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João Vitor Oliveira Mendes Joao-Mendes-1
May, 2004; Student Analysis and Systems Development - Fatec/Sp

São Paulo, Brasil

Engineer in Commerce and Finance with a passion for data science
Vitruvius mitsxu

Athens, Greece

Bhavesh bhaveshpadave
Programmer, Experienced in JAVA, PHP, and JS.

Mumbai, India

Milan Felix Šulc f3l1x
📦 Package maker (@nette @contributte @dockette) • 🐘 Web-dev-guy • 💿 Multimedia engineer (@moderntv) • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Father

@f3l1x /var/run/f3l1x

Digital Kore binarykore
A Programmer, Ethical Hacker, REngineer, PHP Developer, And a Modern Disassembly Hacker, Linux Hacktivists and a Philanthropist, DM me on Twitter for more Info.

Dev Security and PHP Programmer Cebu City, Philippines

Lucas Boemeke boemekeld
Talk is cheap. Let me show you the code.


Ibnu Raffi ibnu12126800
Full Stack Web Developer | Android Developer | Part Time Gamer

WebAhli Cirebon, Jawa Barat

Ledraa mu6m
A Full Stack Developer.
Mike van Eckendonk mrEckendonk
I am a self-taught Full-Stack developer. Always training my knowledge and learning the latest technologies to develop any software application. @XOOMMIT

XOOMMIT / VECKS Ltda / CCC USA Brazil / Netherlands Working Remotely.

Benjamin Franklin benjamintemitope
A passionate Back-end Web Developer. PHP | Laravel

Lagos, Nigeria

Fernando Soares fernandosoarestec
Em constante aprendizado

Praise Tecnologia Goiânia