi. there!

Wuhan University of Technology

Said Emre Ergen emrergen
build car but drive autonomously
Recepalp Recepalp10ılı-b2a0a0231


Nobby- Phayuth
Mechanical, Robotic, Mechatronics

Student at Chonnam Univ. Korea Phnom Penh, Cambodia/ Gwangju, Korea



爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

吴凯荣 KairongWu
The world now, I don't want. Let me coding a world for myself.

GDUT China.Guangdong.Guangzhou

Cihat Kurtuluş Altıparmak CihatAltiparmak
Istanbul Technical University - Computer Engineering
coffee hoppss

Beijing, China

Istvan Kecskemeti kelendas
Electrical Engineer at Széchenyi István university

Jarmuipari Kutatokozpont

zhouzuhong Forrest-Z
A fake programmer


Kshitiz Kumar KshitizKumarGupta
I am an ML Enthusiast who likes to solve real-life problems...

Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad Hyderabad

Daniel Amigo DanielAmigo
PhD student and research Computer Science Department, GIAA Research Group

University Carlos III of Madrid Madrid

Batuhan Beytekin batuhanbeytekin
Autonomous Driving Software Developer | Mechatronics Engineering Student

Robeff Technology Istanbul, Turkey

Control and Automation Engineering at Yildiz Technical University

AeskAutonomous İzmir, Turkey

Yinqiang Zhang YinqiangZhang
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

LucianZhong lucianzhong



Hilden, Germany