João Vitor Oliveira Mendes
May, 2004; Student Analysis and Systems Development - Fatec/Sp
São Paulo, Brasil
Milan Felix Šulc
📦 Package maker (@nette @contributte @dockette) • 🐘 Web-dev-guy • 💿 Multimedia engineer (@moderntv) • 👨👩👧👦 Father
@f3l1x /var/run/f3l1x
Digital Kore
A Programmer, Ethical Hacker, REngineer, PHP Developer, And a Modern Disassembly Hacker, Linux Hacktivists and a Philanthropist, DM me on Twitter for more Info.
Dev Security and PHP Programmer Cebu City, Philippines
Ibnu Raffi
Full Stack Web Developer | Android Developer | Part Time Gamer
WebAhli Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Mike van Eckendonk
I am a self-taught Full-Stack developer. Always training my knowledge and learning the latest technologies to develop any software application. @XOOMMIT
XOOMMIT / VECKS Ltda / CCC USA Brazil / Netherlands Working Remotely.
Benjamin Franklin
A passionate Back-end Web Developer.
PHP | Laravel
Lagos, Nigeria